Intro and a few Questions

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  • moneymanmike
    • Jul 2008
    • 133

    Intro and a few Questions

    New to snus and wanted to introduce myself. I have asked a few questions already but have not said “My name is Mike and I’m a new snuser” I started looking into snus because of Camel and placed an order with soon after. I am a tobacco junky I guess you could say. I smoke cigs, hope to quite, I am a big Cigar fan and I own and smoke 3 hookahs (tobacco only) I also have a extensive pipe collection and have been know to chew on occasion. So when I learned about a new (old) form of tobacco I was in. My order from was the mixed portion and los sampler. I am not thrilled with the portion selection I got (elixir power, N&J east, Offroad strong and apple, and phantom classic) Not a big fan of the elixir power or the offroad apple. The los I got (Etton, Skruf stark, potion classic, gotlands, LD guld).

    Now for some questions first is it normal to get more flavor from portions then los? I would think it was the other way around. Or it may be I play with the portions more with my tongue.
    For the Los users do you swallow the occasional snus bits that slide or do you spit them out?
    Finally does anyone like this Elixir power? I kinda dig the caffeine idea, I have a hookah tobacco that is caffeinated that I like a lot, kinda like a morning snus but I really do not like the taste.

    Also I can not believe the saltiness, yes I know you get use to it, but wow it is really salty.

    That is about it I am really excited about this new exploration into snus and I already have a hand picked second order in at
  • Xobeloot
    • Jan 2008
    • 2542

    You definately get more juice from portions than you do Los. Portions you can abuse and suck the juice out of. Los is more of a long, drawn-out flavor. My typical pris of los stays in between 2-4 hours.

    I los almost exclusively. You will definately swallow some. no harm done.

    You list potion classic? typo? what did you get?

    You definately got a low-dollar mix on the portion end (though I love phantom and offroad in los form), your loose mix looks top-notch.

    As far as the ElixyrPE goes, it is a niche product. A fellow poster here swore by it to wake up in the morning and sent me a can in a trade. I now wake up every morning to elixyrPE. It tastes pretty funky, but couple it with a morning coffee or drink and you'll snap-to faster than you can imagine.

    Welcome to Snuson!


    • moneymanmike
      • Jul 2008
      • 133

      Yes typo Phantom not potion sorry.


      • Xobeloot
        • Jan 2008
        • 2542

        One of my top 3 good stuff! dont let anyone tell you otherwise!


        • kevin32
          • Jul 2008
          • 106

          I'm really interested in trying caffeinated snus, but I heard a lot of crappy reviews of them. Any of them that are actually good?

          I think portion snus might seem stronger because there is more surface area, allowing your body to absorb the nicotine and flavour faster. How is for example the nicotine thats in the middle of a cylinder going to get into your body? Unless some moisture carries it out from the middle, which is going to take a while, its not going to get into your body. So they might not hit as hard.


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