To me Pioneer is Roda Lacket with the prunes kicked up a notch
I've got a pris in right now...............and to be honest..................As I look at future orders................Pioneer just makes me long for Gotlands Plain.....or Gellivare.......or Landstroms.
I promise each and every one of you............when I am King of the world (which should go down next Thursday around 2:17 pm)..............I will have 50 billion empty cans sent to Gellivare..............Jimmy's scrawny ass drug into my palatial office................and a memo sent to both companies which reads..........los snus by day's end...........or death
Give me a call when it happens! I will definitley make the new brand "THE KING OF THE WORLD´S SNUS" Taste of gold and laced with glamorous traditional snus aroma that fits a king
Give me a call when it happens! I will definitley make the new brand "THE KING OF THE WORLD´S SNUS" Taste of gold and laced with glamorous traditional snus aroma that fits a king
I see an important ministry position in your future!!!!
When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
I see a lot of guys stashing up large amounts of snus, like 10 - 50 rolls
of my experience snus goes bad after one year even refrigerated
! don't order more than one or two rolls if you use a can a week.........
one or two rolls at the time should be enough....
I've learned my lesson ... a lot of my snus has gone bad after one year in the freezer
If i had the money, i'd be stocked up for the next 10 years. If we're being honest, we really don't know what's going on with the EU tobacco products directive. It was only last march we had all the online sites locked down, we couldn't get anything until GN Tobacco started selling. If sales of Swedish snus from Sweden into the EU went tits up like last year, i want a stock. As it stands now, i'd only be OK for maybe 16 weeks at a push.
Something doesn't seem right. Northerner runs out of Pioneer almost as soon as it arrives. Unless they are keeping back stock elsewhere your snus should be very fresh. I am almost wondering if the date got stamped wrong. Does it seem fresh?
Yes mate, it does 'seem' fresh. As this is the first lot i've had, i can't draw any comparison, but it's still out of date
Originally posted by squeezyjohn
Bad luck Fazer!
At least you got the snus you paid for which is more than I did.
I'd call that a result of sorts. But I'd still advise against ordering from Northerner's US warehouse in the UK even if the shipping prices are comparatively low - it's just a gamble on whether it will get to you or not.
I'm glad the gamble paid off because i've not got any work, or money coming in at the moment, i can't really afford for stuff to go missing
If i had the money, i'd be stocked up for the next 10 years. If we're being honest, we really don't know what's going on with the EU tobacco products directive. It was only last march we had all the online sites locked down, we couldn't get anything until GN Tobacco started selling. If sales of Swedish snus from Sweden into the EU went tits up like last year, i want a stock. As it stands now, i'd only be OK for maybe 16 weeks at a push.
you can go to sweden any time
and bring just about 3kg's of snus
that should last you a year maybe more
I bet you can bring more than 3kg's crossing borders if you're smart to hide them well
one of my uncles has crossed borders once with 2000 packs of cigarettes in the back of the car hidden well
I really wish all this crap would end and be able to buy snus anywhere worldwide for cheap
what the heck is this ban, I mean is it cocaine for god's sake lol
I bet you can bring more than 3kg's crossing borders if you're smart to hide them well
one of my uncles has crossed borders once with 2000 packs of cigarettes in the back of the car hidden well
I really wish all this crap would end and be able to buy snus anywhere worldwide for cheap
what the heck is this ban, I mean is it cocaine for god's sake lol
If i had the money i would do that, but i don't. I'm not working at the moment, i'm going to start my car valeting business in the next few weeks, i got it all sorted last year and figured i'd put it on hold for the winter. Maybe i can go in the summer if i get the work?
If i still had my motorcycle i'd ride up, one thing about crossing borders on a bike is, they're really not that interested in you, as i've found out a few times