I have to agree that the lime flavoring is perfect. Please don't add any more.
Thank You GN!
Originally posted by lxskllrThe thing I really appreciate about these snuses is the level of flavoring used. I was pleased with all of them as far as flavor goes.
Originally posted by crullersI agree that the flavouring is very nicely done and I would be perfectly happy with it the way it is. If it is marketed as a lime snus there might be some grumblings from those who would be expecting a more apparent lime flavouring. I think this could be called "Oden's Green" because green is what comes to my mind when I taste it.the name is done
I second the Odens green los idea, and for me the salt should stay where it is! I give the lime a 4. Bowmore a 5 plus, also the coffee is a perfect 5, the sweet melon is becoming my favorite of the others. Watermelon a 3 because of salt.
I am afraid the Sweet melon will become a favorite during the day snus and you will not make it, I like a light and lively day time flavor and sweet melon is all of that. I like Coffee til noon, then sweet Melon all day and Bowmore after the sun goes down. That is mt current pattern, and i am just as happy as can be with these. I always use at least three snus, any one gets overwhelming.wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!
Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden ABI need your help guys and honest one
Loose the structure and taste and tobacco and everything else compare to others
How is it if 5 points is best loose snus where are we ? 5, 4, 3 or maybe less? Can you help me I need honest answer , thank you
Btw i'm digging your new sig brother
Originally posted by bill77.017GN, after trying the Lime lös for a few days now, i'd give it a 3.5, the reason? it's a great Snus, the base tobacco is good, but for me the lime flavor is a touch on the bitter side and could be a little sweeter. Don't know what the Bowmore, coffee and others taste like unfortunately, but that's my honest opinion brother.
Btw i'm digging your new sig brother
Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden ABThanks for truth brother
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For what? For looking here and might be you can help me With this:
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