Interesting Thunder Coola Los Low PH

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  • jagmanss
    • Jul 2010
    • 12213

    I'm not understanding your logic,

    You state that you have a high tolerance to nicotine yet you also state your not building a tolerance....

    So how did you get a high tolerance to nicotine if you didn't build up a tolerance....

    Your using an Extra Sterk snus, Even if only once a day or 10 times a day you had to build that high tolerance from somewhere...


    • mattarios
      • Nov 2011
      • 110

      Some people naturally have different tolerances to nicotine than others. I have friends that come over on every hookah night when we all gather and enjoy a hookah and talk and watch tv etc. And EVERY time, this one friend takes 3-4 hits and is done, I mean done, knocked out and he only uses hookah with us. I have another friend, only smokes hookah with us, doesn't use any nicotine other than hookah as well, and he can go puff for puff with me until the end. I think some people can just handle nicotine better than others, simple as that. When I first started using hookah and dip/snus I never really got messed up, just knew it was there and had a nice relaxation feeling, I still get that today. There is tons of variation, if you check over one of the links I posted, the article on snuscentral talks about various factors in the mouth and body that create variation in absorption rates of nicotine that varies from user to user, I am sure that stuff plays a major factor that makes me, you, and everyone else around us completely different when it comes to nicotine.


      • jagmanss
        • Jul 2010
        • 12213

        Originally posted by mattarios
        Some people naturally have different tolerances to nicotine than others. I have friends that come over on every hookah night when we all gather and enjoy a hookah and talk and watch tv etc. And EVERY time, this one friend takes 3-4 hits and is done, I mean done, knocked out and he only uses hookah with us. I have another friend, only smokes hookah with us, doesn't use any nicotine other than hookah as well, and he can go puff for puff with me until the end. I think some people can just handle nicotine better than others, simple as that. When I first started using hookah and dip/snus I never really got messed up, just knew it was there and had a nice relaxation feeling, I still get that today. There is tons of variation, if you check over one of the links I posted, the article on snuscentral talks about various factors in the mouth and body that create variation in absorption rates of nicotine that varies from user to user, I am sure that stuff plays a major factor that makes me, you, and everyone else around us completely different when it comes to nicotine.
        I am and have been well aware that there are many various factors mainly with snus that affect absorption rates of nicotine... such as what you had to drink or are drinking, What you had to eat, whether you brushed your teeth or not and so on affect the ph in your mouth which in turn affect the absorption rate of snus... There is no denying that....

        There also is no denying your statement above and your statement that you have a high tolerance to nicotine are all indication that you are addicted to nicotine and built up that high tolerance and are now addicted.... simple as that! Whether you beleive it or not that is what it is.... Addiction to nicotine.


        • mattarios
          • Nov 2011
          • 110

          Lol, alright seeing as I go weeks without any use of nicotine, your statement doesn't make sense. I go 3-4 weeks with ease with no nicotine usage what so ever. I am not sure why you are attacking me, I didn't mean to cause any problems or anger you in any way.

          When I burned my throat from this darn snus, i went about 40 days with no snus or hookah because the hookah irritated my throat as well as the snus. So I do enjoy nicotine products, but addicted ... no.

          There are people out there that can use nicotine products and not become hooked. Whether you want to believe it or not ... that is up to you. At the end of the day, there is no reason or need for you to attack me. I would appreciate it if you stop making assumptions about me.

          Thank you

          By the way, I do love your sig ... every time I see your pic I do a double take lol. But just to clarify, It boggles my mind as well as many friends and family, I am able to use nicotine products whenever I please and have no addiction what so ever. When I was diagnosed with high blood pressure, my doctor said lay off hookah and all nicotine products for a solid 3 months until you get it down, I said no prob doc, did what he asked of me, and lowered my BP. As I said before if you want to believe it or not, that is up to you, either way is fine, but it is the truth.


          • EricHill78
            • Jun 2010
            • 4253

            My shampoo and conditioner are PH balanced.


            • mattarios
              • Nov 2011
              • 110

              Hahaha comic relief, nothing like it!


              • jagmanss
                • Jul 2010
                • 12213

                I'm not attacking you nor is it meant that way... That is the way you are taking it..

                I'm just trying to understand your logic in stating that you have a high tolerance to nicotine and think your not addicted, You get that ahh! feeling that you were calling a buzz up until now, are using an extra sterk snus, You get another Extra sterk snus and state it does nothing, Then question the the manufacturer as to whether the ph is correct, Then insult the manufacturer by saying they are ripping you off by selling an inferior snus product to you... You buy a ph tester off of ebay and you act like you know more than the manufacturer.... Sorry that's not assumption about you.... It's what you posted...

                BTW: I love my sig too She get's me everytime and she uses shampoo and conditioner that are PH balanced


                • mattarios
                  • Nov 2011
                  • 110

                  Your statements are false man. He agreed, the V2 guy I spoke with agreed and said the PH is way lower because a higher PH ruined the flavor. What you are saying is UNTRUE. I don't act like I know everything all I said was the coola did nothing for me so I tested the ph and it was 7.1, thunder frosted is 8.5. Making a massive difference in free nicotine or that relaxing feeling. I didn't say they ripped me off, did I? Go double check my posts, did i say they ripped me off? No I don't think I did. I said it is marketed as an extra sterk and when it is that low of a PH, it isn't extra sterk, so a simple exchange would suffice. That is all. Quit your assumptions. I never said it was inferior, I just said based on the strength of it it shouldn't be marketed as extra sterk. I asked if the PH was correct b/c their frosted is 8.5, and their coola is 7.1 do you truly realize how much of a difference there is in free nicotine between the two? If you did, you wouldn't be saying what you are saying.


                  • Frosted
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 5798

                    This is like geeky snus trainspotting.

                    Even in the strongest brands there are differences in each roll, and in each tin in that roll there are differences, and in each portion within that tin there are differences. Some portions are dry, some are very moist etc. I'll take one portion out and just that one, will kick my ass (happens with some 8mg snus even) whereas the rest of the tin won't. Personally I don't give a f*** and wouldn't even consider writing to the manufacturer.

                    If I don't like it, I don't buy it. Simples.


                    • mattarios
                      • Nov 2011
                      • 110

                      I hear ya.


                      • jagmanss
                        • Jul 2010
                        • 12213

                        Originally posted by mattarios
                        Your statements are false man. He agreed, the V2 guy I spoke with agreed and said the PH is way lower because a higher PH ruined the flavor. What you are saying is UNTRUE. I don't act like I know everything all I said was the coola did nothing for me so I tested the ph and it was 7.1, thunder frosted is 8.5. Making a massive difference in free nicotine or that relaxing feeling. I didn't say they ripped me off, did I? Go double check my posts, did i say they ripped me off? No I don't think I did. I said it is marketed as an extra sterk and when it is that low of a PH, it isn't extra sterk, so a simple exchange would suffice. That is all. Quit your assumptions. I never said it was inferior, I just said based on the strength of it it shouldn't be marketed as extra sterk. I asked if the PH was correct b/c their frosted is 8.5, and their coola is 7.1 do you truly realize how much of a difference there is in free nicotine between the two? If you did, you wouldn't be saying what you are saying.

                        You may not have used those exact words but you implied it in this post... using word's like you find it deceiving to sell a product as "extra sterk" I feel I have been deceived..... Really let's not use word games....

                        Originally posted by mattarios
                        This is my response

                        I understand I just find it deceiving to sell a product as "extra sterk" that only has a ph of 7.1. With a PH that low very little nicotine is released. Most of the nicotine isn't "free" nicotine. I buy extra sterk because I can handle my nicotine, I feel I have been deceived buying a product that is labeled extra sterk and isn't truly extra sterk.

                        I literally feel NOTHING from this tobacco. It is basically a waste. I bought 24 cans of it, assuming it would be EXTRA STERK, and it isn't. Whether other people have complained about it or not, doesn't make it acceptable. With a PH of 8.5 roughly 85% of the nicotine is free, with a PH of 7.1 studies have shown that only 7% of the nicotine is free or usable. How can you market a product as extra sterk knowing you only get roughly 7% of the nicotine content?

                        What do you guys think? Like I said, I try to be fair with all companies but I don't think selling a product as extra sterk with a ph of 7.1 is acceptable. I knew after my first prilla this stuff was WEAK, weaker than any other normal strength snus with high ph like 8.5-8.8

                        And once again ....There you go again with your ph... Who cares, Just put a snus in and give it a rest.... Enjoy it or don't... Extra Sterks affect people differently, It didn't affect you the way you wanted it to and that is all there is to it... Just because it says Ekstra Sterk doesn't mean you will always get the same feeling as another Ekstra Sterk...

                        Dude! Your so obsessed with your ph testing that your not ever going to enjoy snus...


                        • mattarios
                          • Nov 2011
                          • 110

                          Ok, can we just agree to disagree?

                          I don't like arguing or confrontation. Let's just agree we like snus and enjoy it and leave it at that.



                          • whalen
                            • May 2009
                            • 6593

                            Redacted remark. Jeesh.
                            wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


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