Whenever I'm out snusing, my lips get really chapped. I assume it's from the salt content, does this happen to everybody?
Dry lips
I never have this problem. It may be from mouth breathing with your snus.
I've found that anyone I know that uses chapstick never stops. I can see using something when I need it maybe in the winter for me.
Chapstick seemed to make my lips worse when I stopped using it. So I never touch the stuff now.
Originally posted by bakerbarberI've found that anyone I know that uses chapstick never stops. I can see using something when I need it maybe in the winter for me.
I cant say that I've reached "habitual" chapstick use, but I definately keep it handy. Living in this heat coupled with somewhat regular lip-licking due to snus use can cause one heck of a split lip. If my lips start gettin dry, I get a preemptive strike before I have to spend the next 2 weeks trying to heal cracked lips.
I think xobloot needs to stop licking his lips and/or falling asleep with the Phantom Blue los in his mouth.
Well, I have never had a problem with chapped lips because of snus. I think chapstick could be fine in the short run. I think wet lips are too womanly to continue using CS in the long run :twisted:
My lips got dry when I began to use lös but, never did when I used portions. I figured it was because the pris is thicker than the portion and, would keep my lips from coming together. This caused me to breathe thru my mouth which, dried them out.
As my lip stretched a bit, I could close them and the dry lips stopped.
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