Everybody please read
Originally posted by GMsnusI think it is extremely irrational that within a two hundred metre radius from where I live there are three tobacco vendors, where i can go and buy as many cigarettes as I like and smoke myself into carbon monoxide poisoning and probably very few people will bat an eyelid. Maybe just the odd scowl of disapproval. But I cant reason at all why these people as have been discussed have it in for Snus. There is a lot of Ignorance here. Its almost like homophobia. Sometimes I think its just sanctimony of the highest degree.
I can't believe that they would not only monitor us but also criminalize us. It is despicable that these 'researchers' post anti-snus papers without any real evidence to back it up. It's known that snus can increase the risk of pancreatic cancer(at least in mice), but that doesn't change the fact that it is 99% less harmful. I'm really thankful that Extreme has brought this to our attention and once again I must express the shock that these news have caused me. I know that several reseachers are trying to back up snus but they aren't funded properly because if they were everybody would say that their research was backed by pro-snus users. But nobody mentions the strength of the cigarette industries, and how popular they continue to make cigarettes. I was in Berlin this summer and all over the town there were pro-Marlboro commercials and they even sell XXL packs of cigarettes! Yet they choose to target something that is hardly dangerous and significantly increases life quality for it's users. But of course this isn't taken seriously because we ourselves use snus and therefore are obiviously biased so there is no way that our opinion could be counted for something worth the time. Yet, nobody questions an anti-snus campaign made by a smoker because smoking is so common these days - and this is even following the now enforced ban on snus in Denmark which came in the wake of a tightening of the smoking rules (smoking is banned on the grounds of institutions where several individuals are under 18). It's not fair to make smoking near impossible and then make the best alternative illegal.
I'm currently snusing in protest. I won't personally target anyone, but they know who they are and I'd like them all to provide some evidence that shows that snus should be illegal and smoking tobacco shouldn't - It's sickening!!
Originally posted by MdischI can't believe that they would not only monitor us but also criminalize us. It is despicable that these 'researchers' post anti-snus papers without any real evidence to back it up. It's known that snus can increase the risk of pancreatic cancer(at least in mice), but that doesn't change the fact that it is 99% less harmful. I'm really thankful that Extreme has brought this to our attention and once again I must express the shock that these news have caused me. I know that several reseachers are trying to back up snus but they aren't funded properly because if they were everybody would say that their research was backed by pro-snus users. But nobody mentions the strength of the cigarette industries, and how popular they continue to make cigarettes. I was in Berlin this summer and all over the town there were pro-Marlboro commercials and they even sell XXL packs of cigarettes! Yet they choose to target something that is hardly dangerous and significantly increases life quality for it's users. But of course this isn't taken seriously because we ourselves use snus and therefore are obiviously biased so there is no way that our opinion could be counted for something worth the time. Yet, nobody questions an anti-snus campaign made by a smoker because smoking is so common these days - and this is even following the now enforced ban on snus in Denmark which came in the wake of a tightening of the smoking rules (smoking is banned on the grounds of institutions where several individuals are under 18). It's not fair to make smoking near impossible and then make the best alternative illegal.
I'm currently snusing in protest. I won't personally target anyone, but they know who they are and I'd like them all to provide some evidence that shows that snus should be illegal and smoking tobacco shouldn't - It's sickening!!
Yeah, but you have been getting 'Short Bus Enhanced Classes' Whalen ;-) lol
Originally posted by whalenSinse i havv takin thu Extreeeeemmme Sped reddin clas my reddin haz improvd 113 pursint!
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