at what point will you be priced out of snus?

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  • muddyfunkstar
    • Aug 2010
    • 967

    I probably wouldn't get priced out of buying snus, unless it gets so expensive that smoking is cheaper. That's unlikely, though, given the price of even the cheapest cigs in the UK.

    I've already been switching to cheaper snus in recent months - from Skruf to LD to Phantom. Next order will be for the refill bags of Phantom Classic, which seem like the best value way to buy regular strength portions. I'd love for V2 to do refill bags of blue and brown, too.


    • Frosted
      • Mar 2010
      • 5798

      hmmmm. This is a tricky one. I can't stand smoking cigarettes so snus is vital. It seems that chew is too sweet and spitting from it is a no go - so snus has us by the short and curlies. The price is ok at the moment but if it rose further I'd start getting peed off. It probably wouldn't take much more for me to pack it in though because it's already creeping up to a packet of smokes. If it crept up to the price of smokes I might even solely go to cigars. I would still be partial to a cigar.


      • spirit72
        • Apr 2008
        • 1013

        Good question. I keep telling myself that even with PACT removing USPS from the loop and forcing Northerner to start collecting excise tax, and even if I make 4-5 orders of $100-$150 in a year, I am still saving money hand over fist as opposed to smoking.

        Of course, I've ordered less snus over the past year or two since I supplement it with nasal snuff. Or, do I supplement nasal snuff with snus instead? Dunno, I go back and forth. But as long as I can do one or the other, or use the two in combination, for a price that I don't necessarily choke on, then I'm okay. If not, then I guess I quit.


        • CoderGuy
          • Jul 2009
          • 2679

          LOL This reminds me of my dad, growing up I kept hearing, "if cigs get to $1.00 pk I am quitting", "if cigs get to $2.00 pk I am definitely quitting", and so on up to $7 pk (which is apparently OK). Now his cut-off is $10 pk.

          I guess my point is our cut-off threshold will change each time it approaches. I remember saying I would quit as a result of PACT, now I just pay 3x the price. So I guess I won't even bother setting a cut-off.


          • Toque Snuff
            • Aug 2008
            • 337


            It's a long way of at present. I hope to see it launch at the tail end of this year. Right now we're trying to decide on flavours. We will be looking to recruit a new snus tasting panel in about 3 months; if any of you expert snusers would like to volunteer for snus Guinea pig duty, we would be very grateful.


            • Fazer
              • May 2011
              • 663

              Originally posted by Toque Snuff

              It's a long way of at present. I hope to see it launch at the tail end of this year. Right now we're trying to decide on flavours. We will be looking to recruit a new snus tasting panel in about 3 months; if any of you expert snusers would like to volunteer for snus Guinea pig duty, we would be very grateful.
              Thanks for the answer, Toque

              Well, I have six years of experience with snus. I’ve had most of what’s available over the years, so I think I’d be qualified to volunteer for snus guinea pig duty

              Put my name on the list mate


              • lxskllr
                • Sep 2007
                • 13435

                Originally posted by Toque Snuff

                It's a long way of at present. I hope to see it launch at the tail end of this year. Right now we're trying to decide on flavours. We will be looking to recruit a new snus tasting panel in about 3 months; if any of you expert snusers would like to volunteer for snus Guinea pig duty, we would be very grateful.
                I'd be interested in giving your snus a try. Also, give some serious thought to snus kits. I don't think it would be a big seller, but it requires almost nothing from your end. It would fill a niche, evade some ridiculous laws, and be an easy couple pounds for you.


                • crullers
                  • Oct 2011
                  • 663

                  I'm almost priced out of snus right now. Factoring in customs duty and shipping it costs about $100 a roll for me. I have my first order of nasal snuff coming in and around 7 rolls of snus in the freezer (including 2 of my beloved Skruf Xtra Stark - RIP) to see if I can stretch my dollars some. If I take to the snuff well I may eventually go full-time to that, it sounds very interesting. If not, I guess I'd have to quit altogether.


                  • Premium Parrots
                    Super Moderators
                    • Feb 2008
                    • 9759

                    remember when offroad snus was $2 a tin with free shipping from Getsnus???????????????????????
                    it wasn't that long ago.

                    Stop talking about the possibly of paying double digits for snus. It gives the producers bad ideas. Snus is way to expensive today as it is.

                    just saying

                    Oh Roderik!! I don't mind being a guinea pig. Try to make a coffe/vanilla snus.
                    Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                    I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                    • muddyfunkstar
                      • Aug 2010
                      • 967

                      Originally posted by toque snuff

                      it's a long way of at present. I hope to see it launch at the tail end of this year. Right now we're trying to decide on flavours. We will be looking to recruit a new snus tasting panel in about 3 months; if any of you expert snusers would like to volunteer for snus guinea pig duty, we would be very grateful.


                      • Ansel
                        • Feb 2011
                        • 3696

                        Originally posted by Toque Snuff

                        It's a long way of at present. I hope to see it launch at the tail end of this year. Right now we're trying to decide on flavours. We will be looking to recruit a new snus tasting panel in about 3 months; if any of you expert snusers would like to volunteer for snus Guinea pig duty, we would be very grateful.
                        I'd like to be on the trial list if possible :-)


                        • Toque Snuff
                          • Aug 2008
                          • 337


                          Has your order not arrived yet? I can't understand mail to Canada. Some orders get through in 6 days and some take weeks???

                          Volunteers just drop me an email: roderick @ toquesnuff . com


                          • crullers
                            • Oct 2011
                            • 663

                            Hi Roderick,

                            It hasn't arrived yet, but it's only been a week, so I expect it should show up soon. I find that with my snus orders, a package can get held up at customs and take a couple of weeks or so. I hope it gets there soon! The folks at the post office are starting to look at me strange lol.


                            • BNSFsnusHauler
                              • Jan 2011
                              • 542

                              About 10$ a can is my limit (properly). Will use more snuff instead.


                              • Toque Snuff
                                • Aug 2008
                                • 337

                                Wow! Thanks guys. We've now got one of the biggest tasting panels we've ever had. I'm afraid we can't take any more.

                                To all those who emailed with your address we will contact you in the next few months. To the guys who volunteered but, didn't include your address please email again with your address. Your places are saved and once we have your address we will be in touch.

                                That was so quick!


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