Just finished putting two bikes together for the kids - 3.5 hours it took. Now I've got to wrap the kids presents. It's in work time, so I'm gettting paid for it I suppose. THAT'S where I've been - Chrimbo ain't no joke. I'm so busy I seriously don't know what day it is - I had to ask my mate.
Odens Lakrits White Dry Portion 25 % water
Now here is the quastion who is behind the snus can on photo ?
And which year was it made ?
I know this is a tall request, but I was hoping we could have a real conversation about this financial reform bill. I am not particularly educated in...
1. The market is already expensive. Stocks are about 20 times cyclically-adjusted earnings, according to data compiled by Yale University economics professor...
Johan and Alejandra are the kind of Swedes the IMF has been warning about - piling up debt to keep up with an ever-rising property market and fund a...