Thank You GN!

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  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Thank You GN!

    I got some GN lössnus in the mail today, and I'll review them all in this post. The first I tried is coffee. This has a nice flavor. The coffee is subtle, and not overdone. It has a medium grind, and medium saltiness, and is on the dry side. IMO, this is how coffee snus should be done. The tobacco flavor really comes through, and the coffee enhances it, rather than being the main attraction. The back flavor is an Ettan-like butteriness, but not as pronounced as Ettan. Very nice, and a real winner. I'd love to see this released as a retail product.

    Thanks again GN, and more to come later as I get to them...

    The physical characteristics are the same as the coffee. The salt seems to be reduced in this. The very first thought I had when putting it in was 'Copenhagen snuff'. That left quickly, and the scotch started to reveal itself. An Islay was a good choice for this. I'm not sure a regular highland would have been distinct enough to hold up the snus; not without using some kind of extract anyway. This is a very mellow snus, with a flavor that's a bit stronger than Kardus. The scotch compliments the tobacco very well, and the flavor lasts longer than I would have expected. This is a perfect late night snus that would go well with a good English snuff, perhaps F&T Old Paris. Well done GN and company :^)

    L N5
    I'm assuming this is lime, and the number is a batch code. I say assuming because it doesn't taste like the lime I'm used to from America. It has lime characteristics, but it reminds me more of pine, or spruce needles. It tastes the way Bernard Fichtennadel smells. This is actually a pleasant surprise. Slightly tart, and a bitter peel flavor. IAs is typical for all the GN snus I've had, the flavoring was added with a light hand. I especially like that it favors the bitter side, rather than being sweet. Very well done. Hitting 3:3 so far, but we still have the melons coming up. I'm not a big fan of fruit outside of citrus. I /like/ them, but they typically aren't something I want with tobacco, and wouldn't normally buy them myself. The three I've had so far I would absolutely put my money down for, especially the Bowmore.

    First taste is Jolly Rancher watermelon sans sweetness. It doesn't have a bit of sweetness, and the salt is noticeable which gives it a unique character for those familiar with the candy. It's quite tart, but mellows nicely after 15 minutes or so. This is a good snus fr those that like watermelon flavor. It's different, and the lack of sweetness is a great change. Personally, I'm not a fan of watermelon. This is a snus I'd buy the occasional tin of, and not by the roll. I could see me using a tin or two of this through the warm weather months. I'd highly recommend this for people that like flavored snus. It's great that it doesn't have sweetener. For those that like more traditional fare, I'd proceed with caution. Everyone should have a tin, but I wouldn't recommend a roll buy off the start.


    Last one

    Sweet Melon

    I was expecting something with artificial sweetener, but was pleasantly surprised. What it tastes like to me is a toned down watermelon(Jolly Rancher), with a subtle back taste of cantaloupe. The tartness is toned down in this, and it doesn't taste quite as salty. The differences between the two aren't very great, but I think I prefer this one. It's just a bit mellower, and the flavor is a bit more complex. Again, this isn't something I look for in a snus flavor, but those that like melon should really dig this.

    Four great snuses from a great snus maker. There's something here for everyone, but even the "strange" flavors don't depart drastically from the traditional Swedish formula. Very well done all around, and I especially appreciate the light touch with flavoring, though the melons were a bit stronger than the others. The Bowmore, coffee, and lime would be roll purchases for me, while the melons I would pick up a tin or two; most likely the sweet melon as opposed to the watermelon.

    Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to try these GN. I REALLY hope the Bowmore, coffee, and lime make it to full time production, and can be had in the USA. They're world class snuses that deserve a wide audience :^)

    The melons seem to hit me harder than the other snuses. I've had to spit both out sooner than the other snuses, and the nicotine seems to linger. I don't know if it's a flavor thing, or the snus is stronger, but I really feel it.
  • Premium Parrots
    Super Moderators
    • Feb 2008
    • 9759

    I just got home to a nice assortment of snus from Dear Mr. GN. I'm about to toss in a pris of coffee myself. It looks pretty moist to me. Thanks you kind sir. Give me a few days to give these a good try and I will post my reviews. Thank you so much mate, this was quite unexpected. Glenn
    Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

    I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


    • Snusdog
      • Jun 2008
      • 6752


      Just got mine today!!!! Christmas has come early!!!!

      I will go through these one at a time (maybe two at a time) so I can give undivided attention to each. The Bowmore will be the first I try and then probably the coffee. I will review each as I go...........Man I can't wait to get started

      Thank you Thank you my brother!
      When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


      • bill77.017
        • Jul 2010
        • 2279

        That's so cool. Ixskllr, the Coffee lös sounds really good! Can't wait to hear the rest of your reviews guys!!! Good on you GN!!


        • tattooer601
          • Jun 2010
          • 942

          Thank you GN.....
          For being a awesome fellow,and getting personal reviews.....
          Very admiral sir....


          • whalen
            • May 2009
            • 6593

            Coffee Los -The coffee flavor is not overdone, this is super moist but packs a nice prilla. The a lait flavor is an interesting note, Defiantly a creamy effect, yet with a caramel tone to it, not a candy sweet taste, but rich and milky. Also, not sickly sweet which is a big win for me, there is nothing worse than a artificial artifact flavor, that is not present here.

            Now the underlying tobacco is spicy! Fades a bit as tobacco taste does, and gets a Ettan like Hazelnut base note. After a real blast of fresh notes from all the coffee, milk, caramel, hot spicy, it really gets it together with a nice coffee dominate fade after thirty minutes or so. No off notes or overpowering aftertastes. I think I will have no problem giving this one a whole can review. Nice. The spicy tobacco really carries the flavor well.

            My package had the can of sweet melon open and it was a bit of a mess in there, but got it back into the can and thank god only one can opened. The sweet melon smell is wild!

            Sweet Melon - Oh man! You guys really got the taste right on this one, but that spicy Tobacco, WoW! This one tastes just like, wait for it, A perfectly ripe honeydew melon! Me likey. And Jalapeno. This one really gets my tastebuds going, along with the nose. The grind wonderful, i swiped up a hill billy and it placed and stayed perfectly. It has a light burn and sweet sweet melon. But there is no sweet to it, just that fresh squeezed honey dew melon taste. This I really really like, and will give it a real go. What a wonderful refreshing taste.............Try it boys.....!

            One wonderful thing is i am not getting any chemical aftertaste or sweetener taste at all. That turned me off right away on the other melons and coffee snus i have had from the other companies. I am trying to be unbiased and as honest as possible, but these are really wild.

            I do not know what the mg content of these snus are, but so far I have not had any undesired heart probl.....ems...yet.
            THIS May be a long term love snus for me too............ I really like it for a daytime flavor.
            Bowmore Los - Well I have been called in to work this week (yay!), and I have a two hour one way commute, and new los to try. Perfect amount of time to evaluate a los snus.

            The Bowmore los has presented a challange! This is a simply wonderful and surprising discovery, I have been trying to find a snus to compare it too without any luck. The grind is medium, the salt is light, I like it that way. The base tobacco is in a word smooth, Reminds me of a Virginia. Ok try to stay with me here, this is a smooth Los, there is nothing out of balance at all. I get a lovely taste of sweet salted butter, I know that sounds weird, but you know how a butterscotch tastes, imagine reducing the sweet way down, but keep the butter. Now add a fine cask aged Islay Scotch, not to strong just a real fine scotch Flavor like after finishing a glass with an extra cube, add a little of the cask wood to the mix.

            Now imagine all of these flavors as one, and then smoothing it all out so that none predominate, no big scotch blast, no big tobacco spike. Just an echo, nothing out of place, I liken this to a dessert time snus, You can take your time exploring all of the nuances of the scotch. a little salt, smoke, and that really weird buttery smoothness. I have never had anything like this, and all I can say is it is like a really well crafted Kardus. I like to drift around in the flavor, hunt for this and that, and find everything there and just a dreamy, rich, smooth blend of flavors.

            Probe Whiskey and Brandy Alexander are just rude compared to the Bowmore, loud, and over done. This is a snus to sit back in front of a warm fire and take your time with, there is a lot to like, and more importantly nothing to dislike, no overwhelming salt, spice, or Harsh tobacco taste, just buttery smooth lightly smokey scotch, and a well aged one at that, this taste and finish is like a 18 year or better scotch, nothing harsh , just smooth as can be.

            Be prepared to find yourself exploring the flavor, searching for all the range of tastes it contains. I get butter, smokey oak, hazelnut, chocolate, 18 year Highland Park Scotch.

            Watermelon - Basicaly exactly what Lxskllr said, great Watermelon taste, clean not sweet, that part is great. But there is too much salt - ruins it for me. I never have loved real salty snus. Tone the salt down and give it another go GN. The coffee, bowmore, and sweet melon are clear winners, and I am using it heavily in rotation, coffee is great. Thank you for finally yielding to all the pleading, threats, and grief we gave you about this coffee snus, I really love it. Just wondering what PP thinks of it, I give it a perfect rating myself.

            So far I love the Coffee in the AM, Sweet melon the rest of the day, and a bowmore to relax.

            I am getting to the lime next.............
            wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


            • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
              • Mar 2011
              • 7035

              Originally posted by whalen
              The coffee flavor is not overdone, this is super moist but packs a nice prilla. The a lait flavor is an interesting note, Defiantly a creamy effect, yet with a caramel tone to it, not a candy sweet taste, but rich and milky. Also, not sickly sweet which is a big win for me, there is nothing worse than a artificial artifact flavor, that is not present here.

              Now the underlying tobacco is spicy! Fades a bit as tobacco taste does, and gets a Ettan like Hazelnut base note. After a real blast of fresh notes from all the coffee, milk, caramel, hot spicy, it really gets it together with a nice coffee dominate fade after thirty minutes or so. No off notes or overpowering aftertastes. I think I will have no problem giving this one a whole can review. Nice. The spicy tobacco really carries the flavor well.

              My package had the can of sweet melon open and it was a bit of a mess in there, but got it back into the can and thank god only one can opened. The sweet melon smell is wild!

              Sweet Melon - Oh man! You guys really got the taste right on this one, but that spicy Tobacco, WoW! This one tastes just like, wait for it, A perfectly ripe honeydew melon! Me likey. And Jalapeno. This one really gets my tastebuds going, along with the nose. The grind wonderful, i swiped up a hill billy and it placed and stayed perfectly. It has a light burn and sweet sweet melon. But there is no sweet to it, just that fresh squeezed honey dew melon taste. This I really really like, and will give it a real go. What a wonderful refreshing taste.............Try it boys.....!

              One wonderful thing is i am not getting any chemical aftertaste or sweetener taste at all. That turned me off right away on the other melons and coffee snus i have had from the other companies. I am trying to be unbiased and as honest as possible, but these are really wild.

              I do not know what the mg content of these snus are, but so far I have not had any undesired heart probl.....ems...yet.
              9 mg nic


              • whalen
                • May 2009
                • 6593

                SPlains the lack of spitting GN! I am all over this Melon GN............Purrrrrfect....!

                What is so spicy GN? just tobacco? Nice and spicy! Or after thirty minutes, spicy and nice lasting pure melon flavor.
                wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


                • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                  • Mar 2011
                  • 7035

                  Originally posted by whalen
                  SPlains the lack of spitting GN! I am all over this Melon GN............Purrrrrfect....!

                  What is so spicy GN? just tobacco? Nice and spicy!
                  I am sleeping by the way , you woke me up;(


                  • dman21
                    • Jul 2012
                    • 1141

                    Is this just los, or does it come in portion form too?


                    • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                      • Mar 2011
                      • 7035

                      Hrrhreehrerr pshui hrrrrrrr pshuyyyyy ......


                      • whalen
                        • May 2009
                        • 6593

                        May you have fallotta vagina dreams GN!
                        wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


                        • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                          • Mar 2011
                          • 7035

                          Originally posted by whalen
                          May you have fallotta vagina dreams GN!
                          ............... Hrhrhrhrhrhr sleep tight brothers


                          • whalen
                            • May 2009
                            • 6593

                            You Too! Sweet Ladies dreams with chocolate and Brandy. I am having multiple los anus dreams. Five cans worth. (Thanx and congrats) Go snore softly Santa snus.
                            wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


                            • GoVegan
                              • Oct 2009
                              • 5603

                              GN you make our forum and the world for that matter, a better place to be!


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