Originally posted by precious007
Snus in the US
This thread sure picked up while I was away
Reading through all I'd missed I was pleasantly surprised by the faith you people seem to have in snus growing in the US
I don't want to see snus abroad just cause it tastes good but because it is a GREAT help for anyone looking for a nicotine source that isn't a cigarette. I literally cannot count the people I know who quit cigs by switching to snus I am one of them aswell. Not saying snus is all good for you but compared to smoking a pack a day snus is like having sallad for dinner all day every day and snus doesn't have to be redneck/low class/dirty labeled. Come here and you'll see every other suited businessman sneak one of those up his lip on any given occasion which is why snus needs to be known and known as snus nothing else so it's not confused with things like dip my impression is these are viewed as unclean and messy and exclusive to rednecks please correct me if I'm wrong. Anyway that's that and I've only used snus for about a year myself I am in no way enlightened on the progress of snus or how it's viewed in other countries hence why I made the thread
Snus will not pick up in the U.S. because all of the snus that is being sold is crap. Camel snus is probably the worst. I have to put in 4 of the pouches to match one Thunder pouch. I tried the Skoal snus and was extremely unhappy. The pouch is huge, yet has little nicotine in it (much bigger than Thunder). There was only one snus that was good. It was tested in OHIO and was worth the money, great stuff but it has been a couple years since I tried it so I can not remember the name. Until higher quality snus is sold in the U.S. it will only remain a novelty. Hell, if they sold Thunder wintergreen and mint snus, they would not be able to keep it in stock. The whole tobacco market would change in the U.S.
Aside from the lack of knowledge of the general population in the U.S. another not inconsequential hurdle is the profound and impacted hostility to any form of tobacco, however helpful it might be, by the bulk of the medical establishment. Having recommended snus as an extremely good route to smoking cessation to several docs, including just today a pulmonologist, they may very grudgingly admit that it is better than smoking but since it's still tobacco it is perforce an evil thing. Period.
Mention further that they might research the benefits and lack of health problems from the use of Swedish snus and they either look at you as if you're speaking Sanskrit or politely nod their heads and mumble comforting noises as if they can't wait to get away from a clearly deranged individual that does not think that any and all forms of tobacco are the work of the devil. Really big hill to climb there.