Olde Viking becoming Olde Ving

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  • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
    • Mar 2011
    • 7035

    Olde Viking becoming Olde Ving

    Dear Friends Snus brand Olde Viking becoming Olde Ving from now on it will be delivered as Olde Ving it is same Snus just deferent design and can but same tast 9 mg nicotine pure bergamot
  • whalen
    • May 2009
    • 6593

    Makes perfect sense to me! What were you Thining?
    wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435


      Ving Rhames (born 1959), an American actor
      Lee Ving (born Lee James Capalero in 1949), lead singer of the 80s punk band Fear
      Ving (beverage), a vodka mix drink made with Jamaican Ting grapefruit soda
      Ving'hawe, an administrative ward in the Mpwapwa district of the Dodoma Region of Tanzania
      Lee Ving (born Lee James Capalero in 1949), lead singer of the 80s punk band Fear

      I don't see the connection. Why the change?


      • Snusdog
        • Jun 2008
        • 6752

        whoa..............seriously guys................ya'll don't get this

        It's German for bling........as in......ouh yaz, fra Gaga haz vuch ving

        yea......I got nothing

        But I love the snus.................regardless of what it is called.......I you have never tried the plain or the ginger......you need to pick up a can of each........good stuff
        When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


        • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
          • Mar 2011
          • 7035

          The thing is that Viking is registrated trade mark on tobacco by another company very big company and it is not right strategicly for us continiu, with that name that company does not use Viking name but if we will sell it will become popular with time and then they will tell us that you can not sell that brand anymore cause that's our brand it will be more painfull for us so we decided while Olde V . Is not yet very popular so we change now and then sleep good .So that is why it is Olde Ving but not Olde Viking


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            Reasonable explanation, but I think you could have done better with the name :^P

            Ah well.. As long as it's the same snus, that's all that really matters. Olde V(ik)ing original is great, and is my favorite portion in that flavor profile.


            • whalen
              • May 2009
              • 6593

              Good splainin Dear! I am sure the lawyer splained it out pretty clear. Now you really must give it a jazzy new name and relaunch! Olde Snusdog sounds much better! Or get some dye, and call it Olde Blue Barrels, Why not call it OLDE Premium Parrots, he's about to punch out and it would sell just as a memorial snus.
              Hell you should call it Texas Tea!
              GN's Classic blend
              OLDE Froshingslosh
              New Coke
              OLde Lip
              Hell just put this on the label and be done with it:Click image for larger version

Name:	GN avatar.jpg
Views:	7
Size:	61.0 KB
ID:	596227 I would buy it just for the label!
              wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


              • Roo
                • Jun 2008
                • 3446

                Good stuff Whalen

                GN I agree with everyone else. 'Olde Ving' does not sound right. If it means nothing in Swedish, it probably sounds just as ridiculous to your target audience than it does to us. If 'Ving' is a nonsense word, why is it "olde"? Just rename it completely and ask the web stores to describe it as "formerly known as Olde Viking" on the websites. Call is Odens 0.589 or something. Or Olde Roo.


                • Premium Parrots
                  Super Moderators
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 9759

                  Originally posted by whalen
                  Good splainin Dear! I am sure the lawyer splained it out pretty clear. Now you really must give it a jazzy new name and relaunch! Olde Snusdog sounds much better! Or get some dye, and call it Olde Blue Barrels, Why not call it OLDE Premium Parrots, he's about to punch out and it would sell just as a memorial snus.
                  Hell you should call it Texas Tea!
                  GN's Classic blend
                  OLDE Froshingslosh
                  New Coke
                  OLde Lip
                  Hell just put this on the label and be done with it:[ATTACH=CONFIG]1892[/ATTACH] I would buy it just for the label!
                  oh yea I'm sure everyone would love to try Olde PP. not

                  BUT you could call it Olde Semen
                  Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                  I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                  • Snusdog
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 6752

                    Olde Asgard Snus

                    Bödvar Snus

                    Einherjar Snus
                    When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                    • rickcharles606
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 2307

                      Olde Norseman?


                      • Ansel
                        • Feb 2011
                        • 3696

                        Originally posted by rickcharles606
                        Olde Norseman?
                        i quite like this


                        • whalen
                          • May 2009
                          • 6593

                          Olde Norseman works!

                          And I have had several snus that tasted like Olde PP. CJ liked every one of them too!

                          I like Olde Purple tin too..........................
                          wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


                          • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                            • Mar 2011
                            • 7035

                            Here are my thoughts .........................;(
                            Attached Files


                            • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                              • Mar 2011
                              • 7035


                              Well you made me sad guys guays but she made me glad


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