Snus Review: Röda Lacket

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  • spirit72
    • Apr 2008
    • 1013

    Snus Review: Röda Lacket

    BRAND: Röda Lacket

    MANUFACTURER: Swedish Match


    DATE ON CAN: 15/07/08

    MANUFACTURER'S DESCRIPTION: "Middle rounded, mild and slightly sweet with a little element of salt and liquorice sweet."

    COMMENTS:Mild aroma in the can, tobacco-ish and slightly sweet. The snus is very, very finely ground.

    Perhaps because of that very fine grind, this snus did not have such a good feel under the lip to me. It does not hold together well for more than 30 minutes or so, so I had to either make smaller prillas(I like to use about 2/3 of a prismaster normally), or I had to pack it in the prismaster much more tightly---which made the pris feel like a rock between my upper lip and gum. So, Röda was pretty hard on my mouth, to the point that I had to put the can away for a couple of days to let my gums rest. After 30 minutes or so, it began to loosen up and feet very plastic-like under the lip

    As far as flavor goes, there's not much to talk about here. Very mild taste of tobacco at times, very little salt, and very mildly sweet once it gets going. The description says there's licorice flavor there, but I don't taste it.

    THE VERDICT: Ehhh. Not a BAD snus, but not one of Swedish Match's better efforts, in my opinion. The younger folks may like it, and it may or may not be a good introduction to lössnus depending on the person. But overall, I found Röda to be a very nondescript snus. 3 stars, barely.
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Great review spirit :^) You have a nice style, with good organization. I got a tin of Röda Lacket in my last order, but it'll be awhile before I get around to trying it. I really only got it for the experience, I don't expect to like it that much. Your review is about what I expected from it, thanks for taking the time.


    • spirit72
      • Apr 2008
      • 1013

      Thanks! I actually halfway lifted the format from a site I used to frequent called, which is dedicated to reviews of pipe tobacco, so I can't claim too much credit.

      This was basically an adventure buy for me, too, in the interest of trying everything(well, almost everything). Röda isn't a *bad* snus, mind you, but my taste runs more to the bolder things, and I'm not huge on the Tooty-Frooty stuff outside of Skruf Cranberry and the occasional can of General. It's not something I expect to ever have a hankering for, but it was an ok one-off.


      • Asquar
        • Mar 2008
        • 256

        Hey spirit72,

        Great review. If I ever become ambitious and start reviewing myself (and that's a big if!) do you mind if I borrow your organizational style for the presentation?


        • spirit72
          • Apr 2008
          • 1013

          Please do! Like I said, it's not really mine.


          • Xobeloot
            • Jan 2008
            • 2542

            I have always leaned towards the "bolder" flavored things as well. I do still order some RL and Prima los on occasion. It boggles me to hear people say that the extremely fine ground snus irritates your gums. I have always found the finer ground stuff quite pillowy. The flavor of this stuff grows nicer the longer you have it in. If your pris is dissolving within 30 mins, you are still about 30 mins shy of the potential of this snus.

            The finely ground stuff definately takes a bit more practice to control, but when you get it, it pays off in fantastic flavor. Dont nix this one from your list just yet :wink:


            • bondzai
              • Apr 2008
              • 362

              I wonder whats a good loose. I am trying Ettan now and it has little taste unless you just smear it all over your gums and use your tongue and eat it. If its too mild like this it wants me to try using american snuff instead. I get more flavor out of portions because I can suck on them.


              • spirit72
                • Apr 2008
                • 1013

                Originally posted by Xobeloot
                It boggles me to hear people say that the extremely fine ground snus irritates your gums.
                I think it's a combination of packing it tighter to keep it together longer, and then using my tongue more to keep it contained later on. I had this problem with Rape' too, though to a lesser extent. But then, that was like my 2nd ever can of lös, so I was still learning.

                It seems with the finer ground stuff that a lot of it is in the prep work. I also suspect that the shape that the Prismaster makes just isn't jiving with the anatomy of my jaw too well. Too loose or too tight, and you're in for either mudmouth or agony. There might be an Icetool in my near future, since I'm taking quite a liking to lös anyway.

                Originally posted by Xobeloot
                The flavor of this stuff grows nicer the longer you have it in.
                I *will* say that for it. I had a few prillas that worked out pretty nicely, and the flavor did become sweeter and richer with time. I haven't nixed it for good, but it will definitely be a once-in-a-blue-moon thing. I would try the portions, but I don't care much for whites at all.

                Originally posted by bondzai
                I wonder whats a good loose. I am trying Ettan now and it has little taste unless you just smear it all over your gums and use your tongue and eat it. If its too mild like this it wants me to try using american snuff instead. I get more flavor out of portions because I can suck on them.
                That's the thing with lös. It is much slower going and more subtle than portions. Ettan is actually one of my favorites, and pays off if you get a good pris going and just let it do its thing. Not quite the sort of thing that works well unless you have the time to enjoy it. Portions bring quicker gratification.


                • Xobeloot
                  • Jan 2008
                  • 2542

                  Los isnt for everyone. Some people (like myself) prefer Los. Other people dislike it. Flavor in los is a much slower, drawn out process. I find los very flavorful, but it will never be the flavor-hammer you get from sucking on a portion (unless you use the "farmer" method and just slap a loose wad under your lip).

                  Edit: im too slow. you said exactly what I was typing here


                  • spirit72
                    • Apr 2008
                    • 1013

                    Oh, and bondzai---one other thing I'll mention is that for me at least, lös seems to be a bit better about giving up the flavor if it has been at room temperature for a bit.


                    • Xobeloot
                      • Jan 2008
                      • 2542

                      Most definately. I always leave my can out for the day. I just pop it in the fridge at bed time.


                      • razor
                        • Dec 2007
                        • 78

                        For some reason, not sure, Röda Lacket, has a the same salty taste as the salt in fresh steamed clams. So I get the the faint reminder of boiled shell fish which put me off. I know ... wierd, but I love fresh steamed clams.

