New to the Snuss!

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  • exexpat93
    • Jul 2008
    • 76

    New to the Snuss!

    I was a one pack a day smoker or harsher (Camel, Pall Mall) brands.
    A few months ago I was passing through Portland, Oregon and picked up three rolls (actual 10 pack) of Camel Snuss - one roll per flavor. I am now hooked and just now finally running out. I have 3 rolls on order from Northerner of mixed real Swed brands.

    I prefer the portion packet as it is clean and easy to dispose of. The main Camel flavor I liked was Spice. Many say Spice is too strong but I found it to hit the spot. I am winding down on my Regular Tobacco flavor until my order arrives this week.

    I hope this new hobby / fix takes me totally away from smoking. I have kept a packet in my mouth at night while sleeping and do not have the urge for a first morning smoke (nope, don't swallow it either in my sleep).

    Why would a person choose loose (just a question, I used to smoke a pipe at one time and carrying all the tools and prep time was a pain)?

    I also lower jaw Snuss. I find it holds it's location better and works just as well.

    Loosing weight and feeling less sluggish too now. Breath returning. Feeling 100% better with Snuss.

    Oh, Cop and US brand smokeless ulcers my mouth (salt crystals?) and sometimes if you don't spit (green projectile vomit) - you know.

    So, I am here looking for advise and tips and hints on flavors and sources and the whole enchaliada.

    So, lead me to Snuss and out of Smoking! Thanks All!
  • snusfather
    • Jun 2008
    • 227

    Welcome. You'll find alot of xsmokers around the site. I think this is a testament to the superiority of snus vs. smoked tobacco. 8)

    I do have a few recomendations on snus types if you liked the camel spice, but I highly recomend you try a variety. I have said before that I had no idea I would like the taste of lemon, pepper and earl grey tea mixed together, but it's fantastic! Anyway, spice like snus; Nick & Johnny East (closest to camel snus), Goteborgs Rape (to some extent Gotebogs Rape #2), and Tre Ankare (though the herbal content is a little supressed by dark tobacco flavor).

    I'm with you on the portions, but I'm shure that someone will expound on the wonders of los

    I buy all my snus through Others are just as good, but buysnus' costomer sevice and special deals are second to none. I also have alwase gotten my shipments within 4-5 days just useing the cheapest basic Swedish postage shipping they offer (I live in Rock Island IL.). Good luck and kind regards.


    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077

      Welcome to the forum exexpat93, so many new snusers lately!!

      I will try to address some of what you asked. But first, tell us what you ordered from Northerner. At least that way, we will know what direction you are starting out in.

      So many of us here stopped smoking when we started using snus. Don't stress it, don't feel like you have to try, I promise, the snus will eventually call you completely away (or almost completely) from cigarettes. The Camel you have started isn't even close to the Swedish in terms of nicotine delivery. And if normal Swedish snus isn't still quite enough, there are a bunch of strong portion snus to help push you over. These contain even more nicotine. If I remember correctly, Nick & Johnny has 30% more nicotine, and Skruff Stark has 40% more.

      The mini portions will be most similar to Camel. Mocca pomegranate for example, looks exactly like a Camel snus. The mini's will also deliver a similar small nicotine kick as well. All except for the New Mocca +, the first strong mini and one of my new favorites.

      Be prepared for salt. Most Swedish snus is very salty. At first, that is all you will taste. But over a few days, that starts to go away (you get used to it) and then you will really start to taste the tobacco.

      A few folks here lower lip it. But with Swedish snus, most (unless it is a white) will juice up far more then you are used to. Using it in the lower lip means it will juice even more. Snus however you feel comfortable, but do try it the traditional way just to see. But in the end, there is no RIGHT way, just your way. I keep mine pushed far further back than is traditional. It is just the way I like it.

      Again, welcome. And let us know what your reaction is when you get the real snus finally. You are on the beginning of a wonderful journey, enjoy every minute of it!


      • exexpat93
        • Jul 2008
        • 76

        Here are the samples thus far...

        Thanks All!

        Offroad American Wintergreen, Portion
        Offroad Coffee / Vanilla, Portion
        Offroad STRONG Original, Portion
        Elixyr Power Energy, Portion
        Gustavus XL, Portion

        I was really tempted to get the Nick and Johnny but forgot why I opted away from that one. Next time.

        The Domestic Smokeless seems very crystalin. I notice the Brit Tobacco Camel type is salty but does not feel like fiberglass insulation under the lip like Cop, Skoal, etc.

        I tried to buy some Romeo and Juliette but was shutdown due to our customs in the US (darn!).

        Citrus and Spicy seem to be my likes. Cranberry... did not know about that one yet.

        I hope my order arrives soon, I kind of cut myself short.

        **** edit later... Looks like I chose some of the lesser liked brands and flavors. Oh well, I am impressed with Camel Domestic so I'm sure I'll still like all of the above. I'll just have to move into the more exclusive brands. LOL!


        • Xobeloot
          • Jan 2008
          • 2542

          Re: Here are the samples thus far...

          Originally posted by exexpat93
          Offroad American Wintergreen, Portion
          Offroad Coffee / Vanilla, Portion
          Offroad STRONG Original, Portion
          Elixyr Power Energy, Portion
          I like 'em already!

          Welcome to Snuson my friend!

          I use Phantom Blue, Offroad Cran, and Phantom Classic (all loose) more than any other brands. Sagedil turned me on the the ElixyrPE. I use that every morning on the way to work now.


          • exexpat93
            • Jul 2008
            • 76

            Must Sample All!

            Elixyr Power Energy will be my jump start in the morning. Anyone have thoughts on the Gust XL? Seems once reading past posts everyone has different tastes so I'll just have to start ordering the mixed rolls and sampler box sets to check out the entire line.

            I am one of those rare smokers that could smoke most of the major brands without a true preference (outside of French Cigs and Camel Wides due to their Euro shape which I did prefer). I could smoke L&M to Lucky's to Marlboro to Pall Mall to Camel as long as they were regular full flavor non methol.

            Snus is going to be a very interesting hobby/habit. :twisted:

            I recently was traveling and the guy next to me suggested smokeless tobacco. I was not nick'ing out but I have been looking for alternatives to smoking. I picked up some Skoal Bandits and they were ... ok but hard to take because after a while they hurt. Also the spiting sucked.

            So when I got home I started looking online for smoking alternatives and Wiki brought up Snus. Snus in Google brought me to Camel. Camel brought me to this point so Camel can't be all bad (I do actually like them also).

            Some like Phantom and it seems others dislike it. I know one of the online shops does deals on it. Another shop has deals with Offroad. Then I forget the other shop that has deals with General.

            Sweds. First the Bikini Team then Snus. I really must emigrate there. They really seem to have it together up North!


            • Kerprodo
              • Apr 2008
              • 138

              Really the only way to find what you like are to try out a lot of flavors and types, I started with a couple mix rolls from buysnus and I think a lot of people also started with the large northerner sampler box, both are great deals on a large variety of snus.

              Also suggest you throw a tin or two of lös in an order, it's worth trying regardless of whether it ends up being your thing or not.


              • gentlemanly
                Banned Users
                • Mar 2008
                • 247

                the mini portions will be most similar to Camel. Mocca pomegranate for example, looks exactly like a Camel snus.
                Not quite the least here in Portland

                I picked up a can of Camel last week waiting form my order for the first time in months. I was surprised to find that there are only 15 portions per can instead of 20, and the portions were twice as long. Portion is almost 1 1/2" long. Also the price has gone up to 6.99 in some stores.


                • Kerprodo
                  • Apr 2008
                  • 138

                  Yeah, I read a few months back that Camel was making this change, I believe size went up to .6 grams per pouch from .4 grams.
                  Glad I switched before the change, it was already expensive w/ 20 portions and I doubled up a lot with the Camel and rarely double up with snus - plus use loose at home - so I probably spend half as much importing as buying the Camel


                  • Slydel
                    • Mar 2008
                    • 421

                    Nobody really answered why they liked los over portion. Speaking for myself, since I normally like portion for their ease of use and the fact that they stay in place and that they seem to last longer for me......Well sometime I just like a fricken los. I think the pros are that it tends to be softer on the gums, maybe greater contact with the gums, better or more juices flowing downward toward your tongue for more flavor. You also get more los per tin than loose. For me it is just something that I like to do when I feel it is time to unwind and put a nice flavor in for a long time when I am done with dinner. I don't use loose as often as a portion, but when I do it is at a time when I can enjoy it the most.

                    Variety is the spice of life be it portion, los, or the many flavors that are out there. Try them all.



                    • exexpat93
                      • Jul 2008
                      • 76

                      In the Nicotine of Time

                      Northerner came through and my stock of Snus is back at a safe level.

                      Review of Swed Snus tried so far.

                      Gustavus XL - large and lemony.
                      Offroad Wintergreen - nice.
                      Elizyr PE - A little harsh and makes me dizzy without a drink 5 minutes in.

                      Now, this might be blasphamy. I find the tobacco effect and a little of the taste like US standard smokeless. The Camel Snus is very sugary in comparison. There is no comparison and do not see how Camel was imitating the Original Snus at all if the above is a representative.

                      Satisfys my nicotine needs better than Camel Snus and lasts as long or longer. Kissed a Woman with Gust and OR Wintergreen and she commented that she liked the taste (albeit she is a light smoker so might be more forgiving). She kept asking my forgiveness of her smoking and did not think twice about my Snus.

                      Oh, I picked up my Camel Snus before the changes and major cost increase. Swedish Snus is a bargain for sure now.

                      Off to a good start so far. I need to check out some "White" portions on my next order. So, is white a little less moist? I'm sure I'll find out but first I want to go through my stocks for now before ordering again.

                      Note. Disposal of portions are a breeze. I can "spittoon" a portion into trash cans at a distance of 5 to 6 feet.


                      • sagedil
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 7077

                        Off to a good start. I am glad you are enjoying it.

                        Yes, white is dryer. It has a slightly more mellow flavor typically that is slower to come on. A few months ago, I really started to prefer whites for most of my snus. Retro White is a top favorite of mine, I also like General White too. I would also recommend you trying Nick & Johnny. A long time favorite around here. And the new Mocca + is also especially yummy.


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