Flavored snus?

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  • CzechCzar
    • Jun 2010
    • 1144

    Flavored snus?

    So, I have been on here since March - many thanks for all the helpful information! I have a question about flavored snus. At first I was all about flavored snuses. General mint, Nordic mint, wintergreen, Offroad mint, GR #2. I didn't really like the in your face saltiness and tobacco of regular snuses.

    Fast forward a few months. One day, I pop in a General Wintergreen... and I absolutely hate it. The rest of the flavored snuse, well, I don't hate them per se, but now they are not my cuppa tea. The more snus I use, the more I am liking the plain snuses: GR, general white, green harvest, grove. 01, which used to be my favorite tobacco-flavored snus, is now nearly too sweet for me. The only flavored snus I really still enjoy is GR lime, which, IMHO, is subtle enough to be a masterpiece.

    I have two questions: is it normal for tastes to change this fast? I want to go and buy a lot of the stuff I like, but I worry that my tastes will change again, and I'll be stuck (as I am now) with a bunch of snus I don't really care for.

    Secondly: why do some guys still love the flavored snus after many years? I have seen some senior members that have all flavored snuses listed as favorites. I am not saying they are wrong, mind you. I guess I am asking what attracts them to flavors after so long?
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Imo, the plainer snuses are more versatile. The closer you get to a basic product, the longer the enjoyment lasts. The plain snus actually has a lot of flavor, but it requires a bit more work to get it. That also means certain flavors can be more easily ignored if you aren't in the mood. I like flavored snus every so often, but my core use is plain and bergamot. My favorite flavor is licorice/anis. There isn't much in America that features those flavors, so it's more special when I have it.

    I think any snus on the plain side is a safe bulk buy. Even if the time comes when you don't love it, you also aren't likely to hate it. It'll still be enjoyable enough.

    Other people liking flavored snus? Dunno. There's no accounting for taste. Everyone's different, and has different tastes.


    • Skell18
      • May 2012
      • 7067

      Originally posted by CzechCzar
      So, I have been on here since March - many thanks for all the helpful information! I have a question about flavored snus. At first I was all about flavored snuses. General mint, Nordic mint, wintergreen, Offroad mint, GR #2. I didn't really like the in your face saltiness and tobacco of regular snuses.

      Fast forward a few months. One day, I pop in a General Wintergreen... and I absolutely hate it. The rest of the flavored snuse, well, I don't hate them per se, but now they are not my cuppa tea. The more snus I use, the more I am liking the plain snuses: GR, general white, green harvest, grove. 01, which used to be my favorite tobacco-flavored snus, is now nearly too sweet for me. The only flavored snus I really still enjoy is GR lime, which, IMHO, is subtle enough to be a masterpiece.

      I have two questions: is it normal for tastes to change this fast? I want to go and buy a lot of the stuff I like, but I worry that my tastes will change again, and I'll be stuck (as I am now) with a bunch of snus I don't really care for.

      Secondly: why do some guys still love the flavored snus after many years? I have seen some senior members that have all flavored snuses listed as favorites. I am not saying they are wrong, mind you. I guess I am asking what attracts them to flavors after so long?
      Its normal for tastes to change, mine certainly have! Sometimes its nice to have a flavoured snus once in a while as a change, I reach for a thunder frosted, or jaks melon, WG, mint, just to keep things interesting and also if the mood takes me, really depends how I feel. Most of the time though its classic or original flavoured snuses.

      If you want a good base tobacco flavour then try Oden's or Old Ving, you won't be disapointed!


      • Tristik
        • Jan 2009
        • 654

        Originally posted by CzechCzar
        Secondly: why do some guys still love the flavored snus after many years? I have seen some senior members that have all flavored snuses listed as favorites. I am not saying they are wrong, mind you. I guess I am asking what attracts them to flavors after so long?
        I think part of my affinity for flavored snus after a few years of using it may be the same reason I mostly smoked Menthol cigarettes when I smoked. Now, I'll use more plain snus once in awhile, and I also bought non-menthol smokes sometimes. But the bulk of my smoking was menthol, and the bulk of my snus usage is flavored (mint, wintergreen, licorice). May be something in that, may not. Think I might post a poll on that to see if there's any validation on that. Could be interesting.


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