Interesting Thunder Coola Los Low PH

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  • mattarios
    • Nov 2011
    • 110

    Interesting Thunder Coola Los Low PH

    So I just got in a couple cans of thunder coola los to try out and I am always curious now of the PH in various flavors and brands. Thunder across the board has a PH of 8.5 +/- .2

    All of my thunder frosted was between 8.4-8.6

    The Thunder Coola los in 3 different cans I tested all had a PH of 7.1 ... odd? I got a decent nicotine feeling from all 3 cans then I threw in a thunder frosted and BAM, nailed me.

    Do you think something is off because it is the first batch? Or do you think the PH is low in it because of something the coola flavor does to the tobacco differently?

    Just found it interesting the PH was sooo low in the coola. Only other PH I have seen that low was in the skruf xtra sterk.

  • whalen
    • May 2009
    • 6593

    My thoughts are that 8.5 is pretty damn high.
    wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


    • mattarios
      • Nov 2011
      • 110

      Sweedish Match is 8.8 on avg. thunder is 8.5 across the board, granite was 8.6, the goal for most snus companies is 8.5.


      • whalen
        • May 2009
        • 6593

        You are right! That is way up there, would not want much higher without some serious PH problems becoming an issue, rough on the mouth. I used to try Betel nut outside the US, and the ultra high PH of the Lime was sketchy, serious tissue burns from it..
        wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


        • mattarios
          • Nov 2011
          • 110

          So any opinion on the thunder coola? I would think the Ph would be the same across the board for all of their los. When I contacted thunder a few months ago they said their PH is 8.5 across the board, yet the coola I got is 7.1 which is insanely low compared to 8.5. Is it possible it is a bad batch or something? The 3 cans I tested all are 7.1, the frosted is always 8.4-8.6, just find it kind of odd.


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            Could be an off batch, or maybe the flavoring drops the ph. I wonder if it has phosphoric acid like canned soda does.


            • mattarios
              • Nov 2011
              • 110

              That's a good call, I was thinking something along the lines of the flavoring bringing the PH down for whatever reason. You went further with the phosphoric acid which would make sense.

              I thought it could be an off batch but this stuff is brand new, you would think they would quadruple check it to make sure it is right for the first release.

              I emailed V2 to see what they would say.

              Just kinda sucks because it makes thunder lose that kick that I enjoy from Thunder.


              • snusjus
                • Jun 2008
                • 2674

                Originally posted by lxskllr
                Could be an off batch, or maybe the flavoring drops the ph. I wonder if it has phosphoric acid like canned soda does.
                That's what I'm thinking. Cola/soda has a low pH, along with any carbonated liquid.


                • snusjus
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 2674

                  Originally posted by mattarios
                  That's a good call, I was thinking something along the lines of the flavoring bringing the PH down for whatever reason. You went further with the phosphoric acid which would make sense.

                  I thought it could be an off batch but this stuff is brand new, you would think they would quadruple check it to make sure it is right for the first release.

                  I emailed V2 to see what they would say.

                  Just kinda sucks because it makes thunder lose that kick that I enjoy from Thunder.
                  Do you know the pH levels for v2 portioned products off hand? Specifically, I'd like to know the pH level of Phanton Portions.


                  • mattarios
                    • Nov 2011
                    • 110

                    V2 portions are the same as los, 8.5 +/- .2

                    I have no idea about phantom portions as I have never bought them.

                    Mark got back to me from V2 very quickly and is asking me various questions about how I test PH in my snus. Sounds like 7.1 is too low.

                    He also confirmed that the ingredients are the same in thunder coola and frosted with the acception of the flavoring and he said the coola flavoring does have a low ph.

                    I am waiting to see what they think or what should be done, I hate to complain but I can handle my nicotine and thunder is one of the only brands that I use and actually feel something/get satisfaction out of. Everything else for the most part is just weak. So to get 14 cans of coola which I knew I enjoyed the flavor from the pouches, and assumed the strength would be similar to the pouches, and to have it be incredibly weak, is such a let down. 7.1 PH is drastically lower than even american dip forget about sweedish snus. Most american dips are at least 7.5+ So I figured something was wrong for the PH to be THAT low. When I had my first prilla my thoughts were, great flavor, no buzz, nothing. So that is when I knew something was off and tested the PH.


                    • lxskllr
                      • Sep 2007
                      • 13435

                      On a side note, how many industries can you talk to the owner of the company, and other high level employees? I think that's pretty cool :^)


                      • mattarios
                        • Nov 2011
                        • 110

                        Oh most definitely!

                        It is freaking awesome. I was thinking that to myself when he responded so quickly. I was like DAMN you rarely see that in ANY industry! I tried calling grizzly once, and of course they answer, act like they care, give you a work around, say they will email you with the results and you never hear back. You try to inquire and they are like ya ya we are working on it.


                        • UsualSnuspects
                          • Nov 2011
                          • 278

                          A little late to the game here...

                          Click image for larger version

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                          • mattarios
                            • Nov 2011
                            • 110



                            • snusjus
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 2674

                              Originally posted by mattarios
                              V2 portions are the same as los, 8.5 +/- .2


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