The EU snus ban and Snusworldwide

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  • Ansel
    • Feb 2011
    • 3696

    Originally posted by pris
    ....Or snus webshop gives away rolls of snus but charges ~£70 postage/packing per unit to cover their shipping costs.


    • Theline
      • Jun 2012
      • 32

      this is gonna be more and more. it`s soon illegal to use any type of tobacco here in norway. they are planning to set the age limit higher and higher, untill there are no more people starting to use.


      • daz
        • May 2012
        • 268

        re the norway thing , i think i know how is will work do't you.
        you go into the shop i would like to buy some tobacco's please?
        shop keeper i'm sorry you do not look over 50 years old to me so you need to fill out some forms 256z/1318x and a xyz28 and get a letter from your great-grandparents too confirm your over the age limit, have a nice day do come agan.


        • Theline
          • Jun 2012
          • 32

          right on spot it is exactly what they are planning. what 50 year old do you know that is willing to buy for minors? i sure don`t know anyone


          • Theline
            • Jun 2012
            • 32

            sorry, "minors". 49 year old minors


            • pris

              Just noticed re Northerner that even if you switch to the US warehouse you can still only order V2 snus from the EU warehouse :-o

              Originally posted by Extreme
              Surely you could still get it from the US


              • bill77.017
                • Jul 2010
                • 2279

                I don't understand it, and i think there's more to it than Snusworldwide getting off scot free. Even if they didn't know the rules for selling Snus within the EU, the stupid rules and regulations still exist don't they? Why weren't they enforced??? I'd love to know the real reason they got off, and i don't think it was because of their ignorance. I'm delighted they got off, but now other Snus websites have to be very careful, and can't say they are unaware of the rules.


                • Mdisch
                  • Jul 2011
                  • 805

                  Originally posted by bill77.017
                  I don't understand it, and i think there's more to it than Snusworldwide getting off scot free. Even if they didn't know the rules for selling Snus within the EU, the stupid rules and regulations still exist don't they? Why weren't they enforced??? I'd love to know the real reason they got off, and i don't think it was because of their ignorance. I'm delighted they got off, but now other Snus websites have to be very careful, and can't say they are unaware of the rules.
                  I agree - It's really odd.
                  I mean I can't just sell drugs and say "woopsies, didn't know that was illegal" - I know it's quite different, but same principle. They must've had one hell of a lawyer!


                  • Skell18
                    • May 2012
                    • 7067

                    Originally posted by Mdisch
                    They must've had one hell of a lawyer!
                    Guilty as charged


                    • bill77.017
                      • Jul 2010
                      • 2279

                      Originally posted by Mdisch
                      I agree - It's really odd.
                      I mean I can't just sell drugs and say "woopsies, didn't know that was illegal" - I know it's quite different, but same principle. They must've had one hell of a lawyer!
                      Exactly brother, and yeah their lawyer is a genius.


                      • daz
                        • May 2012
                        • 268

                        unless the eu ban on sales of snus is unlawfull under there own rules for the right of free tradeing within the eu sates, at the end of the day the eu woz ment too be about the open market place for all members ..


                        • Skell18
                          • May 2012
                          • 7067

                          Originally posted by daz
                          unless the eu ban on sales of snus is unlawfull under there own rules for the right of free tradeing within the eu sates, at the end of the day the eu woz ment too be about the open market place for all members ..
                          A challenege could be mounted on those grounds, but I think it has been attmepted before and was unsucessful. Not too sure about it. I am bulk buying now and stocking up till 2014 when the ban should be lifted when the tobacco directive is reviewed.


                          • Snusdog
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 6752

                            Here is what I want to know....................why am I always on the besieged end of things..........I can't even take a pinch of tobacco without finding that a worldwide collation has been gathered against me

                            I mean............... I get that life is not fair...............that people cheat and make back room deals............but why is life never unfair.................IN MY FAVOR

                            Hey Universe...............bout time the ol dog gets in on some of the action

                            sheesh............I need a cosmic therapist

                            When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                            • Fazer
                              • May 2011
                              • 663

                              I guess you have all had the email from northerner ?

                              If not, this is what it said

                              We know that a lot of you are wondering what is going on and why most of the brands have been made unavailable for the customers in the EU. We are going the clear things up for you and as always there are bad news and there are good news.

                              One of our competitors were brought to court and charged for selling snus illegally to customers in the EU. The verdict was announced yesterday and luckily they were acquitted since the court found the law on this matter to be unclear.

                              But from now on the law is no longer unclear and from today it is against the law to ship snus from Sweden to customers in the EU. This means that we had to stop selling snus to our EU customers as of today. All orders that have been made will ofcourse be shipped out.

                              But all news are not bad. We have found an other legal way to go on supplying you. We are now sending snus to the EU customers from an other european country. There will only be a limited range availabe but there will be no problems with customs and as it happens you will end up paying less for the snus you are purchasing.

                              All snus from V2 Tobacco will be available at the new warehouse. That is Thunder, Offroad, Phantom, SnusX, BaccOff, and Megapole. There is also a brand new product called DOS available.

                              We also know that some of you are worried that you will not be able to order snus like Jakobssons, Northerner and Odens anymore. You do not have to worry. We have arranged so that you can order those brand from our US warehouse. You will actually end up paying less for Odens, Jakobssons and the Northerner brands.

                              Check out flat pack section to se what you can order from the US warehouse. Just remember to change the warehouse view at the top left of the site to see the products at the US warehouse. So you see that all changes are not bad.

                              And one last thing. We are not charging you anything for shipping on all produts from the european warehouse for the rest of this week. That's right, Free Shipping from the european warehouse for the rest of this week.
                              What a load of F***ing shit


                              • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                                • Mar 2011
                                • 7035

                                Originally posted by Snusdog
                                Here is what I want to know....................why am I always on the besieged end of things..........I can't even take a pinch of tobacco without finding that a worldwide collation has been gathered against me

                                I mean............... I get that life is not fair...............that people cheat and make back room deals............but why is life never unfair.................IN MY FAVOR

                                Hey Universe...............bout time the ol dog gets in on some of the action

                                sheesh............I need a cosmic therapist

                                +1 to this


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