Snusing with Invisalign Braces?

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  • CzechCzar
    • Jun 2010
    • 1144

    Snusing with Invisalign Braces?

    So, this morning, I got invisalign braces. I realized in terror after paying that snus might be a problem. I asked the dentist and she said it was probably better to abstain. Does anyone have any experience with this? Any help would be appreciated!!
  • whalen
    • May 2009
    • 6593

    Originally posted by CzechCzar
    So, this morning, I got invisalign braces. I realized in terror after paying that snus might be a problem. I asked the dentist and she said it was probably better to abstain. Does anyone have any experience with this? Any help would be appreciated!!
    Abstaining? never been able to get the hang of abstaining, hard as i try.
    wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


    • Skell18
      • May 2012
      • 7067

      The snus shouldn't be anywhere near your teeth or where the braces are attached to your teeth so I wouldn't see a problem with it, esp with portions possible you could nick the pouch with them but its been a good 20 or so years since I ever had braces. Could understand with dip or chew as bits would get stuck under the braces and would rot your teeth. Just keep them clean and snus away I say.


      • Mdisch
        • Jul 2011
        • 805

        Originally posted by Skell18
        The snus shouldn't be anywhere near your teeth or where the braces are attached to your teeth so I wouldn't see a problem with it, esp with portions possible you could nick the pouch with them but its been a good 20 or so years since I ever had braces. Could understand with dip or chew as bits would get stuck under the braces and would rot your teeth. Just keep them clean and snus away I say.
        I'm with Skell here, it shouldn't be touching at all anyways so you should be in the clear - Abstaining from snus is too difficult anyways, I'd be more likely to just dump the braces, hehe.


        • CzechCzar
          • Jun 2010
          • 1144

          What I feared has come to pass: since tobacco mixed with water in brown, after 10 minutes with a snus in, the entire upper invisalign was brown. Not good. About to try lower-lipping it - let's hope it works!!


          • CoderGuy
            • Jul 2009
            • 2679

            I actually have Invisiline too and experienced the same thing. My solution? I wear them 1/2 the time. Teeth are moving just fine.

            In the beginning, I tried switching to snuff, but it still bothers my sinuses way too much. So I tried abstaining, just didn't work. I go back every three weeks to get the new trays and the dentist was complimenting how well they are moving, until I told her I wore them 1/2 time, then the next visit she made me wait another week as she said "they didn't move enough, you should wear them 22 hrs a day". So the next week I told her I took her advice and am wearing them all the time, and she said, "It shows, keep it up."

            At the very least, you could pop them out for an hour or so while you are snusing several times a day and pop them back in when done.


            • Skell18
              • May 2012
              • 7067

              Originally posted by CoderGuy
              I actually have Invisiline too and experienced the same thing. My solution? I wear them 1/2 the time. Teeth are moving just fine.

              In the beginning, I tried switching to snuff, but it still bothers my sinuses way too much. So I tried abstaining, just didn't work. I go back every three weeks to get the new trays and the dentist was complimenting how well they are moving, until I told her I wore them 1/2 time, then the next visit she made me wait another week as she said "they didn't move enough, you should wear them 22 hrs a day". So the next week I told her I took her advice and am wearing them all the time, and she said, "It shows, keep it up."

              At the very least, you could pop them out for an hour or so while you are snusing several times a day and pop them back in when done.
              I really hope you then dropped it on here that you were still only wearing them half the time and she was soooo talking shit! If I was your dentist I would have bought you a beer for that one


              • CoderGuy
                • Jul 2009
                • 2679

                Originally posted by Skell18
                I really hope you then dropped it on here that you were still only wearing them half the time and she was soooo talking shit! If I was your dentist I would have bought you a beer for that one
                LOL na, one thing I have learned about doctors; as long as they think you are doing what they want you to, they are happy.


                • Thunder_Snus
                  • Oct 2011
                  • 1316

                  Are they for all the teeth? I know some people only have braces for a certain portion of teeth. Theres always that uncovered spot but im guessing thats not the case for you. Like someone else stated, probably wouldnt hurt to pop them out for a while while you snus. You could even alternate maybe lower lip it sometimes so youre not constantly taking only the top one out.


                  • CoderGuy
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 2679

                    Originally posted by Thunder_Snus
                    Are they for all the teeth? I know some people only have braces for a certain portion of teeth. Theres always that uncovered spot but im guessing thats not the case for you. Like someone else stated, probably wouldnt hurt to pop them out for a while while you snus. You could even alternate maybe lower lip it sometimes so youre not constantly taking only the top one out.
                    They are plastic trays that fit over all top and bottom teeth, removable, very convenient and much cheaper than traditional braces.


                    • CzechCzar
                      • Jun 2010
                      • 1144

                      Just figured out that the juice that gets trapped under the top can be easily swished out with some water. That combined with lower-lipping ought to get me through the day.


                      • Thunder_Snus
                        • Oct 2011
                        • 1316

                        Originally posted by CoderGuy
                        They are plastic trays that fit over all top and bottom teeth, removable, very convenient and much cheaper than traditional braces.
                        I was one of the fortunate ones that never needed braces.


                        • CzechCzar
                          • Jun 2010
                          • 1144

                          I have now had the braces for a month, and am officially a giant, sandy vagina. I tried a Grov portion, because I still miss the flavor of tobacco, and had to spit it out after 10 minutes because it made me sail high as a kite.

                          Snuff has killed my nic tolerance. FTW.


                          • david985
                            New Member
                            • Nov 2017
                            • 1

                            I think so. Do not wait.


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