What's a good first lös?

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  • holnrew
    • Jul 2008
    • 613

    What's a good first lös?

    I'm looking for something that's easy to bake, rather than the nicest thing initially.
  • Starcadia
    • May 2008
    • 646

    Re: What's a good first lös?

    Originally posted by holnrew
    I'm looking for something that's easy to bake, rather than the nicest thing initially.
    Ro:da Lacket. Super easy.


    • Xobeloot
      • Jan 2008
      • 2542

      Prima Fint and Roda LAckett are the easiest to bake, but their fine grind makes them a bit more woprk to manage for long periods.


      • bakerbarber
        • Jun 2008
        • 1947

        I agree, as far as baking.

        Roda Lacket and Prima Fint.

        Roda Lacket stays together really, really well for me. Prima Fint eventually gives me mud mouth.

        Roda Lakcet I can toss around like a portion and move it around with my tongue. It is like a dense clay consistincy. Looks like a cat turd. heh.

        Prima is a touch drier, and looser.

        Both are mild and taste really good, Roda Lacket takes longer to bloom for me.

        As far as first los, go with General too so you have a point of reference for everything else. It's got solid flavor, a real staple. Medium to finer grind than some other snus.


        • Grim
          • Jun 2008
          • 850

          Do like i did and get some Gotlands Gul.

          Sure its a little tougher to hand bake but i got it right the first time and kept it in for almost an hour after watching zeros video.

          Id say start with the hardest and when you get to where you can bake the hell out of it then you know you wont have a problem with any of the others.

          General Los on the other hand is also good Los and is very easy to bake.


          • holnrew
            • Jul 2008
            • 613

            I think I might just get all of the suggestions :twisted:


            • moneymanmike
              • Jul 2008
              • 133

              I am new to snus all together and the two los I have tried are etton and Skruf stark. I spent the extra 2 bucks and got a pris master and I have not tried hand baking yet but have not had an issue yet.


              • holnrew
                • Jul 2008
                • 613

                I just ordered the swedish match loose selection from northerner (plus a can of LD black and N(&J) East) as the shipping was cheaper than if I did it through buysnus.com

                Quite a nice selection there, also ordered a prismaster. Looking forward to this new frontier!


                • bondzai
                  • Apr 2008
                  • 362

                  Ettan is easy too


                  • lxskllr
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 13435

                    Originally posted by holnrew
                    I just ordered the swedish match loose selection from northerner (plus a can of LD black and N(&J) East) as the shipping was cheaper than if I did it through buysnus.com

                    Quite a nice selection there, also ordered a prismaster. Looking forward to this new frontier!
                    That's a good way to try lös. You get all of the classics in 1 shot.


                    • Xobeloot
                      • Jan 2008
                      • 2542

                      Los is in a class of its own. It takes some practice to master, but once you do, it is a flavor experience unlike any portion out there.


                      • Kerprodo
                        • Apr 2008
                        • 138

                        I ordered the SM asst as intro to loose also (made the mistake of only ordering 1 can of general loose w/ first order, rest were portions), also from Northerner due to lower price (buysnus seems to think highly of the mix boxes - love em for everything else though). Great intro, a lot taste similar, but a good trial of the classics for a great price and I even got a can of Skruf Stark instead of the Kronan - score!
                        After trying and finding out if you like lös, order some other brands from buysnus, you will probably find some other standbys from other manufacturers that you will love.


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