new reviews, skruf stark; general sterk and others

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  • czar
    • Jun 2008
    • 29

    new reviews, skruf stark; general sterk and others

    Yay! Awesome!

    yeah, my snus came in today and I have some things to say... I was so happy to get home from work today to find my snus waiting for me in my mailbox. I ordered two types I've never had before, General Sterk and Skruf Stark. I also ordered two failsafes that I know I already love, Nick and Johnny West and Goteborgs Rape. The first one I popped in was the General Sterk white portion. I loved it! I waited until after dinner to try the Skruf and loved it as well. a couple hours later I had Goteborgs and at this moment, a Nick and Johnny. I have to say that I honestly enjoy my two failsafes more than my new ones, thats not to say that I didn't like my new ones one bit! I really was impressed with the skruff stark los I ordered in the fact that the pris formed so well by hand baking and did not dissolve right away. I was kind of turned down at the lack of flavor I had but the nicotine burn/buzz good from it. The General Sterk white portion was a good taste for me but compared to the Nick and J West I have to say I really prefer the N&J to it but its still great! Of course there is some kind of elegant taste and feeling I got from the Goteborgs that I just don't get from any other brand despite the lack of nicotine. I really enjoy the brands I picked for myself and think I really am doing a good job of picking what I like so far. As for los I do have to say that the Skruf is probably my favorite los thus far but I've only had experience with Gotlandssnus Gul and Grov to compare it to. I usually only have los like once a day though because portions are just so easy to put in and I can swallow the juice without having chunks of pris goin down. I have to say pris wise that the Skruf forms a more solid pris than the other los I've had and stays together longer which makes a big influence on how I view los. Myself, portions just seem to make a better experience to me because I don't have that on my mind about the messyness of los falling apart that I've had before. I have prospects of an icetool in my future and I know that los will be well easier and maintainable in my future but for now with handbaking as my best tool I have to say that portions are my favorite way to snus. I feel that I am starting to find what I like compared to other reviews because of my tastes and preferences. Honestly I was surprised that Goteborgs would actually win over the General Sterk and Skruf Stark because I'm so keen on the strong blends rather than regular when most regulars I feel it necessary to double pouch because I crave more nicotine when I put the Goteborgs in I don't feel that way at all, its just that good to me. I really do love Nick and Johnny West though. I just love the, until now, hidden flavor that it has. Maybe its just because I haven't smoked in over a month and my taste buds are resurfacing. I hope this might help new snus users. Let me know what you all think.
  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    I think you will find that over time, your need for nicotine lessens. My first two months of using snus, I only used strong. But now 17 months later, I only use the strong first thing in the morning to get my nicotine levels pumped up, and a few more times during the day when i just feel the need for that little extra oomph.

    There was a study on Swedish Match's site I read when I first starting using snus. They took people who only used regular portions and switched them to mini's with less nicotine. they expected that the people would use more mini's to keep their nicotine levels up, but it didn't happen. In a very short period of time, people settled back to their regular usage habits, and the nicotine levels in their bloodstreams dropped.

    s good that you are finding other snus that you like. N&J is still one of my favorites. But I do need to mix it up often so I don't grow tired of it. In my earlier usage of snus, I would so overdo a favorite I would start to not like it any more. Now, I have a stable of about 20 snus that I like. Some really are favorites. But I switch around a bunch so my favorites stay that way.

    I tried to do los, I really did. With so many fans here, I guess I jjst wanted to be part of the in-crowd. :lol: But I finally decided that I just like portions more. less to think about, and as I have written elsewhere, I just love playing with them sometimes with my tongue.

    Congratulations going a month without smoking. I still have a cigarette every couple of weeks. And when I had someone staying with me I smoked a bunch more. But snus is so much better, it will always be my tobacco of choice now.


    • czar
      • Jun 2008
      • 29

      proudly I say, I havent given in to a cigarette this long. To me snus has taken over my nicotine cravings 100% there is just so much flavor to experience from snus! It probably helps that I work for a tobacco free workplace almost as soon as I started using snus that I can use it without drawing attention. I'm so glad to have my lungs back and functioning and I really do prefer snus now too. What a wonderful forum with so many insightful people to influence my experience. I really am thankful for the support I receive from experienced snus users and thankful that I am discovering this type of flavor for myself.


      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        And you still have a wonderful journey of discovery ahead of yourself. That is the most unexpected part of my snus experience. How much I actually enjoy the whole experience. I have been using for 17 months now, and I still get all tingly when I get to make an order from Buysnus. And when my package shows up, I rip it open like it's Christmas day.

        This forum is a great resource. I found a much worse forum when I first started using snus. Fortunately, this forum was mentioned there about 5 months later, and I have been so grateful ever since that I found it.

        Now, I just get a huge kick out of helping newbies out. Camel and others have brought so many new members our way lately, I always find folks looking for help and encouragement.


        • czar
          • Jun 2008
          • 29

          It was pretty funny that you said its like Christmas because I was on the phone with Grim earlier while I was working just wondering if it was sitting in my mailbox and he asked me if I felt like a kid waiting on Christmas. I did!


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