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  • biglexus
    New Member
    • Jul 2008
    • 13


    Hey Fellow Snusers,

    I've been snusing for the last 3 weeks now and quit enjoying it. Beeing in the US, I got started with Camel Snus (Frost then Spice, my favorite).
    I've ordered my 1st batch from BuySnus last week (waiting impatiently for it now).
    My question is: Which of the following should I try first to enjoy a smooth transition to Swedish Snus? Thanks.

    All portions:

    Catch White Eucalyptus
    Jakobssons Ice-Fruit
    Offroad - American Wintergreen
    Offroad Limited - Coffee Vanilla
    Offroad Limited - Icemint
    Skruf Cranberry
  • jamesstew
    • May 2008
    • 1440

    Bad, all bad, but then again I don't like flavored snus. I know a lot of folks love the Icefruit and actually the Skruf cranberry isn't too bad IMHO.


    • biglexus
      New Member
      • Jul 2008
      • 13

      Originally posted by jamesstew
      Bad, all bad, but then again I don't like flavored snus. I know a lot of folks love the Icefruit and actually the Skruf cranberry isn't too bad IMHO.
      Thanks jamesstew ops:

      In my defense, I ordered my 1st batch just before finding out about snuson. I probably would have held off Offroad after reading about it on the forums.

      I do like flavors with the Tobacco hit.

      I also ordered this morning:
      - Mocca Pomegranate (Portion)
      - Probe Whiskey (Portion)

      ... Again with the flavors :wink:

      Anybody else would like to share opinions on the 1st one that I should snus?

      Thank you.


      • KarlvB
        • Feb 2008
        • 681

        I'd second the Icefruit suggestion.....Although not a firm favourite of mine as I prefer tobacco flavoured snus it is still a very good snus ....

        The Skruf is also great but I find that it is not as "immediate" as the Icefruit.....and if it is your first Swedish snus the smell of the Skruf may just put you is quite a bit stronger smelling than the majority of snus...

        After that I would suggest diving into the Catch....or you could just open all three and see how they compare....


        • Xobeloot
          • Jan 2008
          • 2542

          Half the fun is figuring out what YOU like. If I only listened to what people here said was good/bad, I would have never tried what are now my favorite brands.

          Try them all, decide for yourself, and dont be ashamed to say that you like something that others don't like. That is the joy of snus!

          My favorites (in this order):

          Phantom Blue Los
          Phantom Classic Los
          Offroad Cran Los
          Grov Los
          Triumph Portion (only in GA and OH)
          General Los

          I do order other things to mix it up a bit, but never more than a can or two of each and they typically last me 10x longer than a can of my favorites do.

          Welcome to the forums bud!


          • Anders
            New Member
            • Jun 2008
            • 10

            I would recomend that you try General Lös. That's the classic snus here in Norway. It tastes really good as soon you get used to it after a few days.
            A salty, smoky, pure tobacco taste. Mmmm... :-)


            • TheJR
              • Jul 2008
              • 57

              Here in sweden, General is the best seller aswell.

              It´s my favourite!


              • biglexus
                New Member
                • Jul 2008
                • 13

                Thanks guys.

                I'll definitely make up my own mind once I get my order.

                I won't try Los though, only portions for the moment.

                Keep them suggestions comin'


                • gentlemanly
                  Banned Users
                  • Mar 2008
                  • 247

                  Half the fun is figuring out what YOU like. If I only listened to what people here said was good/bad, I would have never tried what are now my favorite brands.
                  Roger that Phantom Leader 1,

                  Coming from Camel Snus as well, It took me a week or two to try my first los, and even though I love the flavor of los, I still don't have the knack for making it stay up in my lip for long....just takes a lot of practice I guess. As for your order, I have had all but the american wintergreen and icefruit, and I don't find them to be bad at all. Although its been noted that I have very different tastes than a lot of fellow snussers. I like the offroad brand, and I think that the order is a good one for the transition. Once you get a little used to the saltiness, its easier to move to the more natural tobacco flavors. I Disliked general and knox when I first started, but now I enjoy them a good deal. The first more natural flavors that I liked almost from the beginning were Goteborgs Rape, Lucky Strike White, and Tre Ankre.

                  I also agree with starting with the eucalyptus.


                  • itchystiches
                    • Oct 2007
                    • 194

                    I'm gonna go against the grain here and say Offroad Coffee Vanilla... it's a really nice tasting snus, seeing as you like the spice I'm guessing you're diggin the flavors right now.

                    Very much designed to appeal to the American pallet without a doubt.

                    Good luck!



                    • biglexus
                      New Member
                      • Jul 2008
                      • 13

                      Thank you for the replies.

                      Once my order is in, I'll post my comments.

                      Hopefully sooner than later (can't wait to get my hands on the real thing, a little bit like waiting in line for the iPhone last year ).


                      • captncaveman
                        • Jul 2008
                        • 924

                        I would open them all, but thats just me. When my snus come i always make a plan to open.. this one or that one.. soon enough i have 8 cans open. Don't worry tho they will last a long time in the fridge.

                        I would also suggest the offroad coffee, and for shits and giggles the skruf cran. Once you put some hair on your chest get the skruf stark los or if you want to put some hair on your chest get the skruf.

                        I love the los, i tried the portion deal thinking i was missing something and didn't like the slimy texture of the los, but i find portions just as slimy.

                        The los has grown on me


                        • biglexus
                          New Member
                          • Jul 2008
                          • 13

                          1st Impressions

                          Today was a great day!

                          I opened my mailbox after work and got a glimpse of the famous yellow envelope.

                          I felt like a kid in a Candy Store.

                          Opened the package, everything was there. :lol:

                          Before putting them on my fridge, I decided to pop open the Jakobssons Ice-Fruit. Here are my 1st impressions (more will follow as I open the other cans).

                          Taste: Bye Bye Candy Snus! OMG, this is some bitter stuff (not so much salty IMHO). After 10 minutes (and getting over the initial taste), I started to notice the Fruity Flavors (still not sweet). I would describe the Fruity Flavors as the white inner casing of an Orange (quite bitter but definitely fruity). Not so much Icy Flavor to it though, maybe in the next run.

                          Nicotine: After 5mn, it hit me. This is definitely strong than Camel Snus. It gave me a buzz that Camel never delivered.

                          Time in upper lip: 20mn.

                          What's next? Hard to make up my mind (5 other types in my fridge) but I will definitely try two more today and render my impressions.

                          I think Offroad Limited - Coffee Vanilla after dinner and Catch White Eucalyptus after.

                          Keep y'all posted.


                          • spirit72
                            • Apr 2008
                            • 1013

                            Re: 1st Impressions

                            Originally posted by biglexus
                            I opened my mailbox after work and got a glimpse of the famous yellow envelope.
                            I find myself feeling a little bit like little Charlie Bucket slowly opening his Wonka Bar and getting that first little glimpse of gold.


                            • biglexus
                              New Member
                              • Jul 2008
                              • 13

                              First Impressions - Round 2

                              Offroad Limited - Coffee Vanilla:

                              Smell: Promising start, smells like a liquor I would drink after a good dinner.

                              Taste: Less Bitter than J.I.C but still bitter. Didn't feel the Coffee or the Vanilla
                              Also the overall taste faded after about 15-17mn, kinda disappointing.

                              Time in upper lip: 20mn

                              Now, I understand why people don't like Offroad. It does seem cheaper (in everything) than J.I.C.

                              Next Catch...


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