When you order from Northerner you tick a box that says "I will use this product as a chewing tobacco." That came in when the shit hit the fan last time, so they need to call it chewing tobacco or dip i guess
The manufacturers should call it a*al snuff, that should fix things ;-) lol
Originally posted by Fazer
When you order from Northerner you tick a box that says "I will use this product as a chewing tobacco." That came in when the shit hit the fan last time, so they need to call it chewing tobacco or dip i guess
all it needs is a snus maker to relabull snus as man lub not for heterosexuals, the eu nazi's would back off supper fast and crap them them selfs mess with the rainbow pride lot not in a milion year..
all it needs is a snus maker to relabull snus as man lub not for heterosexuals, the eu nazi's would back off supper fast and crap them them selfs mess with the rainbow pride lot not in a milion year..
"We are afraid it will turn out like smoking hookahs [water pipes],” Kjær told Information. “No one would have believed 10 or 15 years ago that a habit practised by old Lebanese men would suddenly become a hit in western Europe."
Holy shit! People are enjoying themselves. We have to put a stop to this. If we allow them idle, enjoyable time, they may start to reflect on how we're fsking them over, and we'll be out of a job :^O
The Danish cancer society, Kræftens Bekæmpelse, agrees that snus is less harmful than smoking, but project manager Niels Them Kjær stressed that the habit still increases the risk of cancer in the mouth and pancreas.