at what point will you be priced out of snus?

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  • truthwolf1
    • Oct 2008
    • 2696

    I have created a order and then cancelled last minute quite a number of times as of late.

    The prices are definately holding me back now. It is easier on the wallet to just go to the b/m once a week then to spend the 60-70 dollars in one pop to come out the same. A couple 30 to 40 dollar orders a month were great back in the day. Always had a variety and forgotten surprises in the fridge.

    I guess it is general now and if I ever want a slight change of pace I can also get the Northerner portion sterk line from another b/m.

    If Roda, Grov or even Ettan were available it would make things so much better.

    What ever happened to the Ettan testing? and are they moving towards any expansion? my guess would be not.


    • devilock76
      • Aug 2010
      • 1737

      Snus is the ultimate for discrete use, particularly at work, even though I use almost all los. Snuff helps as well. The E-cig I am trying to phase out. Comparing los snus to a pack of cigs is no contest. And I am in teh south so there is always dip...



      • WickedKitchen
        • Nov 2009
        • 2528

        I'd probably control my usage more if it were to exceed $5 or $6 a can. I'd probably dip again...Grizzly. That would only last so long though...

        I'd end up going more sterk and using less of them. More los too.


        • spinyeel
          • Aug 2009
          • 175

          I come from South Australia,where a packet of 25 cigarettes costs just under $AU20.OO.That's right.We have the most expensive smokes on earth.
          Snus has been my savior for 12 months now,so I don't care how much it costs.
          It will always be cheaper than the cancer sticks.
          I use 6 to 8 sterks per day,so a tin lasts around 3 days.
          Even at $10 per tin,it will only cost me around $3 per day,and by the time Snus hits $10 ,cigarettes will be $30 a pack. WIN,WIN,WIN.


          • fcamel
            • Feb 2012
            • 141

            Oh stop whining.. Here in Finland people pay 5 to 6€ per can since its illegal to sell/buy snus.

            6€ = 7.87$ at the moment


            • Fazer
              • May 2011
              • 663

              Originally posted by fcamel
              Oh stop whining.. Here in Finland people pay 5 to 6€ per can since its illegal to sell/buy snus.

              6€ = 7.87$ at the moment
              Whining ??? Who's whining ... We have started an adult conversation on the subject of "at what point will you be priced out of snus?" A conversation is not whining !!!


              • fcamel
                • Feb 2012
                • 141

                Originally posted by Fazer
                Whining ??? Who's whining ... We have started an adult conversation on the subject of "at what point will you be priced out of snus?" A conversation is not whining !!!
                See the first post


                • Randall
                  • May 2010
                  • 753

                  It will be a while. I'm snusing the phantom/Rothbrix stuff almost exclusively. It's cheap and last order was $2 a can for 6 rolls, shipping, tax everything because of bonus cans and cashed in points.


                  • GoVegan
                    • Oct 2009
                    • 5603

                    Originally posted by fcamel
                    Oh stop whining.. Here in Finland people pay 5 to 6€ per can since its illegal to sell/buy snus.

                    6€ = 7.87$ at the moment
                    I think he has the right to whine. We have to bend over and take one for the team when it comes to shipping costs and tobacco tax. Just because your government sucks even worse doesn't make it right. If anything, the government should be pushing and subsidizing snus. We finally have an effective way to get people off of smokes and we are destroying it slowly. In my opinion, any tax on snus is too much.


                    • whalen
                      • May 2009
                      • 6593

                      I think the real price we pay for snus is that Little Timmy McViegh reaction to everybody jacking with making us jump through endless freaking hoops just to get a can of something pretty freaking benign to our health considering the alternatives. Pisses a lot of us right off, not a great approach. I live in Maryland, they just came out and said no freaking way are you getting snus easy. F2ck that noise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Try to put a price on a ass raping! Not that I am upset, and you asked..........

                      Give peace a chance - J. Lennon
                      Change must come through the barrel of a gun - Mao

                      I am somewhere in the middle - Whalen
                      wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


                      • GoVegan
                        • Oct 2009
                        • 5603

                        I agree with you Whalen. I can't believe it is impossible to buy snus online in certain States. We have definetely put our freedom and the Constitution aside. The government needs to charge us a reasonable tax and leave us alone. The FBI and FTC should do their job and tell Maryland not to mess with interstate trade.


                        • GoVegan
                          • Oct 2009
                          • 5603

                          If gas keeps going up, we will all be priced out of snus. Please don't give me a "I pay $10 and a left nut for a gallon" reply unless you are also buying your own medical insurance.


                          • gax1985
                            • Feb 2011
                            • 124

                            Is the olinteer snus tasting list filled ? If not, I volunteer !


                            • fcamel
                              • Feb 2012
                              • 141

                              Originally posted by GoVegan
                              If gas keeps going up, we will all be priced out of snus. Please don't give me a "I pay $10 and a left nut for a gallon" reply unless you are also buying your own medical insurance.
                              Snus is about 7.8$ here and gallon of gas is about 8.5$ but free medical insurance


                              • precious007
                                Banned Users
                                • Sep 2010
                                • 5885

                                What does medical insurance, gas and snus have to do one with another, I don't get it :-|

                                It always adds up, nothing new lol ..


                                hmm, gas cheaper in Finland than in Romania? Now that means we're really screwed. (a gallon in romania is about $9 - $10 depends where you buy it from).


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