Oden's Extreme Wintergreen SNUS

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  • Master Qui
    • Feb 2012
    • 27

    Oden's Extreme Wintergreen SNUS

    Hello,I purchased a can of Oden's Extreme Wintergreen snus and when I opened it today, the portions seem to be VERY moist almost dripping, but I cannot smell or taste any mint or wintergreen flavor at all, just kind of a tobacco flavor, but a little off. Is this normal for this snus? Or did I just get a bad can? I got some Oden's Extreme 59 and it was pretty good, a lot better than the wintergreen. I also got a can of Thunder Frosted and am really loving it, will probably make it my day-to-day snus. Any info would be great. Thanks!
  • Frosted
    • Mar 2010
    • 5798

    Sounds like the smell of super fresh snus to me. As for the taste - Odens Wintergreen won't taste of furniture polish like other brands.


    • Master Qui
      • Feb 2012
      • 27

      It does seem extremely fresh, to the point that it was so moist that one of the portions was kind of stuck to the lid with moisture. I was very excited by that. I was just concerned because I didn't get any scent or taste of wintergreen.

      By no means did it taste or smell bad, just seemed like a "classic blend" type of flavor and I was expecting a wintergreen.

      Also, I am new to snus so it is entirely possible that my tastes haven't yet developed enough to pick up the subtle notes of wintergreen that might be there. Still enjoyed the nic hit, and the tobacco flavoring was good so maybe I just need to let my taste for snus develop a little more. I just wanted to make sure that was how it was supposed to be.


      • squeezyjohn
        • Jan 2008
        • 2497

        No Master Qui - I don't think you should doubt your tastebuds.

        Odens Extreme Wintergreen doesn't taste or smell of wintergreen at all, also Odens Extreme Cinnamon doesn't taste or smell of cinnamon - both are fine variations of the tasty Oden's Extreme but they do not taste of what the can says they are going to.

        Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


        • NordicFrost
          New Member
          • Apr 2011
          • 6

          To me it smells & tastes like a very mild Wintergreen taste , probably the best Wintergreen snus (imho).
          I haven't tried Offroads Wintergreen Longcut.


          • Naswari
            • Feb 2012
            • 113

            Has anyone tried adding anything to their snus? Would it be worth grinding up some cinnamon sticks or some cardamom pods and adding to some los snus?


            • Master Qui
              • Feb 2012
              • 27

              Originally posted by squeezyjohn
              No Master Qui - I don't think you should doubt your tastebuds.

              Odens Extreme Wintergreen doesn't taste or smell of wintergreen at all, also Odens Extreme Cinnamon doesn't taste or smell of cinnamon - both are fine variations of the tasty Oden's Extreme but they do not taste of what the can says they are going to.
              Thanks Squeezyjohn, That's basically the info I was looking for. if it's more of a spiced tobacco flavored snus that's absolutly fine and for being that it is quite tasty with a strong nic hit and very fresh moist portions, but I will just treat it as a plain tobacco flavored snus instead of a wintergreen flavored snus. I just wanted to make sure that was how it was supposed to be and not that I had just gotten a bad can or something like that.

              I did also get the Oden's Extreme 59 Portion snus and got a little bit of a hint of fresh cinnamon, not a lot but I could taste and smell that it was supposed to have a faint cinnamon flavor, which is what sort of alarmed me with the wintergreen as I could not detect any smell or taste of wintergreen at all. I guess this is the wintergreen snus for people who don't like wintergreen flavored snus!

              Personally I have not yet tried any wintergreen snus before this, or any wintergreen tobacco at all in fact so perhaps I should try another wintergreen flavored snus with a bit stronger wintergreen flavoring. Any suggestions for a decent one? Thanks!


              • whalen
                • May 2009
                • 6593

                It does seem that GN has a great tobacco base, and then he pulls up way short when adding any flavors. I do find this a plus with the wintergreen, and a negative with the cinnamon.
                wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


                • Roo
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 3446

                  GN is a master of subtely. Why are we capitalizing snus? It would be weird if I did that every time I typed the word CIGARETTES.


                  • precious007
                    Banned Users
                    • Sep 2010
                    • 5885

                    Oden's is one of the best snus I had, honestly.

                    I don't doubt this wintergreen is awesome

                    The Odens Xtreme and Kanel Ekstra Sterk are on the top of my list


                    • Darwin
                      • Mar 2010
                      • 1372

                      Originally posted by Roo
                      GN is a master of subtely. Why are we capitalizing snus? It would be weird if I did that every time I typed the word CIGARETTES.
                      The Camel effect?


                      • Snusdog
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 6752

                        Originally posted by whalen
                        It does seem that GN has a great tobacco base, and then he pulls up way short when adding any flavors. I do find this a plus with the wintergreen, and a negative with the cinnamon.
                        That is a really good description and I agree both in regards to the cinnamon and the wintergreen

                        That said..........I felt the wintergreen was more pronounced in flavor than the cinnamon........it was mild but noticeably present with a nice creamy undertone.

                        This makes it the only wintergreen that I will buy
                        When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                        • Master Qui
                          • Feb 2012
                          • 27

                          Originally posted by Roo
                          Why are we capitalizing snus? It would be weird if I did that every time I typed the word CIGARETTES.

                          Originally posted by Darwin
                          The Camel effect?
                          Actually I've never used Camel snus. It's actually printed that way on the trial cans of General Nordic Mint which was the snus I started with because it was available at a gas station near my house. I've also seen it in all caps in a number of places on the internet so I just figured that was the proper way to do it. Learn something new every day.

                          Again, not saying this is a bad snus, it seems to be good quality, I just don't really see how it's advertised as a flavored snus. This was the first time I opened a can of snus and did not even sense a hint of the advertised flavor. The Oden's Extreme 59 had a very light hint of flavor but I could at least tell what it was supposed to be. So I was just a bit curious and wanted to make sure it hadn't gone bad or something. It felt like opening a can of orange soda and it tastes like water, just put me off a little bit. I think you would have to be extremely sensitive to the wintergreen flavor to pick up on any traces of it that there may be in this snus.


                          • sandman1911
                            • Jun 2009
                            • 394

                            Anyone looking for a true wintergreen flavored snus needs to look elsewhere, Oden's Wintergreen isn't for you and I'd recommend Jakobsson's if you want the smack you in the mouth wintergreen flavor.

                            Oden's takes a whole different approach with wintergreen which I like. If I'm not mistaken the code name was "Creamy Wintergreen" and the creamy part was dropped. The wintergreen flavor is there, you have to look for it which I like. The creamy part is there no doubt, almost a vanilla or light chocolate taste to me along with Oden's signature dark, strong tobacco flavor which I think they pull off better than anyone.

                            Is Oden's Wintergreen a good snus, absolutely. But like I said don't expect it to be wintergreen like Jakobsson's, or an American dip like Skoal that slaps you in the mouth.

                            Just my 2 cents and of course your mileage may vary.


                            • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                              • Mar 2011
                              • 7035

                              Bravo you took wards from my mouth


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