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  • biglexus
    New Member
    • Jul 2008
    • 13

    Round 3:

    Catch White Eucalyptus

    Smell: Not as promising as Offroad Coffee Vanilla (then again, Offroad wasn't that good).

    Taste: Less bitter than J.I.F., definitely an Icy Eucalyptus undertone, refreshing. Loss of taste after 20mn.

    Time in upper lip: 25mn.

    So far, I'm missing the sweetness from Camel.

    Stay tuned for more.


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      It's interesting hearing your very first impressions of the different snus'. I don't think you're really going to find a "Swedish Camel", but don't get discouraged. The Swedish brands are more subtle, and refined. It's like the difference between DeKypper's(sp?) Schnapps, and a good single malt whisky. The Schnapps is ok for for an occasional thing, but it has as much artistic expression as Kool-Aid. For the more difficult experience, and one that can be revisited, the care and time that go into a single malt make it the winner over the long haul ;^)


      • Xobeloot
        • Jan 2008
        • 2542

        Are you taking them out after 20-25 min? most snus flavors just start to get warmed up after 20-25 mins.


        • biglexus
          New Member
          • Jul 2008
          • 13

          Originally posted by lxskllr
          It's interesting hearing your very first impressions of the different snus'. I don't think you're really going to find a "Swedish Camel", but don't get discouraged. The Swedish brands are more subtle, and refined. It's like the difference between DeKypper's(sp?) Schnapps, and a good single malt whisky. The Schnapps is ok for for an occasional thing, but it has as much artistic expression as Kool-Aid. For the more difficult experience, and one that can be revisited, the care and time that go into a single malt make it the winner over the long haul ;^)
          Nice Analogy lxskllr.

          I'll keep tasting and try to get through the real mature taste of swedish snus.

          Next up, Cranberry.


          • biglexus
            New Member
            • Jul 2008
            • 13

            Originally posted by Xobeloot
            Are you taking them out after 20-25 min? most snus flavors just start to get warmed up after 20-25 mins.
            I did take all 3 out after 25mn, mostly because I felt that the taste was gone.

            I will try to keep the next one in longer to experience the flavors.



            • biglexus
              New Member
              • Jul 2008
              • 13

              Round 4:

              Skruf Cranberry

              Smell: Not that bad, doesn't remind me of Cranberry though (everything is relative).

              Taste: Again bitterness at first. Some hints of fruit afterwards but no Cranberry.

              Time in upper lip: 40mn (flavors didn't kick in after 25mn).

              Just put an Offroad IceMint in...

              10mn later, Had to spit it out, Offroad is really nasty tasting.

              Man, my Swedish Snus experience is going nowhere...

              I got a couple of more tins to try though.


              • RobME
                • Jul 2008
                • 387

                Originally posted by biglexus
                Round 4:...
                Man, my Swedish Snus experience is going nowhere...
                I got a couple of more tins to try though.
                Yeah well... don't give up too quickly. I'm pretty new at this like you. Of my first eight portion cans, four I could handle and four I traded off here on the forums. Only really liked one of them a lot. Some tastes have to be acquired, but some of this stuff can really taste vile. It's all personal. What I traded off, the recipient took-on because he probably liked 'em. There's enough of a variety in the Swedish snus world for you to find yours. It's out there!

                I've since done much reading here, and have another 10 varieties coming in. I expect to like most of them and what I don't, I'll trade again. I'll probably settle on four, five or six brands and keep ordering them as my staples.

                Personally, I'm not one for mint, eucalyptus, anise or overly herbal "flavors". I really disliked the Jakobssons Ice-Fruit, but that's just me. The J Classic isn't bad but I won't be reordering. I like salt. It's nice to have some salt with my snus, but not the other way around. In some of this sh&t, the NaCl is waay too much.

                You'll get to know what you like. Don't give up. General's very popular for a reason. You should try some. For me the Onyx is a knockout.



                • lxskllr
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13435

                  RobME made some good points. In addition to that, I wouldn't be in a hurry to get rid of the losers right off. Offroad just plain sucks(imo), but who knows, you may end up liking it given time. My first snus was Camel also, and I was a little disappointed with my first Swedish snus(I got the Northerner 24 tin sampler). It wasn't nearly as sweet as I expected, and the salt was out of control. I was intrigued enough to keep at it, there was something there that I found appealing. Once I gave up looking for the Camel sweetness, and took the Swedish snus on it's own terms, I really grew to love it, and I can't really take the Camel anymore.

                  I don't mind the sweetness of the Camel, but I really taste the aspertame bitterness now, and it turns me off big time. Also I don't care for the highly synthetic flavor of the Camel. It tastes good, but it goes against my general principles to not use synthetic products, although I'm not really strict about that. Just give it time, and revisit the snus on occasion. Out of my first 24 tins, I would say that there were only 5 or so I just didn't like, and many became firm favorites. Also, you don't have to leave the portion in place. I suck on mine to get more flavor out of them, and press them with my tongue. A portion lasts me a minimum of 1 hour, with 1.5 hours being typical.


                  • bondzai
                    • Apr 2008
                    • 362

                    I like the retro, roda lacket, ettan,


                    • exexpat93
                      • Jul 2008
                      • 76

                      It takes time...

                      It takes a little bit of time to get used to it.

                      I think my transistion took around 3 days to get used to the taste. I was doing flavors too. I Gustavus XL Citrus Flavored and I thought at first - grief, this stuff is awful! I spent money on that! Lots of money on this!?

                      I am beginning to crave it now. Really like it actually!

                      I was never a hardcore US dipper either. Only a smoker. Try some with drinks too to see what goes with what. Coffee, tea, coke, water. I find coffee mixes well with some and not so well with others. Drinks also dilute the initial salty taste.

                      I like Camel Spice in the Camel flavors. Camel is very sweet tasting in comparison to Swedish Snus - even the original tobacco flavored Camel Snus is very sweet. I think Camel was thinking - lets make Snus taste like chewing gum so we can get lots of customers hooked quick.

                      Keep using the Swedish Original Snus and it will grow on you IMHO.


                      • biglexus
                        New Member
                        • Jul 2008
                        • 13

                        Thanks for the support everyone.

                        It does need to get used to.

                        Yesterday, after a awful experience with Offroad Ice Mint (had to spit it out after 10mns), I spent the rest of the day snussing Camel Frost.

                        This morning, I had 1 Camel Frost to ease in. I've been snussing Jakobsson's Ice Fruit for the last 20mn now and I think this could become one of my top brands. I will dfefinitely stay away from Offroad from now on.

                        Can't wait to try out the 2 new tins coming in this week:

                        Mocca Pomegranate
                        Probe Portion

                        Will post my newbie's reviews asap.

                        Keep on snussing.


                        • biglexus
                          New Member
                          • Jul 2008
                          • 13

                          Well, it seems like my experience with Swedish Snus is getting somewhere.

                          After snussing a couple of Jakobsson's Ice Fruit at work (and actually enjoying them), I'm currently snussing Catch White Eucalyptus at home and liking it. Catch White Eucalyptus is definitely very fresh while Jakobsson's Ice Fruit is more on the bitter side (the Fruit Flavor reminds of the inner white casing of an orange).


                          • lxskllr
                            • Sep 2007
                            • 13435

                            I really dig the Catch Eucalyptus. That, and LD Black were the 2 I was looking forward to most on my second snus order(they were both in my sample box).


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