Travel and Transport

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  • exexpat93
    • Jul 2008
    • 76

    Travel and Transport

    In my job I travel a lot. In fact it is coming time to move again.

    I'm going to have cans and cans and cans.

    I am wondering if a tennis ball can or mail roll map holder would be best to keep them together and intact.

    Anyone else use a roll holder when traveling?
  • auggie
    • Jul 2008
    • 84

    Two things:

    1.) Try it and let us know if they fit! :P I guess it's obvious from the lack of response that not many people here have tried this idea.

    2.) Don't tennis ball cans have a nasty, chemically smell that stays in them? I know when I open a pack of racquetballs, it's a really strong plastic smell. I'd be worried that these smells would get into the snus... blech!


    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077

      Me? I just toss them all into a suitcase.


      • Snusærn
        New Member
        • Jul 2008
        • 11

        Pringles box. Fits exactly. That's what we do when we smuggle cheap Snus from Sweden


        • czar
          • Jun 2008
          • 29

          Originally posted by Snusærn
          Pringles box. Fits exactly. That's what we do when we smuggle cheap Snus from Sweden
          Thats exactly what I was talking about using last night when I had the discussion of all these random tins in my fridge. I almost had a stroke when I couldnt find the can I was looking for and that was my idea for storage. Nick and J West won't fit in the pringles can though, oh well!


          • exexpat93
            • Jul 2008
            • 76

            Pringles = Genius!

            I had not even thought of Pringles Cans and being an Ex Smoker never even did Squash - LOL! Did not know there was a smell in those cans. Was thinking about those LOS users - hate to have portions break out of a can let alone LOS. Then also with customs and baggage checkers. What is unseen does not have to be explained - especially to our TSA Tards in the US. "SNUS? Never heard of it. Let's open every can and check for (blank)." :roll:

            Great suggestions! I saw that Offroad Roll Can and was set to thinking.


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