Newbie here, with question on snus flavor

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  • Grampy
    • Jun 2008
    • 21

    Newbie here, with question on snus flavor

    I currently use dip, but would prefer to go to pouches, and snus seems to be the way to go with pouches (I know, I know, PORTIONS).

    I current favorite dip is redman finecut natural. I really like the smokey mesquite flavor. Is there any snus that has a similar flavor? I've heard others mention Ettan has a smokey flavor...

  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    I'd try these...

    Lucky Strike
    and maybe PM 1847

    These all have a certain smoky character, but you may want to try some other styles also. Snus is very different from American snuff, so there may be some foreign flavors you never knew you liked until you tried them.


    • Grim
      • Jun 2008
      • 850


      I too dipped redman natural since it came out. I recently move to snus and love it.

      As far as Loose goes, i would go with Goteborgs Rape. Only Loose ive found i liked... pretty easy to bake by hand and stays together well. Managed to keep a pris in for over an hour and a half.

      As far as portions go, I would recommend tring Jakobssons Classic and even General Onyx. The onyx does have alot different taste than anything ive tried but it packs one hell of a nicotine punch.

      But like everyone on here your tastes will be different to a degree.

      Hop over to or another site of your choice and just read the flavor description until one catches your eye.

      Dont do like i did and buy 5 cans of one kind. You may get disappointed with it. Pick out a couple of brands and try each out and then feel free to posts your thoughts of it on these forums.


      • Xobeloot
        • Jan 2008
        • 2542

        Originally posted by lxskllr
        I'd try these...

        Lucky Strike
        and maybe PM 1847

        These all have a certain smoky character, but you may want to try some other styles also. Snus is very different from American snuff, so there may be some foreign flavors you never knew you liked until you tried them.
        Exactly what my suggestions were going to be. You are not going to find anything that has that same flavor as an american fine-cut snuff. The production and flavoring methods are too different. Snus and snus flavors are so personal that as much as someone says "try this", you may hate it. I LOVE several things that many hate and hate things that many love. Sometimes I love something one day, but the next day I just cannot get into it. A month later I get a sudden craving for the flavor that wasnt doing it for me before.

        You truly need to just start trying different things. You will find a few mainstay brands/flavors, but it is amazing how often you may get a craving for something different. I have yet to hear of a snus user using one brand, one flavor all the time.

        Just to give you an idea of how funky personal tastes are, my personal favorites are:

        (all loose)
        -Phantom Blue (juniper & herb)
        -Phantom classic (very peppery with a mild citrus)
        -Offroad Cranberry
        -Grov (very rich dark tobacco with a smoky feel)

        (portion only)
        -PM 1847 (rich, dark tobacco. mildly bitter with a smoky feel and mild citrus)
        -Triumph Original (only testmarketed in Ohio & Georgia: tastes like beechnut chew w/ a hint of peach)
        -Jakobssons Classic (very earthy, mildly bitter with hints of citrus and maple)

        The above list has things that some love, and things that people want to vomit just thinking about. Find what works for you and dont let any other opinion stop you from trying something once.


        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          Premium Parrots thread, Post your current top 5 favorite snus here was designed for just this situation. It is stickied at the top of the page.

          if you go through those posts, you will see the degree of different tastes, but you will also see some snus that overwhelmingly is at the top of most people's lists. I would suggest starting out there. But know you will eventually have to try almost all of it. Just the way snus is.


          • Snusophile
            • May 2008
            • 531

            Well, you've made a wise choice by dipping RedMan to begin with. As a matter of fact, I believe RedMan is produced by Swedish Match. You're off to a good start, now move on to the real stuff. I would suggest ordering a wide variety of flavors, to start out with. If you happen to order too many different cans that taste remotely the same, you may be dissapointed. It's difficult to chose one snus and stick with it, but for me there are some snus' that I absolutely must have on hand all the time, such as Knox portions.

   is by far the best service I have used to buy snus with. Give it a try, you've got everything to gain.


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