Best snus?

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  • Patrik

    Best snus?

    I have been using icetool since last year. It really is amazing, thanks for that guys! I usually use Ettan (15 years), but now I have been wondering should I change, or can I find even better? Ettan is great, it taste good and works with Icetool so well.

    Have you guys...or anyone found better?
  • rEd

    Cannot say anything else that:: Røda Lacket


    • ice
      • Oct 2005
      • 142

      Hey, don't change! Why even bother... ettan is ettan. :lol:


      • GO General

        Nothing else to say. Go Generel!! :wink:


        • _CozzU_
          New Member
          • Apr 2006
          • 3

          Röda Lacket !!!!


          • limpo
            New Member
            • Apr 2006
            • 1

            röda lacket, skruf


            • DCLXVI

              Originally posted by GO General
              Nothing else to say. Go Generel!! :wink:

              Hell yeah.. I agree. Nothing beats General
              But drinking a glass of milk while snuffing Probe Whiskey is a ****ing experience I tell you :mrgreen:


              • Guest's Avatar

                i've tried:

                skruf tranbar, skruf strong, gotenborg rape, roda lacket, general white, general, general onyx, ettan, probe, grovsnus, and gustavus...

                i like general onyx, roda lacket, and skruf tranbar the best. i think they're all pretty good though...just in different ways. next time i'll order some catch and other flavored ones just to try :]


                • Lucky Bastard

                  have anyone tryed Lucky Strike?


                  • DCLXVI
                    New Member
                    • Apr 2006
                    • 7

                    Originally posted by Lucky Bastard
                    have anyone tryed Lucky Strike?
                    I were actually going to ask that myself. Best cigg around in my opinion.


                    • Skruf<3

                      skruf is the best

                      I've tryed almost all of the snus that exist. skruf (all skruf's) general (all of the general "family") röda lacket (løs and port.), metropo (løs and port.) strongcut (gin and orginal) prince pors. ettan, granit (all granit's not loose ) kronan, grov snus (port. and løs) rallarsnus:P, Göteborg rape, whiskey probe (port. and løs), Roots, Lime & Licorice, catch (almost every of them), knox and yes i even tryied the mocca:P..

                      when I snuffing.. im looking for this real "snuff-effect". And my experience with this is that Skruf Strong is the best "løs" snus wich also have the most nicotin in it.. the best portion snus is strongcut, I like the strongcut gin best wich also have a lot nicotin in it.. 11mg/g.. u also have the granit maxi wich have 12mg/g nicotin, this is also a real nice snus.. but the portions are really big..:P


                      • Skruf Bjelle
                        New Member
                        • Apr 2006
                        • 5

                        I agree with Skruf<3. Skruf snus is definitely the strongest and the snus with most effect. I think Ettan is too mild, but I really like the aroma.
                        In my opinion, the most important thing is to variate between the different brands to get the top notch snus-feeling.


                        • Skruf&lt;3
                          • Apr 2006
                          • 16



                          • Raster

                            Everything goes... but only one is Ettan :P


                            • TheCanuck
                              • May 2006
                              • 38

                              Like Skruf<3 I bought a huge selection and tried almost every kind. Finally I settled on Goteborg's Rape, and I used that almost exclusively.
                              Untill...I bought a box of Kardus and tried that. It might not be for everybody but I found it the very best snus for me with a perfect cut and delicious taste. Since I use a very small amount each day, one box of Kardus lasts me about 2 months. I bought two more when The Northerner put them on sale and vacuum-packed them and put them in my freezer. At the sale price and with 100g in each box, it's not crazy expensive.
                              I still use the Goteborg's Rape sometimes for a change, I like the different flavor, but 9 times out of 10 I use Kardus. I hope they release it again next year!

                              I just noticed The Northener has a mistake on their web site...the price is listed as €1073.40 per box!!! :shock: I paid about US$25 last time.
                              Also, here is a translation of the book in Swedish that comes with the Kardus snus:

