Small rant

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  • Brian74
    • Nov 2007
    • 46

    Small rant

    1. I wish these stupid American tobacco companies would quit bothering trying to market their own version of snus. They intentionally make it sweet and candy-like and low enough in nicotine to do little more than appeal to and "curb" the cravings of regular smokers so they can use it in between smoke breaks, and they call it snus. There is nobody who could quit smoking and simply switch to American snus; the stuff just doesn't satisfy the level of nicotine cravings of a typical nicotine addict enough for a person to connect that experience with any sense of nicotine satisfaction (by typical nicotine addict I mean you are the type who wakes up in the morning and craves nicotine)

    You also get the American media and doctors explaining how "snuss" is no less dangerous than any other tobacco because people who use snus will also remain smokers and simply use snus when they cannot smoke, and that it is sweet and candy-like, causing it to appeal to children. I challenge any regular, average smoker to throw in an Oden's Extreme portion on his work shift and see if he still craves a cigarette 2 hours later on his smoke break.

    2. It also pisses me off that every can of Swedish snus I buy in the US has labels saying, "This product can cause mouth cancer." The word "can" to me revolves around there being some reasonable probability. My father had mouth cancer from smoking a pipe every waking hour of his life for several decades. It has also been proven that tobacco smoking causes mouth cancer. Someone please show me in the US where cases are proven that Swedish snus does this, or quit putting your #%#@ labels all over my cans, and make an honest attempt to truly categorize "smokeless" tobacco, instead of inflicting your bullshit blanket propaganda upon my personal nicotine enjoyment. How about a label saying, "This product may cause pancreatic cancer in 8.8 out of 100,000 regular users." I don't smoke in anyone's establishments or spit dipwads on anyone's floors, so quit putting your &*%# inaccurately speculated labels on my snus containers.

    Rant over; thanks for reading.

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