A looming problem.

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  • halocog
    • Oct 2011
    • 649

    A looming problem.

    My funds are probably not going to allow me to buy snus soon. I have about a one month supply (maybe, hopefully). Unless I run into more money or get some gov. assistance, I'm probably going to have to switch to cheap American dip or "snus". My question is: is there a way to get snus cheaper? Buying clubs or some sort? Does anyone have some soon to expire stuff for sale or something? I'm paying almost half of my paycheck to rent (for an efficiency apartment/closet).

    Also, has anyone tried portioning los snus yourself? I think it would be awesome. You'd probably get more for your money, and I don't like to use los at work.
    Originally posted by Frosted
    I knew he was committed as an actor but I think he went too far in his latest role as Princess Diana
  • Snusdog
    • Jun 2008
    • 6752

    What about stretching the snus out by using American nasal snuff..........it is dirt cheep, a tin will last you forever, and it is far safer than dip.

    A combo use might enable you to go longer between portions and allow you to keep them in longer by augmenting the Nic intake

    Just a thought
    When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


    • Skell18
      • May 2012
      • 7067

      I second the snuff thing, I use snuff all the time and it got me through the dark days of not smoking before I discovered snus. English snuff however is wayyy better and cheaper

      I know Northerner does expired or soon to expire snus for about £3 ($5 or so) for a roll, with the free postage currently I would be all over that like PP's rash, as you live in a low tax state too in theory you could get a years supply of snus for $20. It will prob be offroad coola or another bobins one but its better than no snus and you can whack it all in the feeezer too.


      • halocog
        • Oct 2011
        • 649

        It stays out of stock in the US warehouse :/ I did order the soon to expire stuff before though. Fantastic deal. I ordered 10 rolls and got half Jaks original strong and half wintergreen strong. I haven't seen it in stock since. That's been almost a year.
        Originally posted by Frosted
        I knew he was committed as an actor but I think he went too far in his latest role as Princess Diana


        • Skell18
          • May 2012
          • 7067

          Originally posted by halocog
          It stays out of stock in the US warehouse :/ I did order the soon to expire stuff before though. Fantastic deal. I ordered 10 rolls and got half Jaks original strong and half wintergreen strong. I haven't seen it in stock since. That's been almost a year.
          Balls! Keep checking and that one day they have it in take maximum advantage!


          • whalen
            • May 2009
            • 6593

            Ifeel your pain, snus is only headed up! And the only way to save is large amounts during sales or special shipping times. But those without the scratch have one dollar Dip to look forward too. I have to give handjobs to afford snus myself! Hang in there brother, these can be trying times.

            Almost every snus I have had in my mouth these last three years have been expired by a year, now by three years, I had to take full advantage of pre Pact sales and sales windfalls, right now I am using may 2009 Grov. You are not alone in the darkness!
            wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


            • whalen
              • May 2009
              • 6593

              Originally posted by Skell18
              I second the snuff thing, I use snuff all the time and it got me through the dark days of not smoking before I discovered snus. English snuff however is wayyy better and cheaper

              I know Northerner does expired or soon to expire snus for about £3 ($5 or so) for a roll, with the free postage currently I would be all over that like PP's rash, as you live in a low tax state too in theory you could get a years supply of snus for $20. It will prob be offroad coola or another bobins one but its better than no snus and you can whack it all in the feeezer too.
              You have to carefully wipe down those rolls from PP! It is a nasty rash! Rub lots of boybutter on It.
              wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


              • Skell18
                • May 2012
                • 7067

                Originally posted by whalen
                You have to carefully wipe down those rolls from PP! It is a nasty rash! Rub lots of boybutter on It.
                I have found the acid from a car battery clears it up no problem, the scarring is less severe then the one the rash leaves!


                • whalen
                  • May 2009
                  • 6593

                  Originally posted by Skell18
                  I have found the acid from a car battery clears it up no problem, the scarring is less severe then the one the rash leaves!
                  True dat!
                  wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


                  • the88
                    • Dec 2010
                    • 96

                    With Northerner's free shipping right now, you could probably get a roll or two from V2 or Oden's for $25+, depending on the taxes. Your other option would be to check out the sale items as outlined above.

                    I feel you though man. Last year, I could only allot like $50 for snus per month. I really had to look for deals.

                    The last thing is order from lilbrown.com. They only have General, but their shipping is pretty cheap (under $10) and the snus prices are good.


                    • Premium Parrots
                      Super Moderators
                      • Feb 2008
                      • 9759

                      SnusX buckets would be the way to go. I have 3 1/2 buckets to sell. Each bucket has 480 portions and I have flavoring also. pm me if you are interested.
                      Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                      I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                      • squeezyjohn
                        • Jan 2008
                        • 2497

                        I would also recommend reading the Grow and Make your Own section of these forums too. I'm currently learning how to grow tobacco successfully here in the UK where the climate is (let's face it) dreadful. Making snus is actually just like making a slightly complicated cake in terms of cooking skills - you just need a way to grow & cure your own tobacco leaf to make it from and you'll be sorted!

                        Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


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