Hello snusers!
I hate to create another thread about being new, but what the hell.. I'm a 31 year old male and I've been smoking Camel unfiltered cigarettes since I was 15 years old. Needless to say, this has damaged my health considerably. I was weezing, and puffing, and horking up all sorts of nasty stuff every day.. and then I got something in the mail from Camel telling me about this weird stuff called snus. I had two coupons for free snus and since it said snus was spit free I figured what the hell, I'll give it a shot. This stuff tasted really good to me, and I enjoyed it a lot. In fact, from the very first tin I found my desire for a cigarette almost gone! I'd still have one after a big meal or if I found myself stressed, but otherwise I really felt no need to smoke.
I was amazed! I never intended to quit, but it just.. sorta happened. After doing some research I realized that swedish snus and US snus are vastly different. I took the plunge and ordered a mixed box of Swedish Match white portion snus from BuySnus.com -- only $34.36 with shipping!
I've only tasted three so far and this is what I think:
General White portion: I've heard Camel described as "candy" but that didn't make sense to me until I popped my first portion of swedish snus in, what I've read is the standard.. General. Wow. I was not expecting the how strong this stuff is. The unrelenting taste of pure tobacco melted my face right off! I did not like this at first at all being used to Camel Frost.
I stuck with it though remembering that cigarettes tasted bad at first too, but I grew to love those with time.. and giving it a chance, I find that once you grow accustomed to the tobacco taste, you can start to pick out other flavors too. Swedish snus is much more subtle and complex than the "in your face" flavor of Camel snus. I've also discovered that the taste of General is perfect with a beer. I can't believe how well the two tastes compliment each other. So General, while not my favorite, has earned it's place as my beer snus.
Goteborgs Rape: Excuse the lack of accent marks there, I don't know how to make them without copy/paste. :P I liked this better than General because it was not nearly as strong. I read that it's supposed to have a certain sweetness to it, but I didn't detect this at all at first. Again, it seems that you really have to use a certain type for awhile to be able to grow accustomed to it and pick out the flavors beyond the tabacco backdrop. I enjoyed this snus more than General because it seemed a bit milder but as far as sweetness I can only detect the slightest bit. I wouldn't call it sweet at all really, but it does have a more balanced and easy tobacco flavor. Every so often I would get the impression of berries on the tip of my tongue. That was pretty neat.
Roda Lacket: I love this. The sweetness is still subtle, but much more defined than in Goteborgs Rape. This seems to come on very slowly, with the sweetness first, getting stronger until eventually the tabacco taste overpowers it. Fantastic. This is what I think I was looking for. Very much the unique taste of snus with a nice flavor but isn't "in your face" either. This is my second favorite for "every day snusing", with Grov being first, and General being great but only as a compliment to a beer (which is pretty often, I'm loath to admit
Grov: This is really good stuff right here. I was a little worried about how I would like a "pure" tobacco snus since I was still reeling a bit from General (which I've absolutely grown to love now) but my fears were unfounded. This is probably my favorite snus yet. What's it taste like? Well, it tastes like.. wait for it.. snus! Tobacco and Salt. It's wonderful. It doesn't try to "be" anything other than just a good snus. I really like this basic flavor and I think that if I were to have used this snus first before any of the others I would have been much more prepared for them and their differences in character. I find myself just quietly enjoying this snus without thinking about what it tastes like, or anything else.. it's just good.
Catch Eucalyptus: This starts out great. It's cold against my gums, the mint refreshes my mouth nicely and I'm thinking this is going to be a great snus. And then the tobacco flavor kicks in. Ugh. These two tastes do not go together well at all, imo. If you're going to make something minty you need to either make it so slight that it's just noticeable, or go all out like Camel Frost and have no tobacco flavor at all. I had to spit this one out.. I might try again sometime in the future, or if I run out and really need some snus while I wait for my next order.
Tre Ankre: This is a decent snus. It seems to have a bit of a "darker" tobacco flavor than Grov, but I didn't detect any of the "foresty" stuff others have mentioned. I like it, and I'll have no trouble finishing the can, but unless my taste buds acclimate differently to it over time I just don't taste enough here for it to really stand out against some of the others that I really like.
I have a bunch more in my "tasters kit" that I can't wait to try out. I think my next can will be Ettan. I've read that it's a full tobacco taste like General but a bit milder. We'll see.
I've really enjoyed my little trip into Snus Land and I'm loving experimenting with different brands. Oh, and I've been cigarette free for over a month now, and I never even intended to quit! I owe snus a debt of gratitude for that fact alone. And thanks for such a great forum, this place has been invaluable to me as a means to research brands and snus in general.
I hate to create another thread about being new, but what the hell.. I'm a 31 year old male and I've been smoking Camel unfiltered cigarettes since I was 15 years old. Needless to say, this has damaged my health considerably. I was weezing, and puffing, and horking up all sorts of nasty stuff every day.. and then I got something in the mail from Camel telling me about this weird stuff called snus. I had two coupons for free snus and since it said snus was spit free I figured what the hell, I'll give it a shot. This stuff tasted really good to me, and I enjoyed it a lot. In fact, from the very first tin I found my desire for a cigarette almost gone! I'd still have one after a big meal or if I found myself stressed, but otherwise I really felt no need to smoke.
I was amazed! I never intended to quit, but it just.. sorta happened. After doing some research I realized that swedish snus and US snus are vastly different. I took the plunge and ordered a mixed box of Swedish Match white portion snus from BuySnus.com -- only $34.36 with shipping!
I've only tasted three so far and this is what I think:
General White portion: I've heard Camel described as "candy" but that didn't make sense to me until I popped my first portion of swedish snus in, what I've read is the standard.. General. Wow. I was not expecting the how strong this stuff is. The unrelenting taste of pure tobacco melted my face right off! I did not like this at first at all being used to Camel Frost.
I stuck with it though remembering that cigarettes tasted bad at first too, but I grew to love those with time.. and giving it a chance, I find that once you grow accustomed to the tobacco taste, you can start to pick out other flavors too. Swedish snus is much more subtle and complex than the "in your face" flavor of Camel snus. I've also discovered that the taste of General is perfect with a beer. I can't believe how well the two tastes compliment each other. So General, while not my favorite, has earned it's place as my beer snus.
Goteborgs Rape: Excuse the lack of accent marks there, I don't know how to make them without copy/paste. :P I liked this better than General because it was not nearly as strong. I read that it's supposed to have a certain sweetness to it, but I didn't detect this at all at first. Again, it seems that you really have to use a certain type for awhile to be able to grow accustomed to it and pick out the flavors beyond the tabacco backdrop. I enjoyed this snus more than General because it seemed a bit milder but as far as sweetness I can only detect the slightest bit. I wouldn't call it sweet at all really, but it does have a more balanced and easy tobacco flavor. Every so often I would get the impression of berries on the tip of my tongue. That was pretty neat.
Roda Lacket: I love this. The sweetness is still subtle, but much more defined than in Goteborgs Rape. This seems to come on very slowly, with the sweetness first, getting stronger until eventually the tabacco taste overpowers it. Fantastic. This is what I think I was looking for. Very much the unique taste of snus with a nice flavor but isn't "in your face" either. This is my second favorite for "every day snusing", with Grov being first, and General being great but only as a compliment to a beer (which is pretty often, I'm loath to admit

Grov: This is really good stuff right here. I was a little worried about how I would like a "pure" tobacco snus since I was still reeling a bit from General (which I've absolutely grown to love now) but my fears were unfounded. This is probably my favorite snus yet. What's it taste like? Well, it tastes like.. wait for it.. snus! Tobacco and Salt. It's wonderful. It doesn't try to "be" anything other than just a good snus. I really like this basic flavor and I think that if I were to have used this snus first before any of the others I would have been much more prepared for them and their differences in character. I find myself just quietly enjoying this snus without thinking about what it tastes like, or anything else.. it's just good.
Catch Eucalyptus: This starts out great. It's cold against my gums, the mint refreshes my mouth nicely and I'm thinking this is going to be a great snus. And then the tobacco flavor kicks in. Ugh. These two tastes do not go together well at all, imo. If you're going to make something minty you need to either make it so slight that it's just noticeable, or go all out like Camel Frost and have no tobacco flavor at all. I had to spit this one out.. I might try again sometime in the future, or if I run out and really need some snus while I wait for my next order.
Tre Ankre: This is a decent snus. It seems to have a bit of a "darker" tobacco flavor than Grov, but I didn't detect any of the "foresty" stuff others have mentioned. I like it, and I'll have no trouble finishing the can, but unless my taste buds acclimate differently to it over time I just don't taste enough here for it to really stand out against some of the others that I really like.
I have a bunch more in my "tasters kit" that I can't wait to try out. I think my next can will be Ettan. I've read that it's a full tobacco taste like General but a bit milder. We'll see.
I've really enjoyed my little trip into Snus Land and I'm loving experimenting with different brands. Oh, and I've been cigarette free for over a month now, and I never even intended to quit! I owe snus a debt of gratitude for that fact alone. And thanks for such a great forum, this place has been invaluable to me as a means to research brands and snus in general.
