Quite a few brands come in both los and portions unfortunately Jacobsen is not one of them....................... If you want los just make sure you are ordering from the los snus page on whatever site you are using
No more dip, want to try snus
Originally posted by The StigMy bad......forgot to say that Thunder Berry Blend is portion........don't know of a berry flavored loose actually but, for something close to tobacco flavored dip, give Thunder Long Cut a shot! I think BuySnus is one of the only places that has it. I know Northerner doesn't have it yet.
I would ask the same thing as to what you used, if you like copenhagen then you are golden as most of the stuff tastes like mild copenhagen, I like the no.2 and melon every now and then myself, but skruf, ges, gr, and oden's kanel es are my norms.
If you used wintergreen or something similar, it will take some getting used to. But, after a while you'll find yourself liking it and noticing subtle differences in the brands.