Regular vs white

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  • reshumate
    • May 2008
    • 94

    Regular vs white

    Relatively new to snus, started out with white portions, most of which were pretty good from the buysnus sampler. Ordered a second mix, but this time I went with mostly regular portions.

    I've been disappointed thus far with the way regular portions flow as compared to whites. I thought regulars would flow better/quicker, but it's not working that way. They also run out of flavor inside of 30 minutes. I've only tried Lucky and Knox regular portions so far. Knox is okay for flavor but the Luckys I literally have to wet them down and massacre the portion.

    Anyone else have a similar experience? I may have to go back to whites, which is fine, but they don't offer as many kinds of white portion tins. I would like to try every snus to see if I can find a favorite.
  • shortiee4
    • Jun 2008
    • 115

    White portions are explained to be slow in the coming out of flavor but last longer. The original (more moist) portions have a faster flavor but don't last as long as white.

    Personally, I like white portions more. I can keep a white portion in for almost 2 hours and it still has flavor. I usually dispose of original portions in an hour to an hour and a half.

    Finding your favorite snus takes a while (I still haven't found mine) but its fun to experiment.


    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077

      I have largely switched over to white's after about 14 months of snusing. i just find I prefer the more mellow come on of flavor, and I like to keep my portions in for a long time.

      Honestly, you have to evaluate which you prefer for each snus. Although I like N&J West, I still prefer the regular N&J. For Lucky Strikes, I definitely prefer the White, same with Retro White. But I love good old regular Knox.

      It took me 14 months of trying different things, having my tastes suddenly change, to begin to feel like I have a stable of favorites that I can rely upon. And even now, that stable is about 20 different snus. If I overuse any of them, I soon won't like them any more, so I keep a rather large supply so I can switch around what I use all the time.

      Give it time, keep experimenting, and don't discount any that you don't really like today. next week, they may suddenly become your favorite.


      • squeezyjohn
        • Jan 2008
        • 2497

        I definitely prefer originals to whites in nearly every situation where there's a choice between brands. For me white portions have a kind of chemical burn about half an hour in to the snusing when the juices are running a bit which I can't stand. I've never had that problem with originals unless I've accidentally fallen asleep with one in and woken up 7 hours later.

        That being said - I still get regular orders of Catch Eucalyptus and Röda Lacket because they only come that way.



        Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


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