Finished a can of General today, finally got to open up my first can of 1847. I opened the can, let it breath for a minute, and take a sniff. First thought was it smelled like windex (glass cleaner) to me, very disapointing. I didn't let the smell stop me however, it can be misleading. Rolled the portion between my fingers a little bit, and tossed it in the ole' upper lip. 5-7 minutes later, i start to get a little flavor. To me, it tasted like windex smells, if that makes any sense. I left the portion in for a total of 15 mins and then had to get rid of it. Maybe it was because it used it after General, IDK. Not really looking forward to trying this snus again. I decided to open up a can of Ettan, it never lets me down. This is my .02, your results may vary.
Phillip Morris 1847
I thought the 1847 was pretty darn good. I read somewhere on here that they thought it tasted like Onyx. I'm not sure I'd agree with that, it was more mellow. I enjoyed it - it's probably one of my favorite mellow tobacco flavor snus. I really like the tin itself as well - probably my favorite, although I really like the Lucky Strike tins as well (I ordered a lot of tins of LS during the free shipping deal at buysnus because they cost a lot for the least amount of snus - heavy tin).
The only thing that put me off was the Philip Morris name - I usually think of them as a solely cig company ("American Tobacco" - although I think they're actually a British co.). Don't worry - these snus are all Swedish.
Many of you fine gents (and a couple of ladies) won't have been snussing long enough to have ever tried Rocker snus.
Well PM took over their factory, as I understand it, and this 1847 product is, to my mind EXACTLY like Rocker Red portion, maybe a little less strongly flavoured.
Many folks were sad when Rocker ceased eponymous production...
FatLip, I never tried Rocker myself sadly because their tin looked cheap. I know it's a dumb reason but when I got around to wanting to try it it was gone. Actually I just got around to trying the 1847 yesterday evening and I love it. It has the citrus notes you find with many brands but subtly hinted with chocolate notes. I kept trying to figure out what it reminded me of and it just hit me this morning. Jaffa Cakes!
Well I have found out since I started using snus that if you don't like a particular snus, don't give on it. I have used a few different kinds that have really grown on me even though I really didn't care for them on my first use, Grov snus being on of them. I am gonna try 1847 again in a few days. That said, you really can't like em all, can you ?