GN, you are their boss, right? I work in Human Resources and I can send you over an amended employment contract filled with dense legalese that they would not be able to understand fully. You would make them sign it if they wanted to continue working for you. Then, a few weeks later, you could pull out the contract to show them and make them strip and pole dance to music if they wanted to keep their jobs. You could post a video on here!
(This post may be a mistake, but anything for Mr. GN...)
Chech and halcog did Bigblu won quize, rubbed by me?
Bigblue kept missing the answers GN and you were kind enough to keep asking him until he got one right! He worked hard on them and you were very kind about it. Your swenglish questions were not that easy to get sometimes.
Bigblue kept missing the answers GN and you were kind enough to keep asking him until he got one right! He worked hard on them and you were very kind about it. Your swenglish questions were not that easy to get sometimes.
Thanks Whalen now I have some homework to do I see you next year same months
Yeah it's 79 pages GN, you need some help with the list? We can start a thread and get it straightened out! We pretty much Know who is who, I am worried that this is weighing down your soul, It was all meant to be fun, capish? Just ask.............. don't be shy! We can put a panel of experts to work on it//////////
LOS ANGELES - Dennis Hopper, the high-flying Hollywood wild man whose memorable and erratic career included an early turn in "Rebel Without a Cause,"...