How/best way to begin snusing

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  • mb11743
    New Member
    • Jun 2008
    • 7

    How/best way to begin snusing

    Hey guys I was wondering what do you think that the best way to begin snusing is, I know it would prolly be best to buy the Swedish snus but I don't have a credit card so should i just go to a smoke shop and try camel snus? Would it be better to wait or to just take the plung? I have used dip on and off, just the loose stuff. I've done Redman WG and LH mint, both longcut. What brands of snus are best for a beginner? Any advice would be appreciated.
  • CWC
    • Mar 2008
    • 114

    Not sure where you are at, Camel is an option, but there are some stores in the US that sell General Snus portions and loose and a few Catch types. The link below is the Swedish Match store locator to see if there is any place close to you


    • Wholesome
      • Jun 2008
      • 65

      You can do a bank transfer at It costs a little extra, but if you have a checking account you can still get your snus without using a credit card.

      Having some experience with American dip, I found that snus was a totally different beast to tame, but that may just be me. So far the Ettan white portion hs been easiest to take, and is wonderful with a cup of coffee (thanks, Zero!). General Onyx was a tad rough for me at first, but now I love it so I think its a good buy as well. For the loose, Skruf has been treating me just fine. I have only been on the snus wagon for about a week, so take this advice as you will (read as I don't know shit yet). I am loving it, and have only smoked one pack of cigs in the last five days. Most of that is because I am not quite comfortable with the social ramifications of smokeless tobacco in America. Good luck and happy snusing!

      BTW, if you don't have a credit card because you're under 18, don't buy snus because any form of tobacco is evil and all that shit...



      • Snusophile
        • May 2008
        • 531

        How about getting a Visa Gift Card? I've used them before for online purchases and they work just fine, including snus orders.


        • chainsnuser
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2007
          • 1388

          Re: How/best way to begin snusing

          Originally posted by mb11743
          Hey guys I was wondering what do you think that the best way to begin snusing is
          For me it just was a high-nicotine-brand (Skruf Stark Portions). It didn't taste too good at first, but the nic-kick was enough to make me a snuser. A few weeks later I also began to appreciate the taste.

          Since snus needs some getting used to (the taste, the burning on the gums, that passes after about a week, the heavy nicotine even in the "weaker" brands) my only recommendation is not to give up too soon, if the first experiences aren't perfect.



          • velinn
            • Jun 2008
            • 39

            Originally posted by Snusophile
            How about getting a Visa Gift Card? I've used them before for online purchases and they work just fine, including snus orders.
            These are really great for online orders because they're not linked to anything like a credit line or bank account. Probably the safest way to order things online. Paypal offers a similar service where if you link your credit card or bank account to your PP account they will give you a "temporary" Visa number to use online (think it lasts like 30 minutes) and then they'll charge your actual account themselves later.

