Duff Skruf?

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  • pris

    Duff Skruf?

    Has anyone noticed Skruf Stark portion not to be so good from the batches with May 2012 best before dates? I've had 2 orders from that batch now and both were tasteless, nicless, and burnless :/

    I remember Skruf going through a long period of this a while back. Hope it doesn't continue :/
  • Monkey
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2009
    • 3290

    I have some Skruf stark los that is fine....I will check the dates when I get home.


    • crullers
      • Oct 2011
      • 663

      Ya, I don't like the sounds of that - I have some loose on the way to me


      • precious007
        Banned Users
        • Sep 2010
        • 5885

        that's why loose is always better.

        Maybe you got it from an older batch.

        they have to sell those too, lol


        • pris

          If I recall the last time it went this way the los faired better than the portions.

          Precious - I don't think it's old stock if it doesn't expire until May. Infact said supplier runs out of Skruf nearly every week and has to order more in so not much chance of them having to shift old stock that's been sitting around for a while :-)


          • the Duff
            • Nov 2011
            • 17

            I resent the title of this thread!


            • Snusdog
              • Jun 2008
              • 6752

              Originally posted by the Duff
              I resent the title of this thread!
              I hear ya..........try having dog in your name

              Anyway...........I have dropped Skruf los from my rotation. The quality has just gone too far down hill over the past couple of years
              When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


              • Ansel
                • Feb 2011
                • 3696

                I won't rule out production inconsistencies but there is also the matter of us getting over-used to a snus and getting jaded to it which may need to be factored in.


                • Duff338
                  • Sep 2011
                  • 423

                  Originally posted by the Duff
                  I resent the title of this thread!

                  I do not condone anti-duff talk


                  • pris

                    LOL 'Duff-Man' :-)

                    Originally posted by the Duff
                    I resent the title of this thread!


                    • Monkey
                      Senior Member
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 3290

                      The los I have expires in February. 07-02-12.

                      I never had old Skruf so if I got a suspect batch I don't know.......actually this stuff is pretty darn good so it is probably a good batch.


                      • Ansel
                        • Feb 2011
                        • 3696

                        I just cracked open a roll with the 10th May 2012 date - it seems fine to me. Have you cut down on the yerba mate Pris? Because i find yerba mate will make the snus seem to hit harder.


                        • pris

                          Nope, no other changes my end.

                          Originally posted by Ansel
                          I just cracked open a roll with the 10th May 2012 date - it seems fine to me. Have you cut down on the yerba mate Pris? Because i find yerba mate will make the snus seem to hit harder.


                          • KarlvB
                            • Feb 2008
                            • 681

                            Not again. Just got an order of Skruf in to rotate with my dwindling supply of Grov, Ettan & General. Hopefully its ok.


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