Snus/Orignial Snuff Question

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  • Grim
    • Jun 2008
    • 850

    Snus/Orignial Snuff Question

    Ive read about snus and so on and if Zero and the other MODs dont mind i had a question ive been wanting to ask about other snuffs ive never tried.

    Nasal Snuff: I know this was very popular in the 1900s-1930ish era as people used this to get a quick energy fix and so on. I see Nasal Snuff applicators sold here in Head Shops but im quite sure they are seeling it for use with another nasal product which is illegal.

    Has anyone here ever tried Nasal snuff and if so what is it like. Ive read you do not snort it but you Sniff it. Just enough to line the inside of your nose. You do not want to get it into your sinus cavities as it could cause alot of problems. Seems to still be a little popular in england.

    People Down here in Georgia buy brands like Bruton and Top and so on but use it as Lip Snuff and dip it. After reading about the TSNA count in this kind of product being in the 1000's (compared to dips and cigs which have only around 4 to 20 ! ) i would be rather scared to try it. cant imagine the damage it can do to your mouth if dipped like the older folks do here or to your nasal cavity.
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Here's a thread I started on nasal snuff

    If you search the forums using "snuff" as a search term, you should uncover a few more threads.


    • MelangeMan
      • Mar 2008
      • 139

      I'll never try nasal snuff. With my nose, I imagine it would be much like snorting wasabi.


      • scratchybadger
        New Member
        • Mar 2008
        • 13

        Nasal snuff is great. I usually have some around and go through periods where i'll use it a few times a day but mostly I stick to snus.
        You are correct in saying you don't snort it. I very light sniff like you are sniffing a flower is enough. You can either sniff the pinch out of your fingers or place it on the back of your hand, I prefer the latter. I tend to use smaller pinches but more often which means I hardly ever need tissues when I blow my nose.
        Nasal snuff is likely to make you sneeze the first few times but you get used to it. The ones containing menthol can really clear the sinuses, it has also helped me with seasonal allergies, claritin has become a thing of the past for me since using nasal snuff. I don't notice the nic hit very much but the scent hangs around for a while and can be very pleasureable.

        You can't go wrong with these:
        Gawith, made by Poschl, very good, especially the Cola.
        Samual Gawith, the best IMHO, I love their Mandarin, Chocolate and plain tobacco flavours.
        Poschl, a grest starter snuff, I'd recommend Ozona Raspberry.

        I buy mine online, it is very inexpensive and a little goes a long way.


        • chainsnuser
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2007
          • 1388

          scratchybadger already said all that has to be said.

          Nasal snuff is not for the nicotine, you can sniff one pris after the other and still the best you can expect is, that you won't get nicotine-cravings, but it is a very nice alternation.

          Since nasal snuff isn't very popular these days, you also can expect, that the few manufacturers that are left, only produce brands of the highest possible quality. I haven't tried a single brand yet that was crap, but also not every brand agreed with my nose.

          I recommend McChrystal's ("Original & Genuine" and "Smokers Blend") as well as Wilson's "Irish Toast No. 22" for a start.



          • snusfather
            • Jun 2008
            • 227

            I used nasal snuff to quit smoking (which was, my primary nicoteen adiction). As long as I took some considerations, I could use it descreatly and as often as I liked. My favorite types are made by Wilson's of Sharrow in England (particularly: Strausborg, SP Best, Royal George). I liked to minimize the nasal drip and found that any thing mentholated increased it. I also found, like scratchybadger mentioned, that I had to use just the right amount. If I used too much or too little, I got a runny nose and plenty of sneezing. I never completely got the hang of it, altough, I was doing ok in about a month after starting. I got most of my info on snuff from and ordered most of my snuff from I did alot of research on nasal snuff's health effects and found no evidence of any cancer resulting fom it's use. (Western snuff, some other cultures do sone very carcinogenic things with their "snuff ") The most often mentioned health effect is "a permanent change to nasal mucosa". Oddly enouf, for the 4 months I was useing snuff, I kept running acrossed articles on snus. I started my research on it, bought a few cans from Northerner, fell in love with it and baged up all my snuff suplies. I imagine that I would still like nasal snuff, but I like snus even more and I don't have to carry around a handkercheif.


            • Subtilo
              • Dec 2006
              • 524

              I'm not really a fan of nasal snuff, but I've done it several times. I knew this crazy Icelandic fella who did it all the time, and every time we got drunk together he managed to persuade me to do it (I think the brand was called 'President', but I might be wrong). It was an ugly sight most of the times; I would sneeze like mad for minutes and tears would come to my eyes to point where I almost went blind. No matter how many times I tried my system just wouldn't get used to the stuff. Worst part was that I never got even the slightest kick from it. No, wait ... the worst part was when I blew my nose the mornings after. Yikes! What a bummer! Judging from the ... substance ... you'd say that I had spend the night between the tracks in the London Underground! At least! :shock:


              • Xobeloot
                • Jan 2008
                • 2542

                Originally posted by Subtilo
                you'd say that I had spend the night between the tracks in the London Underground!
                Field trip!


                • Umran
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 47

                  Absolutely love the stuff ... agree with advice already given, definitely go with Wilsons of Sharrow, McChrystals or Poschl. I personally prefer the mentholated ones like President, LowenPrise, Gletscherprise etc or Best SP for a plain tobacco flavour.

                  The online shop I use (can't get any Poschl locally)

                  They post internationally and have decent payment options.


                  • Snusophile
                    • May 2008
                    • 531

                    Yes, American nasal snuff has extremely high TSNA count, but European nasal snuff has TSNA counts comparable to Swedish snus. Stay away from the American stuff and you'll be just fine. My personal favorite is Toque Menthol or Toque Chocolate. I keep a can around in my cigar humidor for the occasional snuff.


                    • razor
                      • Dec 2007
                      • 78

                      With nasal snuff you get fine particulents into the lungs. Plus if you have to blow you nose in front of someone they may think you have a shit snorting fetish.

                      Soom of the back woods folks in the US use the the plan snorting snus (that comes in the tall cylindrical can) and dip it on the end of some kind of sapling twig, from some kind of tree (cant remember) and they chew & suck on the end of that twig and then spit into usually a coffee can. That practice was probably died off.


                      • sagedil
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 7077

                        Originally posted by razor
                        With nasal snuff you get fine particulents into the lungs. Plus if you have to blow you nose in front of someone they may think you have a shit snorting fetish.

                        Soom of the back woods folks in the US use the the plan snorting snus (that comes in the tall cylindrical can) and dip it on the end of some kind of sapling twig, from some kind of tree (cant remember) and they chew & suck on the end of that twig and then spit into usually a coffee can. That practice was probably died off.
                        Nope, my ex-wife's 97 year old grandma, who has lived her whole life in the swamps of South Carolina, uses snuff in the exact way you just described, including spitting in to the coffee can. The tall can, everything.


                        • Grim
                          • Jun 2008
                          • 850

                          Ive seen older folks here in Georgia buy a can of the nasal stuff and use a small spoon and dip into the can with the spoon and put it in their bottom lip.

                          Weird looking.


                          • TropicalBob
                            • Feb 2008
                            • 316

                            Using snuff that way is an old Southern tradition. Grandmas indeed still do it: Wet a hickory stick, put it in a can of snuff, then suck on the hickory stick.

                            Toothless grandmas, I might add.

                            I find nasal snuff an occasional pleasure. The drawback, as has been said, is that it never has given me a nic hit. I use the strongest stuff I can buy, but no nic hit. Course, snus is subtle in that regard, too. It sneaks up on you, particularly something like the tasteless Wise 6mg. Nothing has the immediate kickback of a cigarette.

                            But nasal snuff is a pleasure for the nose if used properly. NEVER snort the stuff so you get particulates as far as the lungs! It is lightly sniffed; if it hits the back of your throat, you screwed up. Try again. I sometimes sneeze, sometimes don't. Always clears the sinuses. I like the old stuff ground by windmills in Holland, with Latakia content, and, blaspheny, the Dean Swift Itchkenneth brand with sandalwood and musk, which reminds me of the fragrance of a girlfriend of years past.

                            Rarely use it now, and only for variety.


                            • Dead Rabbit
                              • Mar 2008
                              • 315

                              I’ve never had nasal snuff here in the states. However, when I was stationed in Iceland I did it a lot. What’s weird is I remember a HUGE nic hit from it and am shocked that many find it weak. Maybe the American stuff is light weight?

