If you are living in the EU more likely you did try at least once the famous "Makla" made in Belgium.
The taste is absolutely awful unless you try the Makla El Kantara variety (menthol taste) but the nicotine kick is fantastic. At the beginning it's pretty harsh on gums but once you get used you do start to love it.
Unfortunately there is a total lack of informations about this product, very popular in northern Africa.
What I know is that the tobacco used to produce it is "nicotiana rustica", a tobacco crop with very high nicotine content that can be found even in the russian papirosy, a kind of cheap cigarette with a long cardboard mouthpiece.
After some researches, I did find this page
As you can see, the TSNA level in Makla tobacco is even lower than the swedish snus one, but makla has a sensibly higher content in nitrite, chromium, etc.
I'm not familiar with those substances so my question: is this Makla associed with a higher cancer risk than swedish snus ?
The taste is absolutely awful unless you try the Makla El Kantara variety (menthol taste) but the nicotine kick is fantastic. At the beginning it's pretty harsh on gums but once you get used you do start to love it.
Unfortunately there is a total lack of informations about this product, very popular in northern Africa.
What I know is that the tobacco used to produce it is "nicotiana rustica", a tobacco crop with very high nicotine content that can be found even in the russian papirosy, a kind of cheap cigarette with a long cardboard mouthpiece.
After some researches, I did find this page
As you can see, the TSNA level in Makla tobacco is even lower than the swedish snus one, but makla has a sensibly higher content in nitrite, chromium, etc.
I'm not familiar with those substances so my question: is this Makla associed with a higher cancer risk than swedish snus ?