Nicotine free snus + E-cig liquid?

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  • ESjonne
    • Sep 2011
    • 61

    Nicotine free snus + E-cig liquid?

    First of all i'm not sure if this is the right section for this so feel free to remove/delete this if it's not.

    So i'm pretty low on budget right now and i have some nicotine free snus lying around and some medium strength e-liquids from my e-cig days.
    I was wondering would it be good idea to mix some e liquid to can of nicotine free portions and let them dry overnight in freezer (like doing DIY snus portions eq snusX) Opinions? Anyone tried it?

  • The Stig
    • Oct 2012
    • 206

    Not too sure if that would be a good idea, or not. I know that the E-Liquid is primarily made of Glycol with the Nicotine and flavoring suspended in it. My concern would be the glycol its self giving the snus an off taste as well as how the free Nicotine would interact with the body. The flavorings in Snus-X are similar to food grade flavorings with no Nicotine. My biggest concern would be with the Nicotine though.

    Hope this helps.


    • ESjonne
      • Sep 2011
      • 61

      Well, i'm an adventurist. I just got to try it once. I'm sure it can't kill me though


      • Ansel
        • Feb 2011
        • 3696

        Unfortunately i don't think it's going to work so well. I would want whole tobacco alkaloids which you won't get with just pure nicotine.


        • ESjonne
          • Sep 2011
          • 61

          Well, i was gonna try it but now you got me suspicious. I'll MAYBE try it when im completely out of regular snus. Hope that it will give me a bit of nicotine to get through the day 8)


          • rickcharles606
            • Mar 2009
            • 2307

            I don't recommend this at ALL. Most e-liquid is for vaporization, and clearly states that if you get any on your hands or mouth to rinse it immediately. Bad idea bud, and it's shit like this that will have the FDA banning all e-liquids and snus.


            • rickcharles606
              • Mar 2009
              • 2307

              I'd rather send you some snus from my stash, than to see you do DON'T, lol and PM me your fscking address already ;-)


              • SnusoMatic
                • Jun 2009
                • 507

                The LD50 (the dose that would be sure to kill half those who ingested it) for orally ingested nicotine is about 0.5-1.0/kg. It would take between 45-90 mg of pure nicotine to kill a 90 kg / 200 lb human.

                If you had 24 mg/ml nicotine liquid two ml (0.4 teaspoon) could kill that same human. The route of ingestion makes a big difference on the LD50 but that is my understanding of oral ingestion.

                I don't know any more than you so don't take 1.5 ml and complain to me that you died.

                Some chemicals are too powerful to play around with unless one has the proper measuring equipment.

                For example, I keep pure caffeine powder around for when I need a pick me up. 100 grams cost about $10. That is about 100,000 "energy drinks". so over the course of mine and my great great GREAT grand kinds lives we would save about $149,990 on not buying energy drinks. The problem is one "energy drink" is roughly 1/16 of a teaspoon without any errors in measuring. it is near impossible to measure 1/16 of a teaspoon without over or under packing it. The slightest mistake could change the amount you get by as much as 50 mg and that's if you are being very careful. So you need a scale that weighs down to at least 1 mg to get accurate doses.

                I am not sure how much liquid a snus portion could soak up but it would matter how dry it was and other factors. Using some fuzzy math i think a person probably absorbs maybe 2-4 mg of nicotine from a portion. That would mean one would need to put about 0.0243461 teaspoons in each portion. Since there is no way to measure that small of an amount at home one could resort to drops. Even with drops its near impossible since there is many ways to define what a drop even is.

                You would end up with one portion that hardly had any and another portion that kicked your butt... if you're lucky... if you're not lucky you could end up with a portion that caused you to get real sick.

                Bottom line, I have tried things that I would not even tell about online. Some were so stupid I would be embarrassed for anyone to know. Others are so dangerous i would be scared someone would read it and try it and hurt themselves or others. And I won't be trying to make my own imitation nicotine fortified snus... at least until I have proper equipment haha.

                Take rickcharles606 up on his offer and later when your money is better help someone else on here out.


                • Mordred
                  • Dec 2009
                  • 342

                  Listen to SnusoMatic, he knows what he's talking about. The nicotine from e-liquids is very poorly absorbed via vaping so the nicotine content is often very high. But if you ingest it, it can make you seriously ill. They're not even kidding about washing your hands if you spill e-liquid over them, your skin absorbs the nicotine pretty well and you could get sick that way too. Not from a tiny drop of course, but yeah, better not to fool around.

                  If you're looking for the cheapest possible snus, I suggest you buy tobacco and cook your own snus, as some people have on this forum have done.


                  • ESjonne
                    • Sep 2011
                    • 61

                    Doing your own snus isn't any cheaper here in finland. Actually it's more expensive when the cheapest pouch (i don't know what they are called) of tobacco costs 3.95e (5$) and the other ingredients under 1 euro. I can get cheap lös snus from sweden (100km away) for 3e a can and the cheapest portions 20e a stock. And anyway i can't see myself making my own snus. And the eliquid is 16mg if i'm right


                    • Ansel
                      • Feb 2011
                      • 3696

                      ESjonne, maybe get in touch with Roderick at Toque for air-cured tobacco powder.


                      • The Stig
                        • Oct 2012
                        • 206

                        Agreed........the Nicotine is your most worrying part of the experiment. Playing around with the flavorings is pretty much harmless, outside of the portions tasting like a small portion of dog crap if you get it wrong. Nicotine on the otherhand, just like Snusomatic has said, can be deadly if you get it wrong. Seriously ES, if you're low on real snus, send one of us a PM and we'll hook you up the best we can.


                        • ESjonne
                          • Sep 2011
                          • 61

                          Yea, thanks! My friend said he has done this and, well, he didn't die nor felt any sick or anything. But i think it'll be best just to wait for the payday and get the real stuff!


                          • SnusoMatic
                            • Jun 2009
                            • 507

                            Originally posted by ESjonne
                            Yea, thanks! My friend said he has done this and, well, he didn't die nor felt any sick or anything. But i think it'll be best just to wait for the payday and get the real stuff!
                            One time when I was about 15 years old I filled a pipe up with black powder, shoved a hunk of lead in the end to make my own cannon. What happened was I made a pipe bomb by accident and blew a chunk out of my dads house. No one died or even got hurt but I decided that day that I would not push my luck a second time. I marked homemade cannon off my to-do list. Of course I would still have several more mishaps of varying degree after that.

                            I am sure the ejuice snus has been done before. I bet some of them even lived too.


                            • ESjonne
                              • Sep 2011
                              • 61

                              Allright allright, i understand. I already said i'm not gonna try it, try not to be dick about it..


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