What do your friends/family think of your Snus use?

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  • Tristik
    • Jan 2009
    • 654

    My mom doesn't like it, but accepts it considering the alternative of smoking again. She always complains about me getting mouth cancer even though I've explained the differences of swedish snus to her many times.


    • Monkey
      Senior Member
      • Mar 2009
      • 3290

      **** them.

      I had an intelligent, witty and humorous post planned. But then I decided to let my true feelings show. My body, my choice. I am not smoking cigarettes anymore and that is important to me and my health. So what if I use snuff and snus to manage mh addiction?

      Here is how I feel about it in awkward situations: http://www.snuson.com/forum/entry.ph...rassed-to-Snus


      • wa3zrm
        • May 2009
        • 4436

        Good Lord... I could rave for hours on this question. Snus is the only thing, after 30 years of cigarettes, got me to stop with the smokes. Snus has been a godsend for people like me. As for my friends... they all think I went from cigarettes to chew. They associate a snus tin with Cope and/or the other American variants. When I try to explain how snus is processed differently than chew and you can swallow and not spit... they look at me like I'm some sort of nut. To them chew and snus is the same thing... and they don't want to hear about the differences. They love to say tobacco is tobacco... that snus stuff is still going to kill you. Sad, in the eyes in most of my friends, there is no such thing as harm reduction.
        If you have any problems with my posts or signature


        • the88
          • Dec 2010
          • 96

          People I meet and my friends just think of it as "chewing tobacco." I have tried to explain the lure of snus and no one really cares or thinks of it any differently than chewing tobacco. Fortunately, most of my friends smoke, so they really don't have a leg to stand on in telling me it's bad. Some are more curious because where I live, I rarely rarely ever see anyone using dip or chew, especially college students

          My parents are a whole different story. They keep telling me that I should just smoke and that this is so much worse than smoking. I mean, I guess they know that I'm using snus, which is different from dip or chew (the whole ordering it off the internet thing kinda gave a hint). I haven't told them about all of the health benefits or anything since it is such a sore subject. I doubt that it would carry much weight anyway.


          • Brian74
            • Nov 2007
            • 46

            A couple of my friends have become regular snusers since I've introduced them to it. I am big on promoting it. Its kind if funny at first because they all think they need to spit as if it was dip. My wife doesn't mind. She is merely grateful that I snus instead if smoking.


            • Soapy
              • Dec 2011
              • 25

              My family generally disapproves and can never get the name of it right. Always calling it snuff, or sniff, or something around that.

              At work, a lot of people will say "enjoy the mouth cancer" and I quietly giggle. I work in the healthcare field and just about every nurse and aide smokes, so I try to get people to convert, but they still think that snus is more dangerous then cigarettes =.= I try to explain about harm reduction but they don't listen.

              I have had a few good experiences with people converting to it...I live in FL so there are a lot of my friends that are into dip...gave them some Snus, and they said they got the same or better buzz and definitely felt better using it. Have had a few convert Of course, they usually buy from the store (what I was doing until I put in big order to restock my freezer) and they hate paying $5.99 a can as opposed to $2-$3 for dip.

              I do like that for the most part people are oblivious to snus because I have used it in airports and on planes with no problems. Even asked TSA if I could use it at the waiting gate. He said "no problem, just no spitting on the ground" haha

              When I go outside on break and use it in break area, I usually have people ask me about what it is, and people seem fascinated by the cans with swedish warnings ;D...have a lot of questions when I use skruf which people look at as exotic lol

              For the most part, people are either ignorant of what it is, think it will cause mouth cancer, or on rare occasions, will think its interesting and want to try it :P

              My sister smokes and I don't let anyone smoke in my new car, so I let her try snus on the ride to Tampa International and she said she got a "euphoric" feeling from using it.


              • CoderGuy
                • Jul 2009
                • 2679

                So my dad has smoked 2-4 packs per day for 60 years, and hasn't tried snus because he doesn't think it's "safe" LOL! So I am trying to get him to try and quit smoking, this morning he tells me the mentioned snus to a friend and she said she had a friend that used snus for a year and got jaw cancer and had to have his whole jaw removed. So he's like, "See, I told you it wasn't safe!"



                • heders
                  • Jan 2011
                  • 2227

                  Neither of my parents cares about me using snus. They are both just happy if I am smoke-free. I do get the occasional "so, when are you gonna quit?" from my mother though - too which I respond "yeah, you quit red wine and coffee and I quit snus". I always get a shrugged uncomfortable look just before the exits the room with that response.

                  My friends don't care either. A few of them are ex-snusers though, and hates it when I put a fresh portion in my lip visibly.


                  • Skell18
                    • May 2012
                    • 7067

                    Originally posted by heders
                    Neither of my parents cares about me using snus. They are both just happy if I am smoke-free. I do get the occasional "so, when are you gonna quit?" from my mother though - too which I respond "yeah, you quit red wine and coffee and I quit snus". I always get a shrugged uncomfortable look just before the exits the room with that response.

                    My friends don't care either. A few of them are ex-snusers though, and hates it when I put a fresh portion in my lip visibly.
                    I have only had positives from my friends and family, but like you still get the odd one from my mother lol


                    • Wulfensteinsson
                      • Mar 2013
                      • 37

                      Most of my friends think it´s "weird" (here in Spain we don´t have any oral tobacco tradition) just like my nasal snuff use... My wife (she´s a smoker) is just neutral and my parents are ok with it, if I´m happy they are too.
                      My coworkers that´s another song, they don´t know of my usage (I´m very discreet since I work towards the public) but I´m 100% sure that if they discover me the comments will be "It´s gross blablabla" "how can you put that thing in your mouth blablabla" "disgusting! blablabla", I don´t care sheet of what my coworkers think of my habits so I´m good


                      • GoVegan
                        • Oct 2009
                        • 5603

                        My wife doesn't like it and says snus smells terrible. She gave me less grief about tobacco when I was smoking.


                        • Skell18
                          • May 2012
                          • 7067

                          Originally posted by GoVegan
                          My wife doesn't like it and says snus smells terrible. She gave me less grief about tobacco when I was smoking.
                          I used to get that too, until one day I asked whether there was a funky snus smell coming off me and got a resounding no, then dropped the portion down from my lip! Always knew it was just moaning for the sake of moaning lol.


                          • GoVegan
                            • Oct 2009
                            • 5603

                            Originally posted by Skell18
                            I used to get that too, until one day I asked whether there was a funky snus smell coming off me and got a resounding no, then dropped the portion down from my lip! Always knew it was just moaning for the sake of moaning lol.
                            LMAO! Now she thinks its your natural breath!


                            • Skell18
                              • May 2012
                              • 7067

                              Originally posted by GoVegan
                              LMAO! Now she thinks its your natural breath!


                              • halocog
                                • Oct 2011
                                • 649

                                Yeah, every time I'm around my mother and open a can, I hear "that stuff smells like ass" lol.
                                Originally posted by Frosted
                                I knew he was committed as an actor but I think he went too far in his latest role as Princess Diana

