Los Questions

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  • CzechCzar
    • Jun 2010
    • 1144

    Los Questions

    Awhile ago I bought my first los with a 10-pack of Norstrommen Brandy Alexander, along with an icetool. The stuff tastes divine, but I am having some trouble keeping the pris together when it's in my mouth. I pack the pris pretty hard with the icetool - to the point where some snus squeezes out while I am packing it down. The trouble is, after about 1/2 hour in my mouth, it gets sort of packed onto my teeth and loses its original shape. Now, it is no mudslide, and I am easily able to get it out by swabbing a tissue under my upper lip once or twice. However, I cannot for the life of me see how some are able to plop the pris from their lips onto their tongues and just spit it out.

    The one thing I can think of is that I am placing it pretty near the center of my mouth, near teeth numbers 1-2-3 (from the center of my mouth). Should I be placing the stuff more laterally? I also place it well above the teeth, up in that little pocket of empty space before the roof of my mouth. Is that too far up? Or, is it just inevitable that the los will mold itself to my mouth somewhat, and this is no cause for concern?
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    The snus changes shape, and I consider that desirable; you get more flavor that way. Try packing it looser. V2 especially is on the coarse side, so while it might not be in one lump, it's easy to control with your tongue. It gets easier to deal with the longer you use it. You'll find the spot that feels best for you, and get little techniques to handle it. It comes with experience.


    • spirit72
      • Apr 2008
      • 1013

      I've been using lössnus for about as long as I've been using snus....about 3 years now....and I can't pop a used pris from my upper lip to my tongue either. And I pack nice and tight with a Prismaster, myself, since it lasts much longer that way. I average about 90 minutes with one pris. I pretty much place it the same as you do, too.

      Don't know. Some folks can just do it, but apparently not you and me.


      • Mr. Snuffleupagus
        • Dec 2008
        • 2781

        I pack mine pretty tight and it stays mostly together. It will mold to the shape of your lip. With practice you'll get a pocket formed for it and your lip will be trained to relax and not crush it. The only way I know of to get it to fall out of your lip and onto your tongue is to puff up your lip with air like making a monkey face. Do that a few times while you use your jedi training/mind over matter thoughts, and bang it falls. I actually just dropped mine and moved it to the other side trying that technique. For removal, I usually just grab it by the ends with my thumb and index finger, swipe it out, and toss in the trash. Sometimes some will stick to my finger, sometimes there's some still in my lip. Just practice.


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