Snus varieties...

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  • auggie
    • Jul 2008
    • 84

    Snus varieties...

    Howdy everybody. I'm new to these SnusOn boards and also new to Snus in general. I'm glad I found this place, looks like a bunch of wankers and snus-users chatting it up about snus... good times.

    Alright, down to business. As an American that's just stopped smoking, I've picked up Snus and immediately have fallen in love with this great tobacco and hobby. After trying some of the Camel and Marlboro "snus" from the gas station, I was shocked with how weak and light on the nicotine that those products were, so I looked up snus on Wikipedia to try to find out how much nicotine a pouch of Snus delivers. Well, I ended up finding a bunch of upset people that didn't care for the Camel or Marlboro snus who ended up being very satisfied with the original Swedish stuff. I wound up finding and these forums as well as several other resources that talk about the rich history and tradition that encompasses the production and consumption of Swedish snus.

    Over the last two weeks, I've managed to get 3 friends interested in the real, Swedish snus, so I am convinced of a couple of things: 1.) that lots of Americans want to stop smoking cigarettes (I know, that's pretty obvious) and 2.) that Snus has a very bright future in the USA - I think it has the potential to become a major part of the tobacco market here in the States.

    I've bought ~30 cans from and after this last order arrives, I'll have a very, very broad selection of snuses from all of the major brands and manufacturers... and I have to tell you, I'm really pumped about finding which snus I enjoy the best so that it can become my "regular" and I can buy 2 or 3 rolls to have. Not to digress too much, but I've had General, Ettan, Kronan, 1847 and several others already, and I haven't had anything that I didn't like. The Offroad Cranberry Strong portions, I even liked those!

    So I'm on this kick of trying to find my favorite, which makes me wonder: is the selection that can be found on and the sum total of all available snus brands that are widely available? It seems like there's not a heck of a lot of selection, if that's the case: 20-30 different brands/varieties? I don't hear (or read) about people having other kinds of new Snus that I've never heard about, so I'm guessing that these really are almost all of the available snuses.

    I guess on 2nd thought, if you walk into a gas station here in Texas, there are probably only 15-20 kinds of cigarettes available (if that), so there really isn't a heck of a lot more diversity in smoking options, either.

    Anyhow, if there are more options than what's available on those two major vendor websites, please let me know.

    One more thing: for all the bashing that people do on the "US snus" (Camel/Marlborough) I would never have found out about the better stuff, so for that I'm grateful to it. Also, I think the best advice for someone transitioning from the American to Swedish snus is to be honest with them about the differences: American snus is like a piece of candy, while Swedish snus is like a delicious cashew nut, more satisfying and more mature.
  • Xobeloot
    • Jan 2008
    • 2542

    Welcome to Snuson!

    Sounds like you got one heck of an order coming!

    It is definately fun going through all the different brands to determine what your likes/dislikes are.

    Keep us posted as to what you've tried and liked/disliked.

    I hope you ordered some Phantom!


    • auggie
      • Jul 2008
      • 84

      hah, No Phantom just yet, but hearing you rave about the Blue almost makes me want to try it...

      By the way, I used to play Horde, but now I'm 100% Alliance...


      • Xobeloot
        • Jan 2008
        • 2542

        Gah! Epic failure! Why on earth would you trade the might of the horde for the pansy alliance??!!

        j/k. Whatever wets your whistle. What race/class is your main? Do you raid?

        I'm off to kill archimonde and (hopefully) Illidan tonight. Got Illidan to 9% last thursday. Hoping to get ourfirst kill on him tonight before server reset.

        Armory Xobeloot of Khaz Modan


        • auggie
          • Jul 2008
          • 84

          oh, wow, that is totally awesome. I used to main tank for my guild Justice (US - Emerald Dream server) and we had just started in on Mount Hyjal before the sh1t hit the fan at school and I had to bow out of raiding or face bowing out of school. :P My toon's name is Ghladum on that same server.

          So yes, I raid(ed) but not that hardcore. Goodluck on Illidan :P


          • Anders
            New Member
            • Jun 2008
            • 10

            Here in Norway I know there are a few varieties that I don't believe they sell in Sweden. I can't find any of them here in my local stores, but at least I know they exist: Petterøe's Blå and Tiedemann's Blå.
            Maybe others as well.


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