That sucks man.. The real question is, was it los or portions? I'd be willing to scoop the portions back in if they didnt' land anywhere gross. Los would be a much more difficult situation, and I'd most likely not even bother.
see that little tag above your picture "junior snuser" you know why it's there.........
just kidding mate...........I feel your pain.......I had a los lid malfunction a month or so back.....I was in the car....trying to pack it like dip........then I was in the car trying to drive with one eye.........using various explicatives and idioms unique to the south........... to describe my dislike of the blinding burning sensation in my eye
I think a moment of silence is due here for halocog..........and all snus lost in the line of duty
When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
Just remember, the los on the TOP of the pile on the floor...hasn't yet touched the floor/ground, and is safe to use ;-)
Man…......that's portion users' talk…............ I think we need to see a bit more of a commitment from the los-ers ..............Scoop it all back into the tin……………pull as much lent from it as you can............and get the rest out as you go
It ain't pretty..................but in a seldom is
When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
He hasn't acted strange at all, he's a 110 pound black lab. I'll keep an eye on him for sure though, he's eaten chew before so I think he's a bit of an addict like the rest of us. Thanks for the concern thou I'll keep you guys posted.
He hasn't acted strange at all, he's a 110 pound black lab. I'll keep an eye on him for sure though, he's eaten chew before so I think he's a bit of an addict like the rest of us. Thanks for the concern thou I'll keep you guys posted.
He'll puke it up before anything serious happens. Mine did ;-) Now, I'm not saying she didn't puke for hours...but she was okay. And she's a bit over 10lbs, so yours should be okay
I never make polls but I just wanted to make this poll for shits and giggles.
It's starting to seem to me that many more people who hand-roll lössnus...
Heres the scoop.......or rather not the scoop. I will admit to my friends here at snuson that today is one of the saddest days of my entire life. This...