I wonder if that means the new Klondike snus will taste anything like Jakobsson's.
Any new long term of experience in Jakobsson´s?
Originally posted by jamesstewIf you like the 1847 I'd suggest giving Gustavas Original a try. IMHO it's very similar to the PM product, it's an original, not white portion but still lasts a long time. It's got the bergamot hints like the 1847 but without the choclate notes. It's also priced better since your not paying extra for the metal tin.
aj01, as far as I understand Gotlandssnus is still very much in existence
Yes, Taboca A/S bought the production plant which the two companies share, but Gotlandssnus AB is still a registered company holding the trade marks to Jakobsson's and Gotlandssnus
Ps: I don't care if they use a bit of hype when marketing their product. PM is just as guilty of playing on images of the past by naming their snus 1847 - the year that PM opened the first cigarette shop in London...
And let's not forget F&Ls Retro
I would be interested to know why you are so critical of Gotlandssnus...if memory serves it is not the first time you've made a comment about the firm...
Re: "Jakobsson" snus
Originally posted by aj01I would take the Jakobsson message with a few grains of salt. Gotlandssnus ceased to exist over two years ago when the factory in Roma, Gotland was purchased by the Norwegian Taboca AS.
Taboca, has, since then, been producing all Gotlandssnus SKU's under contract (same people, better machines), as well as the Cuban and Taboca products for Scandinavia.
And believe me, any tobacco grown on Gotland is guaranteed to be shite. Poland (also a Baltic country) still sits on warehouses full of unsold awful cigarette tobacco. The better grades come from warm countries.
Snus itself is made primarily from the stem of high-nic tobaccos from India and Philippines, i.e. the cheap end of the leaf.
The Jakobsson "Grandpa" story is extremely far-fetched!
We have an werry tight relationship whith Tabocca.. and yes they have al the machines but we are the maufactors of Gotlandssnus products!
”the factory is about 20 meters from were our office are in ROMA ”The old suger factory”
Gotlandssnus is an external company, whom mainely doing snus product envelopment.
The tobacco ALIDA is mixed in the "blend" of the snus!
The story of Henrik Jakobsson VS Jakob Jakobsson is tru!!! ”Henrik is the funder of GS and Jakob is his Great grand dad”
By the way... were do you work?
I work at Gotlandssnus, and i am happy to work in a company that respect and trying to do snus as snus shall taste!
Gotlandssnus had their first product 2002
F&L did their first product in 2004!!/Jimi
Gotlandssnus Misinformation Correction
Originally posted by KarlvBaj01, as far as I understand Gotlandssnus is still very much in existence
Yes, Taboca A/S bought the production plant which the two companies share, but Gotlandssnus AB is still a registered company holding the trade marks to Jakobsson's and Gotlandssnus
Ps: I don't care if they use a bit of hype when marketing their product. PM is just as guilty of playing on images of the past by naming their snus 1847 - the year that PM opened the first cigarette shop in London...
And let's not forget F&Ls Retro
I would be interested to know why you are so critical of Gotlandssnus...if memory serves it is not the first time you've made a comment about the firm...
But especially my last points still stand. Sabotaging a competitor or just not doing your homework and putting up......crap.... doesn't help any of us or especially the new US snus users looking for guidance.
Personal opinions on taste are one thing: outright falsehoods are another.
Gottlandssnus has an excellent relationship with Tabocca.. and they do use Tobocca's machines currently. BUT Gotlanssnus is the manufacturer of ALL of Gotlandssnus products.
GS is effectively using Tobocca hardware: not letting them make GS snus, have any influence on the recipe, or have anything to do with production aside from letting GS use their hardware (for a price, I'm sure...forgot to ask that, though).
The tobacco ALIDA is mixed in the blend of Gotlandssnus. As to your Polish and Philippine tobacco comments, I don't understand Swedish, but from the tone before they were calm enough to answer me in English....lets just say "not true".
And they became very indignant about your comments on the "history". The story of Henrik Jakobsson VS Jakob Jakobsson is true. Henrik is the founder of GS and Jakob is his Great grand dad.
Considering how massively your "facts" differ from what GS says, I have to wonder if you or someone in your family doesn't work for SM or Fiedler and Lundgren?
I get "interesting" comments on my blog originating from Winston-Salem, NC when I write about American so-called snus. Your remarks seem in the same vein as theirs.
If not, please fact-check before you make such bold accusations. There's enough misinformation about snus on the Internet without us adding to it.
Down below you have an report from june 2008
"its in Swedish!!!!!
Translate link below:
Report of Gotlandssnus belo:
Originally posted by toekuttraj01 claims:Snus itself is made primarily from the stem of high-nic tobaccos from India and Philippines, i.e. the cheap end of the leaf.
Then again, I could be wrong. Please supply links to where your information is documented. If you're right, I'm disappointed; but I want to know.
On the other hand, if this was a "misunderstanding" on your part, please let me and the others know too. I think I explained the reasons in my last post after I checked your other "facts" with GS.
I think Ice and company would want to charge for advertising and would probably ban stealth advertising outright.
Thanks in advance,
Mr. Unloadingzone
Honestly it doesn't matter who owns who, or who makes what product. I'd prefer if my snus was craft made by hobbits in a hollow tree, but Satan's minions work also if the snus is good :^P
The end result is all that matters. If you can make a good snus using tobacco roots and oak bark, then that's fine. The cheaper end of the leaf(if true) may give the correct flavor profile, I don't know, but each product should be judged on it's merits.
Gotlandssnus is my favorite maker, and every product except for the nicotine free is on my roll buy list. I am curious about the similarity of flavor between Taboca, and Gotland snus. The both share a "house flavor" that's a bit herbal, with a little bitterness. I've noted that in every brand from both companies. What is the origin of that flavor?
I would side with Gotlandssnus Company here.
There are alot of premium made products made world wide that share factories/machines but control what goes into their products.
Gotlands Gul Los is my No. 2 Los
Jakobssons Classic is tied for No.1 in portion.
I believe this company and what they say to be true. I will continue to support them and wish them the best and to please continue making quality products.
You have a fan for life in me.
Originally posted by lxskllrI am curious about the similarity of flavor between Taboca, and Gotland snus. The both share a "house flavor" that's a bit herbal, with a little bitterness. I've noted that in every brand from both companies. What is the origin of that flavor?
Originally posted by KarlvBOriginally posted by lxskllrI am curious about the similarity of flavor between Taboca, and Gotland snus. The both share a "house flavor" that's a bit herbal, with a little bitterness. I've noted that in every brand from both companies. What is the origin of that flavor?
The site above looks interesting. Is that a boutique snus division of Swedish Match?
Originally posted by lxskllr
Originally posted by RobMEOriginally posted by lxskllr
I could have sworn Google didn't offer Swedish translations last time I looked. Maybe I wasn't looking in the right place :^/
I find it humorous that Jakobsson's snus advertises the way they do on their site. There is no factory with local tobacco growing next to it.
Taboca AS owns the former Gotlandssnus factory in Roma. The equipment, all top-notch and new, was purchased by Taboca. It's on a converted industrial site.
Snus provides much grist for romanticism, for sure. It is, in fact, tobacco waste, or stem. Swedes working in American tobacco fields in the 19th century chewed this stem, leftovers from the harvest, and ended up exporting it home. The "Swedish tradition" actually comes from the USA, where many millions of Swedes and Norwegians emigrated to back then.
What makes it special, however, is packaging and flavoring. The tobaccos are mostly sourced in Asia, due to high nic content, and the production process involves a high level of sterility based on current Swedish food law. Super-strict, and not as romantic as the ads would say. White coats and mouth-guards. Also, SM is the only company doing proper white portion due to a proprietary process which extrudes the tobacco into the pouch. No-one else has come close.