Originally posted by Skell18
Snus to quit smoking
Originally posted by FazerI always find i do better when the sun is out for some stupid reason, i'm sure i'll hit 7 by bedtime, but it's another day tomorrow. I'm really going to look after what i have now, snus will as be rare as rocking horse sh*t in the EU soon
Originally posted by bill77.017Skell, 3 or 4 a day max!!!! I'd be pulling my hair out brother lol. But seriously a trip to Sweden is the bottom line isn't it? if all avenues become closed. I'd seriously consider it, sacrifices would have to be made, but it would be worth it to get Snus.Few pinches of snuff in between if I remember and jobs a goodun.
Originally posted by Skell18I got my smoking down to about 4 or 5 a day and just continued it with snus. I am normally too busy in work to notice, i put one in then 3 or so hours later I realise I still have the portion in. Take it out, get on with it, have much, pop a snus in, go home have dinner, put a snus in afterwards, easyFew pinches of snuff in between if I remember and jobs a goodun.
When I was at uni I used to smoke 60 a day, I had the time then and you could smoke in pubs, restaurants etc so it was much easier. I cut down as I was too busy with work, didn't have the time to smoke, when I did I either chained it or had 1 and didn't finish it. Got to the point where price did it for me and my supply of cheap fags dried up, then snus made a wonderful appearance
Originally posted by Skell18When I was at uni I used to smoke 60 a day, I had the time then and you could smoke in pubs, restaurants etc so it was much easier. I cut down as I was too busy with work, didn't have the time to smoke, when I did I either chained it or had 1 and didn't finish it. Got to the point where price did it for me and my supply of cheap fags dried up, then snus made a wonderful appearance
Originally posted by bill77.017Yeah the price of cigarettes is phenomenal alright. It definitely is a good incentive to cut down. for me though it was the health issues that was foremost in my mind and finally pushed me to find a way to quit. Having said that though, when i did smoke i always found time to nip off and have a few drags, work or no work lol.
Originally posted by bill77.017After about 40 - 50 mins i'd take out my used Snus and throw another in, everytime.
Originally posted by AnselI'm smoking some Virginia in a briar pipe with a mug of tea - it's great.