Originally posted by dman21
Fairly new to snus could really use some help.
Lots of good advice here I'll recap and reiterate:
1. Your tastes will change over time, sometimes very quickly. Hell I've started out with a snus I've loved and by the end of the tin I've grown tired of it.
2. Nicotine levels are weird for me. There are times when I'll go a week with just regular portions, and strong or extra strong portions make me ill. Then there are times when only a strong portion will do. So don't feel like you have to have that extra nic, rather go for what flavor you like. When I go for flavor I find I'm more satisfied.
3. When I first started snusing a couple years ago I was bound and determined to find that one flavor I liked and stick with it, much like with cigarettes, where you find that one brand and it becomes your brand. But that doesn't seem to work with snus. Snus flavors are more like cigars: you might find a particular flavor you gravitate toward (General for me), but the joy in snus comes from variety. I always have several cans open in the fridge for this reason, with my long term stash in the freezer.
4. If the regular size portions feel too big in your mouth, consider folding. Everyone has their own method, but I fluff out the snus so it fills the whole portion, then gently flatten that portion, then fold it in half longways, like a hot dog. Then cram the portion up in your lip. I'd say I fold 90% of my portions, its just more comfortable for me.
I agree with everything you said, postjack. When I first started snusing, I thought the whole idea of a rotation was absurd. The longer I snus, the more it makes sense. The only reason I am not rotating right now is because I don't have a fridge available to me for my snus as I'm home from school on winter break, so I just keep one tin at a time open right now. But once winter break ends, I will resume rotating.
Originally posted by dman21I agree with everything you said, postjack. When I first started snusing, I thought the whole idea of a rotation was absurd. The longer I snus, the more it makes sense. The only reason I am not rotating right now is because I don't have a fridge available to me for my snus as I'm home from school on winter break, so I just keep one tin at a time open right now. But once winter break ends, I will resume rotating.
And now I've gone off topic... sorry Paco, I just got excited talkin' bout snus.
So for anyone that might like an update, after the advice I got I have been positioning the portion (mini) near my front teeth but more near the canine tooth on the left. I have been putting the portion on my tongue and sweeping it to the left and then shoving it back towards the right (giggity) so the portion goes behind the canine and left front tooth. Seems pretty good so far. I don't think I could put it dead center or even behind the first tooth on either side, I felt way to much like a chipmunk or beaver when I tried it that way