loving some skruf stark los in rizla... yeah this is great... but is it ok to have the paper in your mouth? (i am using the silver rizla as i think they are the thinnest here in the uk)
loving los wrapped up in a rizla but is paper safe?
Paper might be a problem. Humans cannot produce cellulase the paper won't dissolve. Small bits will break off and inevitably be swallowed. This creates a problem because the binding affinity of the fiberglass in the los snus. It will bind to the paper and travel through your system wreaking havoc along the way. You might notice some swelling in your abdomen. This will most likely be caused by internal bleeding thus creating a sack that fills with blood. You'll be fine until it ruptures then all hell will break loose. Avoid the paper, man.
It's way better to put it in without wrapping it up...if y'know what I mean.