If there is 13mg nicotine and 2.4mg "unbound" in Camel Winterchill Snus is that a total of 15.4?? And someone please explain "unbound." I've been searching for this answer forever! I currently smoke e-cigarettes which contains 18mg of nicotine and zero tobacco per cartridge (which gives u the amount of puffs or "drags" as a little less than a pack of regular cigs.) I haven't been able to buy refills for my ecigs because of cost and I hate regular cigs.. I just want to know if I'm getting roughly the same or more nicotine if I used to go through about one ecig cartridge a day, and now currently only using snuss (about 4-5 pouches a day.)
Can anyone provide a clear answer?
Thanks everyone!!
Can anyone provide a clear answer?
Thanks everyone!!