I was a one pack a day smoker or harsher (Camel, Pall Mall) brands.
A few months ago I was passing through Portland, Oregon and picked up three rolls (actual 10 pack) of Camel Snuss - one roll per flavor. I am now hooked and just now finally running out. I have 3 rolls on order from Northerner of mixed real Swed brands.
I prefer the portion packet as it is clean and easy to dispose of. The main Camel flavor I liked was Spice. Many say Spice is too strong but I found it to hit the spot. I am winding down on my Regular Tobacco flavor until my order arrives this week.
I hope this new hobby / fix takes me totally away from smoking. I have kept a packet in my mouth at night while sleeping and do not have the urge for a first morning smoke (nope, don't swallow it either in my sleep).
Why would a person choose loose (just a question, I used to smoke a pipe at one time and carrying all the tools and prep time was a pain)?
I also lower jaw Snuss. I find it holds it's location better and works just as well.
Loosing weight and feeling less sluggish too now. Breath returning. Feeling 100% better with Snuss.
Oh, Cop and US brand smokeless ulcers my mouth (salt crystals?) and sometimes if you don't spit (green projectile vomit) - you know.
So, I am here looking for advise and tips and hints on flavors and sources and the whole enchaliada.
So, lead me to Snuss and out of Smoking! Thanks All!
A few months ago I was passing through Portland, Oregon and picked up three rolls (actual 10 pack) of Camel Snuss - one roll per flavor. I am now hooked and just now finally running out. I have 3 rolls on order from Northerner of mixed real Swed brands.
I prefer the portion packet as it is clean and easy to dispose of. The main Camel flavor I liked was Spice. Many say Spice is too strong but I found it to hit the spot. I am winding down on my Regular Tobacco flavor until my order arrives this week.
I hope this new hobby / fix takes me totally away from smoking. I have kept a packet in my mouth at night while sleeping and do not have the urge for a first morning smoke (nope, don't swallow it either in my sleep).
Why would a person choose loose (just a question, I used to smoke a pipe at one time and carrying all the tools and prep time was a pain)?
I also lower jaw Snuss. I find it holds it's location better and works just as well.
Loosing weight and feeling less sluggish too now. Breath returning. Feeling 100% better with Snuss.
Oh, Cop and US brand smokeless ulcers my mouth (salt crystals?) and sometimes if you don't spit (green projectile vomit) - you know.
So, I am here looking for advise and tips and hints on flavors and sources and the whole enchaliada.
So, lead me to Snuss and out of Smoking! Thanks All!