I love it and I definitely taste the cinnamon……………however I can understand why people aren’t picking it up
First it is not the cinnamon of candy………….it has a darker (almost toasted and thus more mellow) taste
Second, it is expertly blended and balanced playing in and out of a nice floral main note
Thus........if this ever does reach market I would not call it cinnamon…………….if you do people will be frustrated because it is not what they are expecting and that will hurt its sales (the only way i would call a snus cinnamon is if it tastes like Big Red chewing gum)
Give it a generic name like Los Jack old #12…………and it will be one of the biggest selling los snuses out there (just behind Los Jack old #1 (i.e. Plain Los)
Regardless…………..as always…………….this is some exceptional snus…………Thank you for sharing it............and like Lx said......you make some of the best los out there...........if and when you ever decide to sell it.............. I will buy it by the rolls
Another blend from the master
When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
I got my package today. I'm enjoying my first taste of this wonderful snus atm. I think Snusdog's comments are spot on. I'm not a huge cinnamon fan (maybe its was that night with too much Goldschlager) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goldschl%C3%A4ger so that fact that this is not your classic sweet chewing gum version is a plus to me. This snus is just really nice. And the nic is definitely there. Thank you so much for sharing this with us Jimmy!
Got mine today, Thanks Jimmy!
I taste the cinnamon for sure and almost some clove taste, sort of like tiger balm smells, definitely good stuff, I look forward to more before bedtime.
Holy crap, thanks Jimmy! I wasn't expecting this at all. Excellent snus. It doesn't beat you over the head with flavor, just a nice compliment to the tobacco. It's the snus version of Molens Pompadour snuff. Light cinnamon, with a citrus back note. This would make a great addition to a Christmas box set. Julesnus, Karlsson spice, TBD, TBD, TBD ;^)
Blimey - this stuff is incredible. It's not the same as Gotlands yellow like I said before - it's just that it's as good if not better!
It's got a flavour I just can't put my finger on - spicy, but gentle and blended so that I can't tell what it is there. It's a little like cola but not as artificial.
Originally posted by sharesnusinfo!
Im just glad you like it
I can tell you that the flavors is the best natural flavors out there (Very Expencive)
made some on the side for my own usage too .. ;p
It's not made with the original ingredients for Coca Cola is it? ;-)
Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!
Alot of you have asked the quetion of wich snus is the best of the two and i have never been able to tell you since it´s two verry different snuses!...
Coming soon Wisby Norderport and Wisby Söderport by Gotlandssnus.
From the words of Gotlandssnus:
"Wisby Norderport and Wisby Söderport are two new snus lines from Gotlandssnus. It is white portion snus with full-bodied portions that are dry on the surface with moist content for low drip and for a long-lasting taste experience. ...